Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Monkey Joe

Both Atlanta-based Monkey Joe’s Parties and Play and Hallandalw Beach, Fla.-based European Wax Centert are scouting the area fornew sites. Matthew a retail broker at NewQuest Properties who is representingg both retailers inleasr negotiations, says European Wax Center has signeds two leases and is currently negotiating for two Monkey Joe’s is initially looking for thred sites in the local according to Reed. Monkey Joe’s caters to childrejn ages two to 12 withgianf air-filled structures, obstacle courses and developmentakl games.
The locations also featurwe private party roomswith on-site party planning and concession as well as a parent’s lounge with big-screen TVs and free Interner access. Monkey Joe’s is ownerd by Atlanta-based Raving Brands Inc. The privatel held company also ownsPlaney Smoothie, Doc Green’s, Shane’s Rib Shack, Boneheads and Flyinvg Biscuit. With the exception of Planegt Smoothie, none of those brands currently operate in The franchisee forMonkey Joe’as in Houston, John Rush, coulc not be reached for comment, but Reed says the companyu is currently working on lease agreements in West the Willowbrook area and in Humble.
He expecte the first location to open by the end of the He says eachMonkey Joe’s site must span 15,00 0 square feet and have ceilings at leasy 22 feet high to accommodats the inflatable structures. Meanwhile, European Wax Center is planninyg to bring itsproprietary four-step waxing systemn to the local market and has already signed two The first European Wax Center is scheduled to open in River Oaks Plazwa at 1564 West Gray on June 15. A seconcd center, slated to open later this will be located in the West University area at 5154Buffall Speedway. Reed says ther e are also deals in the works in theMemoriapl area, the Woodway/Voss area and the Galleriaz area.
“We plan to enterr all upscale subdivisionsaround Houston,” says Judd who owns the franchise rights in Houston and Dallas. who is also a franchisee and developer for MassagedEnvy Ltd. LLC, says he planes to open 30 to 40 waxing salonxs in Houston alone over the next four to five The European Wax Center concept caterzs to men and women ages 18 to 44 and billds itself as offering affordable waxing with the most expensiv e service beinga $35 Brazilian wax. In additionm to individual services, the centers offer monthly memberships for Members receive a 30 percent discounyt onall services. Miller compares European Wax Centerto Ariz.
-based Massage Envy, which is structured to offer affordable services to the masses. Massagw Envy members pay $49 per month for a one-houdr massage and can add additional massagesfor $39. Millere doesn’t consider expanding into the waxin business during the economic downturn a risk becausse ofthe value-priced European Wax Centerf concept. “If you look around, all of the businessezs performing well are businesses that provide value to the he says. “People are still spendinf money as long as they are receiving a valude fortheir money.” European Wax currently has nine locations one in California, one in Arizona and sevenj in Florida.
Others are on the way in Nevada and In the pastsix months, the company has sold more than 50 with 100 locations anticipated by the end of this Current expansion plans included Nevada, Texas, New New Jersey, California, Florida and European Wax Center is set to open 85 locationw in the Texas market over the next four years. Whiler Monkey Joe’s and European Wax Center are expanding, other franchisews aren’t experiencing the same growth. The Franchised Business Economic Outlookfor 2009, prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, forecastx that the number of franchises will decline in 2009 by 1.2 from nearly 865,000 to less than 855,000 a net loss of some 10,000 establishments.
These estimatedc declines can be attributed, in part, to the unfoldingg credit crisis.

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