Thursday, June 30, 2011

GM will shed 38 dealers in Missouri, 29 in Kansas - Dallas Business Journal:
The bankrupt automaker (NYSE: GM) disclosedr the state-by-state breakdown in documents filerd Friday with a subcommittee ofthe U.S. Hous Committee on Energy and Commerce. That day also was the deadlinee for dealers to return agreements from GM that offerefd continued participation ora wind-down. At leasrt two Kansas City-area dealersd received wind-down agreements: in Kansas City and in Belton. The formere . A call Monday was not immediately returned.
GM, whicyh , is trying to pare its 6,000-dealer networj to about 3,600 top-performing The company’s sales have plummeted amid the About 1,350 dealers this month received notics that they needed to wind down as GM meaning they no longere will be able to buy new vehicles from GM. Abou 1,100 dealers received similar messages last GM spokeswoman Susan Garontakos said Monda that about 99 percent of dealers had returned thei r participation agreements by the Fridayh deadline and that about 98 percentof wind-down agreements had been returned. The compangy isn’t providing the names of the dealers. About 45 wind-down decisiona were reversed through anappeap process.
Dealers that didn’t return wind-down agreements by the deadline won’t receive financial assistance in the process, Garontakose said.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rejected campaign finance law was similar to Conn. measure -

Boston Globe

Rejected campaign finance law was similar to Conn. measure

The US Supreme Court on Monday ruled that an Arizona campaign finance law with similarities to a former provision in Connecticut law violates the First Amendment. The court struck down a law with "trigger" provisions, or supplemental ...

Will court decision impact state's public financing system?

Burlington Times News

Clean Election Ruling


Ruling could affect W.Va. Supreme Court races

Daily Mail - Charleston

Bloomberg -Press Herald -New York Times


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Ramsey officials consider privatizing water, sewer systems -

Ramsey officials consider privatizing water, sewer systems

The Borough Council approved a resolution May 25 authorizing borough clerk Meredith Bendian to advertise the sale of the systems. The bids are scheduled to be opened July 7. Borough officials will have one month to reach a decision on the sale and take ...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Ryan Dun Dead: He Bought Whole Bar Before Car Accident - International Business Times

Ryan Dun Dead: He Bought Whole Bar Before Car Accident

International Business Times

Ryan Dunn, best known as a member of 'Jackass,' died in a car accident on June 20, 2011. His 2007 Porsche 911 GT3 crashed into a wooded area and caught fire. He was reportedly speeding up to 140 miles per hour before he crashed. ...

Ryan Dunn Dead: 'Jackass' Star Bought Booze For Whole Bar

Gather Celebs News Channel


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Try, try again, Jackets - Business First of Columbus:
But the team learned loyalties in this town for teamsw not wearing scarlet and gray canbe fleeting. It took just days to put the Jacketd love affair on the rocks from the time Columbus Business First reportedr the club was in talkse to sell Nationwide Arena using alcohool and cigarette taxes to fund the deal to when lawmakera saidthey wouldn’t help after public uproar over the Few can dispute the role in this region’s The organization may have put a pitiful team on the ice for but being a part of the pro sports clique gives Columbus the national profile it pursuefd for decades.
And image and quality of life can be key ingredientz ineconomic development, which this area must be concernefd with as it tries to withstand the recession. Whicnh raises questions about the Jackets’ proposal and their timing. Should they have expected anything other than a backlash when suggestint a plan to take mone yfrom families’ pockets when many are struggling? Columbusd is sagging under record unemployment, and the team felt it appropriat to talk about dumping its financiakl problem onto hurting taxpayers? Did they expect the publicv would throw open its arms to picking up the tab for handsomelyg paid itinerant athletes?
Were they surprise d their legislative champions came to see the proposition for its economivc and political absurdity?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tax cap will be detrimental to education -

Tax cap will be detrimental to education

The property tax cap as proposed by the governor and negotiated by the legislative leaders does not address several main issues and will do further damage to New York state and north country public schools in particular. The issues it doesn't address ...

and more »

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Heinz History Center to run Fort Pitt Museum - Pittsburgh Business Times:
In March, the Fort Pitt Museum, which tellss the story of Pittsburgh’s French and Indian War roots, was short-listefd for closure by the Pennsylvania Historical andMuseuj Commission. On Wednesday, the commission announced it will beginn negotiating a management contract for the museumn with the History Center for a period of up to 10 History Center President and CEO Andy Masic pushed hard to win the righty to operate the FortPitt Museum. Two other groupss also expressed interest in takinyg onthe role: Friends of the Fort Pitt which submitted a competing plan to the commission, and Soldiersz & Sailors Memorial Hall, which ultimatelg did not submit a formal proposal.
Allowing the Fort Pitt Museuj to close would be a huge loss to the Masich said. “It would be like closinyg down our history and admittingwe can’g care for it anymore,” he Masich described the commission’s announcement as a firsg step in the process to secure a long-term agreement for managingy the museum. Masich said he wouldd like to see a final contract in whicb the state would continue to pay a portion of theestimatecd $500,000 annual operating costs of the museum and woulf give the History Center the ability to markety the museum and manage its educationall programming and outreach.
“It is my hope that we will be up and runningy in time for the schooo year andthe G-20 summit,” he said. The Fort Pitt Museum woulr join three other museums that operate under the HistortyCenter umbrella: the Westernh Pennsylvania Sports Museum, the Library & Archives and the Meadowcroft Rockshelter and Museum of Rural Life. “To understancd the Pittsburgh story, it is importantt to understandthe origins,” Masich said. “It will wonderfully complement what we are trying to do here at theHistorhy Center.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Survey: Americans lack knowledge about generics - Houston Business Journal:
And, while research has shown that generics have savexd the health care system anestimatedc $734 billion in the last 10 years, two-thirdws of those surveyed don’t know the true cost differences between generic and brand name drugs, according to the survey conducted by , a leading pharmact benefit management organization. “Using generics helps make health care more affordable withoutcompromisingb results,” Jacqueline Kosecoff, Prescription Solutions CEO said in a news release.
“Man y Americans erroneously believe that the most expensivre drug is always the most effective so by helping tochange perceptions, we can help peoplre save money and still get the best treatmeng available.” Thirty-one percent of respondents indicated they knew that a brandx name drug cost 50-70 percent more on averagw than its generic counterpart. Seventy-one percent of consumers remain concerneed about drug costs with more than one infour (27 percent) haviny either delayed filling, not filled, or not taken as directed a prescription drug to save Twenty-one percent of all respondents say they have talke to their doctor recently about switchinyg to a less expensive drug.
Fifty-seven percenr of those polled said they take prescriptiomdrugs weekly. Of those, 83 percent (or 47 percent of the tota sample) take generics. Of those who do not take generi drugs on aweekly basis, 58 percengt say it is because there is no generiv available for the drug they need. Sixty-four percent of those who take generics say their doctof recommended them and 43 percent say their pharmacisfrecommended them. Of those who do not take generic drugx on aweekly basis, 58 percentt say they would if their pharmacist broughf a generic to their attentio as a less expensive, identical and 52 percent say their doctore would have to recommend it.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sale of Avalon Pharmaceuticals completed - Charlotte Business Journal:
Shareholders of the Germantown company, which had been developinb cancer drugs and a biomarkefr technology that identified potentialcancerr treatments, have approved the sale to , basee in Newton, Mass., in a deal announcecd in October. Delisted from the Nasdaqa exchange, Avalon now stands as a subsidiaryg of ClinicalData (NASDAQ: CLDA), which said it is stillp determining its plans for the acquired company’s staff and “We’re interested in keeping strong operations” in Germantown, said Clinicak Data CEO Drew Fromkin, “We’re very focusedf on making sure we prioritize the programsw that provide the best returns for our shareholders.
” A decisio n on how to combine the two operations will probably be made in the next he said. Clinical Data expects to keep Avalon’z headquarters space in Germantown, but perhaps put some space up for Fromkin said. Avalon now leases nearly 56,000 square feet of office and lab space, some of it alreadhy subleased, at 20358 Seneca Meadows Parkway, in a contract that expirea inFebruary 2013. In the acquisition deal, forme r Avalon shareholders will exchange one share of theirt stockfor 0.0470 of a shares of Clinical Data commo n stock and a contingent-value right to receivd up to 0.
01175 more shares of common stockl based on payments that Avalon or Clinical Data receivew under certain Avalon contracts. For instance, Avalon recently endede a research partnershipwith , resulting in a $4 millioh payment from Merck to Avalon, which the loca company transferred to Clinicak Data. As a result of that payment, each stockholder has a contingent-valuwe right to receive at least 0.00940 of a share of Clinical Data common stock, payable aftef June 30, 2010. The deal ended a rocky periodefor Avalon, which found itselcf with few suitors and fewer financial resources to keep operatinfg as a stand-alone in part because its clinical programws were so early-stage.
After Avalon had trouble raisingb financing through much of 2007and 2008, CEO Ken Cartef began seeking potential acquirers in late June of last year. Two monthz later, with no bites, Avalon cut its staffv by a third, laying off 19 a move that triggered interest by some industryt players for apossibled partnership, straight stock acquisition and investments. However, as Avalon’xs financial situation continuedto decline, thosd players pulled back on thei offers. Left with few options and dwindling cash, Avalo n received the offer from Clinical Data inlate October.
The offerf provided for a $10 milliobn stock sale and what would ultimatelybe $4 milliojn in loans to sustaimn Avalon until the deal closed. Clinica l Data would also get an exclusive license to aspectsof Avalon’s core technology. Avalon’e board unanimously approved the terms days Despite Avalon’s rocky history, Clinical Data, which is also developing biomarker technology, said the smaller biotech is a good fit, especiallt with Clinical Data’s interes in getting into the fieled of oncology. Avalon “found themselves in a tough market after having just createdsome value,” Fromkin “It was an opportunity that we felt strongl y about pursuing.
” But Clinical Data has also reveales some financial limitations of its own. The new parent has previouslyy said it must raise moneu this year to help financwe Avalon operations afterthe acquisition. Clinical Data recentl y raised $50 million through an investment group affiliated with one of its board It also sold another genomics services divisionfor $17 million. “Oudr company has consistently run tighter than most biotech Fromkin said. “That’s very much in part to knowinhg our strong history ofraising capital. We’re shoulder to shoulde r with our investors.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

N.J. tax amnesty brings revenue windfall - New Mexico Business Weekly:
New Jersey expected to generate $100 million when the 45-dayh program was launched, but at its close last week had collecterd morethan $600 million in back taxees owed. Final revenue could increase byanother $50 million to $100 milliohn once the remaining 17,500 envelopez are opened and processed, the Governor’s Office New Jersey’s program, which ran from May 4 to June 15, permittede those owing back taxes from Jan. 1, 2002 and to Feb. 1, to settle up without penalty and for half theinterestf owed. Of the collectionsx processed to date, 56 percent were for the corporationbusinesxs tax, 23 percent for sales and use taxees and 14 percent for gross income tax.
A vote on a fina budget for New Jersey isexpected Thursday. Gov. Jon S. Corzinee would like to see the additional revenue be put towarf propertytax relief, which was slater to be eliminated for all but seniors and the disable d to address an up to $9 billion deficit in fiscal year 2010. In state Rep. John C. R-Lancaster, is pitching legislation for a one-time tax amnesty program as a budge fix forhis state. The bill woulrd permit a 90-day tax amnesty perioed during 2009-10 fiscal year. The bill is in the House Finance Committee. “New Jersey has confirmedf that this is a perfect time for a tax amnesty program to succeexin Pennsylvania,” said Bear. “We are facing a $3.
2 billioh budget deficit and New Jersey’s successfuo program should vividly illustratew that such a program can collect hundreds of millionwsin revenue, or more, already owed to the state.” Pennsylvania’s last tax amnest program, which occured more than a decade ago, broughg in $93 million, Bear said. Revenue from a tax amnest program could be used to addressthe state’s budget instead of Gov. Ed Rendell’s proposall to raise the state income taxfrom 3.07 percent to 3.57 Bear said. The governor’s proposed 16 percenf increase in the personal income tax rate would generaterabout $1.
5 billion a year in new revenued and amount to about $250 more per year for a familty earning $50,000. “Now — during this dire budgegt crisis — is the time for a new tax amnesth program to be put in Bear said.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

First Mariner Bancorp executives get pay bumps - Baltimore Business Journal:
Mark A. Keidel, president and chief operatint officer, had his salary boosterd to $235,000, up from Robert P. Warr, chief risk officer and executiveevice president, had his salary increased to $175,000, up from In addition to increasing the salaries of Keideol and Warr, the compensation committee of First Mariner’s board of directors also confirmed Chierf Financial Officer Paul B. Susie’s salar y of $150,000. Susie will also receive a monthlu vehicle allowanceof $500, the filinvg said. Last month, Baltimore-based First Mariner (NASDAQ: FMAR) promotecd Keidel, who had been chief financial officer, to chiecf operating officer. He succeeded Joseph A.
Cicero, who is retirinvg but will stay on as a consultantg until the end ofthe year. First Mariner also appointed Susiw to replace Keidel as chief financiall officer and named Warr to the newly createed position of chiefrisk officer.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Rebel Rebel yells of soaring revenue - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
“We didn’t come out the flashiest, but when peoplw got a chance to see our work they realized how solidwe are, and it’a created relationships that have been continual,” said Dianna co-founder of Rebel Rebel. Since launching in 2007, Rebell Rebel has provided productionnand post-production services — from commercials and videoas to presentations and video Web contenft — and has amassed a rostee of notable clients, including GSD&M Idea City, Dell Inc., Sicolaz Martin, Schematic and Door Number 3. The five-personn production house grew 100percenrt year-over-year, and is on target to generated $1 million in revenuwe this year.
But before growth therde was overcomingbeing new, said Chrizs Blankenship, the other co-founder of Rebel “It was a little tougj getting in the door of some places at The first year was kind of hard. I don’t thin either of us realized how hard it would be,” Blankenship said. Blankenship and Colton have experienc e and connections in the local production Blankenship cut his teeth in productiobn in China and has 17 yeare of experiencein editing, visualk effects and post production. Coltonm has executive producing experience, and she launchexd a successfulfashion business.
Blankenship said transitioning from a freelancet to a businessman hasbeen challenging, and gettinb clients to think of Rebel Rebe for larger projects took some convincing at “We took a pretty good look at what we thoughtg the business was going to be for us, and we had to come to some hard realizationd that that wasn’t the way things were,” Blankenshi p said. In addition to being Blankenship saidthe company’s flexibility in taking small and largs projects has helped sell its The company uses freelancers, whicy enables it to ramp up quickly for larger projects and to test out employeexs before adding them to theire staff.
Blankenship said Rebel Rebel hasn’t been entirely immune to the It saw work plateau in but for themost part, business has been steady. “We’vs been pretty busy for the last he said. As a smaller production company, Rebel Rebek has been able to weather the recession a bit bettef because it hasless overhead, Blankenship said. Ther are more than 20 film and vide production companies in the Central Texas Among the largest production companies here are Omega Broadcast Group, 501 Group Inc. and Elephanrt Productions Inc.
Quincy Lowman, president of Elephant says that the production landscape is getting increasinglty more competitive with new players entering the At thesame time, he said demanrd is going up for production work. “Ik think the outlook is Video is increasingly being used to traijn and now everybody has video on their Web Lowman said. “The market has grown, but the competitionn has grown.” Colton said Rebelp Rebel’s work has been evenly split between local, regionalp and national work. It recently hired a national sales representative. Colton and Blankenshil said they aren’t concerned with becoming a large company.
“We will continue to work with more people and creatsemore relationships,” Colton “In the short term, we want to find new build a base and do a variety of