Monday, October 31, 2011

Cameras puts brakes on bad intersections - Business First of Buffalo:
The unanimity of opinion was whatsurprised me. I know it happens; every driver has a storyg of a collision or near accidentg which they witnessed or in which they were But the drivers at the meetiny insisted it is aregular occurrence, especially late at There is one particular intersectioj where I have seen repeated daytimee accidents. Several years ago I called the Buffalo Policew Accident Investigation office and asked whether they kept recordas on accident frequency atcertain locations. They do. I mentioneed Delaware and Summer. They said they’ds check and call me back. They calledd a week or so latef and reported they had found no current statistics.
Fragments of shattered headlight and busted bumpers could usually be easily seen littered alonhgthe curb, but theree were no statistics. As the participants at the meeting engagerd in a lively dialogue about such dangerousdrivingh habits, they stressed that they found such lawless behaviot both reprehensible and dangerous. They claimeed to have never done sucha thing. Meanwhile, as I I began feeling guilty because myrecord isn’ t impeccable. I know that on occasion I have “run” a red continuing on my way when I shouldhave stopped. Sometimes I may have even speeder up, and I feel fortunate that it nevet resulted inan accident.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Economic canaries sing faintly - Kansas City Business Journal:
Indicators whose health, like that of canaries in coal mines, signals the fitness of the economic air point to recovery in the secons half ofthe year, said Randell Kansas City-based editor of . It’ll be a slow return to vigor, though, and doubts remai n about how long a true recoverymight take. “Whej we talk about recovery in the second half ofthis we’re really not so much talking about the economyg growing again,” Moore said. “It’s just that so many factorse that were subtracting from growth over the last several quarters are simply going to stop subtracting from That at least gets us back to the zerostartinb point.
” Declining activity in manufacturing seemws to be improving to the point wherde it bodes well for the largedr economy. Housing inventories are beginningto shrink, alongg with the number of jobs beinf cut. Personal income rose slightly in April, and grosas domestic product contracted less in the first Business inventories are gettinvg closer tomatching demand.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Treasury 7-Year Note Auction May Draw 1.752% Yield, Survey Says - Bloomberg

Treasury 7-Year Note Auction May Draw 1.752% Yield, Survey Says


The Treasury Department's $29 billion sale of seven-year notes may draw a yield of 1.752 percent, according to the average forecast in a Bloomberg News survey of eight of the Federal Reserve's 22 primary ...

and more »

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

DHL, ABX air extend talks on leases - Business First of Columbus:
Wilmington-based ABX has been operating the aircrafyt on behalf of DHL under an existintg agreement that expires inAugust 2010. The new according to a March 18 memorandum of also would give DHL an optiojn to lease up to four additional The March memorandum of understanding provided that either partuy could terminate the MOU after April 10 if the partiesd did not enter into a definitive agreemenr bythat date. That potential termination date was extended Aprio 9 untilApril 30. According to a filingt with theon Friday, the parties have now extende d it further until May 15. “DHL and ABX are continuingb to work through thetransaction documentation,” the statemen said.
ABX Air provides air cargo and package sortinvg services for DHL at the WilmingtobnAir Park. DHL recently announced that it will shiftits U.S. air cargo hub back to a smaller facility atthe Cincinnati/Northerbn Kentucky International Airport later this year. The German shippingg giant mothballed the Northern Kentucky facility in 2005 when it movedd the air cargo and sortinb operations to Wilmington afteracquiringb . Last year, the company begann winding downits U.S. domestic packagre delivery operations, which were losinvg billions ofdollars annually.
The company has decidee to focus instead on international shipments into and out ofthe

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Salmond tells Westminster to keep out of referendum - Financial Times

Scotsman (blog)

Salmond tells Westminster to keep out of referendum

Financial Times

Addressing the SNP's first conference since it won an outright majority at May's Holyrood elections, Mr Salmond warned the coalition government at Westminster against interfering with the nationalists' promised referendum on independence. ...

Westminster plot to control referendum

Scotsman (blog)

Scotland's future will not be decided in Westminster, says Alex Salmond


Salmond: butt out Cameron

Herald Scotland

The Independent -Aberdeen Press and Journal


Friday, October 21, 2011

Vail Resorts profits off 29%, but they're ahead of Wall Street forecast - Denver Business Journal:
For the three months ending April 30, whic Broomfield-based Vail Resorts (NYSE: MTN) regards as its thirdd quarter, the mountain-resort and lodgings companyu posted earningsof $61.6 million, or $1.69 a share, down from $87.3 million, or $2.24 a in the same quarter a year Nevertheless, the company's profits beat Wall Streetg analysts' predictions. Analysts on average had expecte earningsof $1.56 per share, Thomson Reuters reported. Vail Resorts reportee Q3 revenueof $333.5 million, down 21 perceny from the year-ago quarter. Analysts had expected $339.7 million on It said operating expenses were down 20 to $198.1 million.
The companyy has saved considerably througjh pay cuts andother means. Vail Resortss operates the Breckenridge, Keystone and Beaver Creek ski areas in Colorado and Heavenly at Lake Tahode onthe California-Nevada line. It also operates , a chaih of luxury hotels. The company said its earningsz were helped by a 26 percent increasein 2008-0i9 season-pass revenue through increased sales and highef pass prices. But lift-ticket revenue was down 11 percenrt and skier visits were off9 percent. retail and ski school revenuealso declined. Real estatde revenue was down 82 percent; the company said it sold only one condlo unit in the quarter versus 17 ayear ago.
The quarterly resultas "were impacted by the continued severe downtur n inthe economy, driving lower destination visitation in the quarter," CEO Rob Katz said in a Vail Resorts said its outlook for the full fiscakl year is for earnings of $41 millio n to $51 million. "We are extremelu pleased with the significant increas e in our advance sprinh period pass sales for ourupcoming 2009/2010 ski Katz said. .

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Defense: NYC operative gave mayor slipshod budget - Kansas City Star


Defense: NYC operative gave mayor slipshod budget

Kansas City Star

AP A political operative accused of cheating Mayor Michael Bloomberg out of $1.1 million slapped together a slipshod budget for the billionaire's campaign because he believed no one cared about the details in a win-at- »

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The bureau reported that Ohio’a real Gross Domestic Product, which totals goods and services produced and adjustedfor inflation, shran 0.7 percent last year aftet a 0.2 percent gain in 2007. The national GDP, by stayed in growth mode but slowed toa 0.7 percentr gain, down from 2 percent in 2007. Ohio last year stoods as one of only 12 statesd to see negative GDP growth and notchefthe sixth-deepest decline. The largest drop came in Alaska at 2 percen t on a decline inpetroleum extraction.
The bureau attributed GDP contraction in the GreatgLakes region, which includes Ohio and four neighboring states, to declines in manufacturing and construction along with the financse and insurance industries. Breaking down the state’s economicv output per capita, Ohio’s real GDP stood at $33,568 last year, down from $33,829o in 2007. The state’s per-capita GDP was rankec 32nd in the nation. The national averagd per-capita GDP was $37,899 in compared with $37,967 the year the bureau said. Detailed tables on real GDP for Ohio and the natiobn are available for download byclickinh .

Friday, October 14, 2011

FDIC: Banks rebound to $7.6B Q1 profit - Memphis Business Journal:
billion profit in the first quartertof 2009, down $11.7 or 60.8 percent, from the $19.3 billiom that the industry earned in the first quarter of 2008. the first-quarter performance marks an improvement overthe . Highe loan-loss provisions, increased goodwill write-downs, and reducerd income from securitization activities all contributed tothe year-over-yeae earnings decline in the firsft quarter of 2009.
Three out of five insuredr institutions reported lower net incomew in the first quarter and one in fivewas "The first quarter resultzs are telling us that the bankinh industry still faces tremendous challenges, and that going asset quality remains a majodr concern," said FDIC Chairmann Sheila C. Bair in an statement. "Banke are making good efforts to deal with thechallengee they're facing, but today's repory says that we're not out of the woods To that point, 21 FDIC-insured institutions faileds during the first quarter -- the largest number sincd the fourth quarter in 1992.
And the FDIC'zs "Problem List" grew during the quarter from 252 to305 institutions, and tota l assets of problem institutions increased from $159 billio n to $220 billion. Insured institutionz set aside $60.9 billion in provisions for loan lossesw in the firstquarter -- up $23.7 billion, or 63.6 over the first quarter of 2008. Expenses for goodwill impairmeng and other intangible asset expenseastotaled $7.2 billion, compared with $2.8 billion a year These negative factors outweighed the positive effects of increaseed noninterest income (up $7.8 billion, or 12.8 percent), highee net interest income (up $4.4 billion, or 4.
7 and higher realized gains on securities and other assetx (up $1.9 billion). Insured institutions charged off $37.8 billiohn in bad loans in the first almost twicethe $19.6 billion of a year "Troubled loans continue to accumulate, and the coste associated with impaired assets are weighintg heavily on the industry's Bair noted. "Nevertheless, compared to a year ago, we see some Net interest incomeis higher, and noninterest revenue is up at larger banks, particularly tradinv revenues.
" Tier 1 capital reached a record high of almosty $70 billion, the largest quarterly increase ever reported by the However, much of the increase occurred at institutions that receive d capital from the 's Troubled Asset Relief Program Total assets declined by $302 billion due to downsizing by a few larged banks. Two-thirds of all institutions reported asset growth in the but reductions at eight large banks causede the industry totalto decline. Total loanws and leases fell by $159.6 billion (2.1 percent), while assets in trading accounts declinedby $144. billion (14.9 percent). The FDIC's Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) reserver ratio fell to 0.27 percent.
The DIF balanc declined from $17.3 billion at the end of 2008 (amende d from the originally reported unaudited balanc eof $19 billion) to $13 billion on March 31, 2009. the FDIC Board of Directors approved an amended restoration plan in Februarty that is designed to restore the DIF reserve ratioto 1.15 percen t within seven years. The FDIC has alreadu set aside $28 billion in reserve to cover projected losses for the next12 months. In the FDIC will collect morethan $8 billionj in premiums during the second quarter, including $5.6 billiojn from the special assessment the FDIC Boar d approved on May 22.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Citizens for Fire Safety: California Legislators Adopt Narrowed Fire Safety Exemption for Children's Products
July 8 /PRNewswire/ -- Heeding the callz of doctors, scientists and community activists formaintainingv children's fire safety, the Californiaq Assembly's Business and Professiond Committee severely limited and revised a SB 772, that woulf have drastically impacted fire safety regulationas in the state. The committee ultimatelyu made a more informed effectively restricting the scope and impacr ofthe legislation. SB 772 sought to fully exempt children's productsw from an important componentof California's tough fire safetty standards: the open-flame test.
However, after weeks of intense oppositionj from a broad coalition ofyouth groups, business groups, burn doctors and fire the committee opted to err on the side of cautio and significantly narrowed the exemptiohn to just four products, all of whichb would now require a label explicitly warningv the consumer that they will not pass California's stricy fire safety tests because they lack a flame retardant treatment. "While we are disappointed that the billwas passed, we are encouragex by the conscience of its amendments," said of Citizenxs for Fire Safety. "We'rse very proud of what the community was able toaccomplisuh today.
Thanks to them, legislatord now know of the disproportionate dangee children face from fire and the shalloswscience involved. We should have some momentu m as we return tothe Senate." Community activists, lead by members of the Inglewoocd School Board, Asian Business San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber, and some of the nation' s top burn physicians, submitted compelling testimony to the In one heartfelt plea to committee a 13 year old from Los Angeles pleadeds with the committee to "closse their eyes and visualize a child or familu member saying goodbye for the last time,"" because they might be lost in a This broad show of support comes despit desperate efforts by lead sponsor Friends of the Eartnh to castigate the ethics of many minority witnessesw who had come to Sacramento just a week earliefr to testify before another Assemblt committee.
In a recent pressa release by the organization, they go so far as to infedr that minority groupswere "mislead" and "unable" to make a determinationh of the true nature of this The bill will now returbn to the State Senate to approve or modifhy the amendments. Senator , the author of the accepted the amendments fearing the bill would not have the needeed majority to be approved as originally drafted and Citizens for Fire Safety is a coalition of medical fire personnel, businesses, and community activists who have joinec to ensure that communities across the natiomn are protected by the highest fire safety

Monday, October 10, 2011

Cree shares light up on higher guidance - Triangle Business Journal:
In an announcement made after the marketseclosed Tuesday, Cree said that it was raising its fiscaol fourth-quarter revenue and profiy targets due to stronger-than-expectefd orders for its light-emitting diodes and LED lightinfg products. Cree (Nasdaq: Cree) now expects revenue in the rangeof $143 millioh to $150 million, up from a range of $136 million to $143 announced in April. The compang raised its earnings projection to a rangew of 7 to 9 cents a share from a range of 5 to 7 centsda share. Investors responded with a flurruyof after-hours buying that extended into the start of the official trading session Wednesday morning.
Cree shares rocketed to as high as morethan $2 higher than they have been at any poiny in the past 12 months. Shares slid a bit in afternoonn trading but still closedup 9.3 percent, to Cree based its higher expectations on an increased number of orders for LED-powered light fixturesd as well as on higher sales of LEDs to providew backlighting in notebook computers. LEDs are semiconductors that produce “We are pleased with the strony booking trendsfor Q4,” Cree Chairmaj and CEO Chuck Swoboda said in a writtenm statement.
“We also remain optimistic about the growth potentiaol for LED lighting infiscal 2010, although theree is some near term executiojn risk as we ramp up productionm to meet these higher targets.” which has about 1,300 employees in the Raleigh-Durhamm area, operates two main lines of business. The company’ss LED Lighting division develops and sells products designedr to replace traditionallight bulbs. The company also sellsz LEDs that provide backlightinh formobile phones, car dashboards and a numberr of other products.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Two more leave BofA board - South Florida Business Journal:
According to a filing with the Securitiexs andExchange Commission, Prueher and Frank didn’t resign becausse of any disagreement with the company. Jackie Ward and Patriciaw Mitchell resigned earlythis month. Mitchell is a formerf New York television executive and currentlu serves as chief executive of the Paley Centeffor Media, a New York Ward is the retired chief executive of Atlanta-bases Computer Generation Inc., a software company. Robert Tillman, a formerr Lowe’s Cos. Inc. (NYSE:LOW) chief resigned from the BofA board effectiveMay 29. And on May 29, the bank announce d former lead independentdirector O.
Templse Sloan had left the BofA didn’t disclose Sloan’s reason for Sloan had been a BofA director for 13 Inearly June, four outside directors were elected to BofA’s They are former Federal Reserve Governord Susan Bies, former Compass Bancshares Inc. chief executive and chairman D. Paul former Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. chairman Donalcd Powell and retired Bank One and VisaInternational Inc. executive William Boardman. BofA’s boardx has been under intense scrutiny in recent months as the bank suffered through asharp stock-price declined after acquiring Merrill Lynch & Co. The Charlotte-basexd bank (NYSE:BAC) also has received $45 billioj in taxpayer aid.
At the bank’sd annual meeting in late April, shareholders voted to strip Chief Executive Kenneth Lewis of his position as board Walter Massey was installed as the new chairman and has indicated the boardf needs tobe re-evaluated. Lewis remains the bank’xs CEO and president.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Report: McDavid to buy Atlanta sports teams - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The deal is being finalizedd and could be announced by the end ofthe week, sourcex told ESPN. However, several AOL-Time Warner officiales denied that an agreemenyt hasbeen reached. They also said othef potential buyers remain in the running forthe "We're not going to commen on specific rumors regardinvg the sale of our sportsz teams, but we are currentlyg speaking with a number of interested company spokesman Greg Hughes told the Atlantwa Journal-Constitution. "We don't have a deal with anyonde at this time." McDavid could not be immediately reachedfor McDavid, founder and CEO of , has long had an interestr in owning sports teams. In McDavid joined Ross Perot Jr.
and othert investors in buying the Dallas Mavericksfor $125 They sold the team to Mark Cuban in Januarh 2000 for $280 million. McDavid had unsuccessfully attemptedd to buy a stake in the Charlotted Hornets of the NBA in 2001 and last year formedxa Dallas-based investment company with his Stephen Dieb, for the purpose of owning a sportss club. The firm, called DMc Group, told the Dallas Businesd Journal last year it was looking to buy a NBA or NFL In 1997, McDavid sold 70 percent of his stakw in David McDavid Auto Group to Connecticut-basedf Asbury Automotive Group.
Davidx McDavid Auto Group has 17 dealerships in Houston andthe Dallas-Fort Worth Since last year, AOL was rumoreds to be interested in selling some or all of its sportw franchises, which also include the . CEO Richard Parsonw told analysts Sept. 27, 2002 that he was "consideringf the sale" of the company'z sports franchises, which include the three professionap teams. Parsons said AOL would considersellinb "non-core assets," such as the Atlantza professional sports franchises, as a way to bolster AOL's balance sheet.
"We have prestige sports franchises andtwo state-of-the-art venuesd to showcase our AOL said in a prepared "As you would expect, we get unsolicited inquiriesd from time to time about the sale of one or more of our "In response to questions from investorz and analysts, AOLTW Corporate management has commented that undedr certain conditions, the compan y would not rule out a As a result, from time to third parties have expressed interest in one or more of our Frankly, we would be surprised if that didn't happen.
" On Bloomberg News reported that former Madison Square Garden President Dave Checketts will submit two bids to buy AOL Time Warner's pro one including the Braves and one without. Both bids will also includse Philips Arena andTurnere South. Checketts, who is backed by billionaire George Soros, "will submit his bids by the report said. Checketts spent Monday with AOL execsin Atlanta. He also has a bid in to purchassthe Dodgers.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Cold hands, warm hearts at breast cancer run - St. Catharines Standard

Baltimore Sun

Cold hands, warm hearts at breast cancer run

St. Catharines Standard

Madison Vine, a 20-year-old Brock student, after an anti-ran-dance at Sunday's CIBC Run for the Cure in Port Weller. Photo by Don Fraser. By DON FRASER Standard Staff It was a brush with a life-threatening disease that gave Annie Eckhardt, 61, ...

NFL Supports Breast Cancer Awareness

USA Today

Panera Bread Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Pink Ribbon Bagel(R)

MarketWatch (press release)

For many, it's personal

Montreal Gazette


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Uwajimaya Inc. Company Profile | Company Information
With over 400 employees Uwajimaya is one of the largest Asian grocery retailers in thePacific Northwest. Sincd the beginning, Uwajimaya has evolved beyond providin g basic grocery staples and become known as a touristg anddestination store. Uwajimayaz believes good customer serviceis paramount. Its reputation is built on being known as the information specialist on all things Asiamn and part of its mission is to educate the custome on all aspects ofAsian Uwajimaya's pre-eminence among Asian store comes from its use of modern technology, its emphasiss on cleanliness, and its adherence to its business Uwajimaya not only serve s the customer, but also the community at large by promotin g Asian cultures, sponsoring cultural eventz and shows, distributing educational and informationalp material, supporting many local programs and contributing to numerous The Seattle Uwajimaya store serves as an important focalk point of Seattle Chinatown/International Distric t and the region's diverse Asian community, the fastest growinv segment of the area'e population.
Each week, groups of students from local schools visit Uwajimayato observe, experience, and learn about the various Asiab cultures that Uwajimaya promotes. Uwajimaya continues to explorwe opportunities to selectively open new retail locations. Its goal is to be the premier provider of Asiab groceries to the ever growing popularit y and demand for quality Asian groceriesand gifts.