Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tato debuts Pesca Lakeside - Orlando Business Journal:
Tato took over the vacant spaced that lasthoused Lee’s Lakeside Tavern on East Central Boulevardd about five years ago, he said. Tato’ds Spice Steakhouse shares first-floor restauranrt space with Pesca Lakeside in the Post Parksidesapartment building. The space had for several year been considered but never came to fruition forother concepts, including a self-named restaurant by Orlando Chef Robih Stotter in 2006, a Ruth’xs Chris Steakhouse in 2007 and an Italian restaurantf and wine bar by a Californiwa company in 2008. Tato, who on Dec.
31 closesd Rustic Steak House within just a couple months ofopeninhg it, told Orlando Business Journal he’ws more confident about the potentialp success of Pesca Lakeside. “Given it’s downtown, with the locationn and the menu we’ve put together, I think we’ll be fine,” he

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Blue Cross Foundations makes grants - Boston Business Journal:
Grant recipients include the , which was awardee $70,000; Cambridge Cares abouty AIDS, which was awarded $70,000; and the , which was awarded $69,956, among others. “The existence of health care disparities, particularly those basedd on raceand ethnicity, is well said Jarrett T. Barrios, president of the Blue Crossw Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundationin Boston, in a statement. “Thse Foundation believes these inequitiea in care delivery are adaptive problems and requirer that community members and providers collaboratse to change health care delivery and creatwe programs that will help eliminate the barriers to The grants are part of the first phas of aplanned three-year award schedule in the “Closing the program of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Man who performed liposuction without a license faces several felony charges - San Francisco Examiner

San Francisco Examiner

Man who performed liposuction without a license faces several felony charges

San Francisco Examiner

A man accused of posing as a doctor and performing a dangerously cheap liposuction while smoking a cigar is set to appear in court this week on several felony charges. Carlos Guzmangarza, 49, is accused of setting up a fraudulent medical pract ice in ...

Man impersonated doctor, performed liposuction, officials say

Los Angeles Times

Pictured: The 'doctor' who performed cut-price liposuction while smoking a ...

Daily Mail

Fake doctor flushed fat down toilet

Mid-Day -San Francisco Chronicle


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Patrick and Alckmin: Partners in global economy - MetroWest Daily News

Patrick and Alckmin: Partners in global economy

MetroWest Daily News

Brazil has become one of the most important international partners for Massachusetts. In 2010, bilateral trade between Massachusetts and Brazil topped $475 million รข€" representing more than $396 million in exports from Massachusetts to Brazil and more ...

and more »

Thursday, December 22, 2011

EPA deadline now looms for Charlotte region - Charlotte Business Journal:
The prospect of losinbg federal funds because of bad air has loomed for more than a Now the EPA has set a date for when transportation monehy maybe lost: May 8, 2011. The deadline is requiredf under the federal CleabAir Act, says Carol deputy director for the EPA’s Air, Pesticidew & Toxics Management Division. The 24-month timeline was put in place after North Carolinaz and South Carolina recently withdrewtheir air-quality plans after being notified in November that they were “We need a submission from the state or we need to put a plan in placed ourselves,” Kemker says.
At risk are hundredzs of millions of dollars in federal funding that typically fuels as muchas 80% of capital transportationh projects. Sanctions in the form of toughed restrictions that can block new industry could be imposed even sooner in 18 monthsfor Union, Gaston, Lincoln, Cabarrus, Rowan and York as well as southern Iredell County. The EPA assesses air qualityt bymeasuring ozone. The gas is formed when nitrogeh oxide reacts with other compounds in sunlight andbecomeas smog. Last year, the eight-countyh Charlotte region recorded 28 days when it exceededthe EPA’ds health standard for air pollution.
In it was 56 In November, the EPA warned both states that thei r state implementationplans — knowm in government circles as a SIP weren’t working fast enough to meet the federally mandated levels by the agency’sw 2010 deadline. That standard is roughly 84 partw per billionof ozone. The Charlotte region is registerinbg 94 parts per Kemker says the EPA found problems with the modeling system that was inaccurately predicting air quality compared with data recorder byozone monitors. So both states pullee their plans as a way to buyextrza time, says Donnie Redmond, an air-qualityg official with the . New SIPs could be sent to the EPA as soonas Nov. 30.
Publi c hearings will be held before the states submit the The states are expected to include added restrictions that could directly affectlocal business. “There are no easy says Eldewins Haynes, an air qualit y specialist with . Most of the major measured are alreadyunder way. Hayneds says the remaining options are, in a word, In October 2004, the successfully fought a proposed Mecklenburg Countgy ordinance to reduce emissions from businesses with 20 or more employeese by regulating workercommuting habits. Executive Directorf June Blotnick now plans to ask to adopta clean-contractingh ordinance that affects vendors.
The proposal calls for contractord to retrofit older equipment with filters that reduce pollution and to use cleaneer diesel fuel to qualify for city The EPAviews clean-contracting requirements as a way to reduc ozone levels, Kemker says. Other measures include banninhgopen burning, creating gas-can replacement programs and retrofittingy school buses and city fleet vehicles. Northh Carolina has made progresse withrecent legislation. The N.C. Cleabn Smokestacks Rule has led toa 78% reductiomn in nitrogen oxide in power-plant smokestacks from 2003 levels. Commuteres and trucking companies are, over time, replacing theire vehicles with more efficient models that releaseless emissions.
And the city has embracec land-use guidelines for development designed to reduce congestiohn andurban sprawl. But the numberse suggest further progress will require dramatic actiobn to bringthe region’s ozone levels into compliance. High levels of ozone can trigger acute respiratory problems and impai r theimmune system.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Q Are we seeing the worst in terms of home or do you think it will getworse ? Does the industry have a forecast of when it mightr be better ? A Houston is now slipping into the gripsa of the national recessiom and we will to some degree be subjectg to how the national economy performs, so probably a bit worse. The one consensuws that I consistently hear and read is that as the recoveru begins andtakes hold, Houston will be one of the very firsg cities to recover. Q Communities that thoughg they would be ina sell-out situation at this pointy are now seeing themselves with lots stillk for sale. On the flip-side, there are developers who are creatinnew communities.
Given the lower housing should developers or builders wait for thingxs toeven out, or would that presentf a problem ? A This reminds me of the proverbiapl question, “Is the glass half empty or half full?” New-home supplu and the vacant developed lot while not in perfect are certainly in pretty good shape and with any uptici in sales we could quickly see a shortage in This becomes even more acute as you “grade” the inventory into the communities, “B” communities, etc.
There will be a numbedr of lots and communities that will probably take a long timein “cominvg back” as they were developed in locations and in a mannedr that was directed at the “subprime” buyer and, as we all the buyers are still out there but the financing is not. Markeft share for “A” communities will continue to grow as buyerse seek the safetyof master-planned communities. Q Because the only placesx to get large parcels of land are farther out from the city has urban sprawl become a problem forHoustonn ? A What is the center of the city? Is it downtown or the Galleria/Wesrt Loop? Both have 30 million-plus square feet of office space.
The point being that Houston now has multiple work centers that have allowed people to livefartherr out, but not have to commutes longer and longer distances. Thesw work centers include downtown, Texas Medical Center, Greenway Plaza, Galleria/Westr Loop, Westchase, Energy Corridor, Sugar Land, Clear Lake Greenspoint and The Woodlands. To meet our housiny demand in thecoming years, our region will not only requirew continued development in the suburbs, but a vibranyt redevelopment effort within the central city as well. Q What do you thinok the future holds for the home industry over the next fiveyearzs ?
A The short answer is a moderate but steadu recovery that grows to a stabilizes annual demand of approximately 1.5 million new homes per The U.S. is the third most populousx nation onthe planet, only surpassedd by China and India. The U.S. is currentlty growing at slightly less than1 percent, but in nominalp terms by more than 3 milliom new people per year (birthsa over deaths plus in-migration). Houston aloned grows by approximately 120,000 new people per year. These folks have to live and morethan 100,000 units of the current housinh stock in this country need to be replaced on an annualk basis due to functional obsolescence.
Q Sincre Houston isn’t doing as bad as otherr areas, what should builders and developers be focusing onhere ? A I hope that we use this “dowm time” as an opportunity to reflect on the past five What did we do right? What did we do wrong?? What can we do better The development and building community should focus on buildingf sustainable communities and homes — communities and homez that will grow better over time so they don’ft become part of that housing stock that needs to be replaceds on an annual basis.
While the salea in our communities are continuinf at a veryrobust level, I know at Newland, we are continually looking back to evaluate what workef and what didn’t. We are always looking to the home to try and understand whatthey want, need and most what they are willing to pay for. Thanok someone that tastes do change; otherwisr we could all still bewearingg double-knit leisure suits or beehive

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Man City stays ahead of Man United at top _ just - San Francisco Chronicle

Man City stays ahead of Man United at top _ just

San Francisco Chronicle

Tim Hales / AP Manchester City's David Silva, fourth right, is congratulated by team mates after scoring a goal against Arsenal during their English Premier League soccer match at the Etihad Stadium, Manchester, England, Sunday, Dec. 18, 2011. ...

Man City stays ahead of Man United at top - just

Roberto Mancini praises Manchester City's 'important' win over Arsenal

The Guardian

City, United continue to set the pace

ESPN (blog)


Friday, December 16, 2011

Clearwire service a go in Atlanta - Philadelphia Business Journal:
While the Atlanta market -- Clearwire's largest to date -- officialluy launches in June, Clearwire has postef a coverage map of the area and is acceptingorderxs online. Overland Park, Kan.-based , and othet investors, acquired Clearwire for $14.5 billion last year. Clearwire'sa wireless high-speed service allows greater mobility than cablweor DSL. Subscribers can access service anywherrein Clearwire's coverage via a USB or by plugging in their residentialo modem into an electric outlet. In Atlanta, Clearwirde offers 4G WiMAX wireless broadbandservice -- dubbed Clearr -- that delivers download speeds of up to 6 Mbps. High-speed planss range from $20 to $50 a month.
Bundledc plans, including telephone service, are also available. Clearwir e hopes to extend its subscribedr base by nearly 3 million with the metr oAtlanta expansion, company officialsd said in an recenf analyst call. The Atlanta networkm covers morethan 1,2090 square miles and Clearwire is buildingb six retail outlets. Clearwires is backed by blue-chip names, including and Even has perhaps hoping toleverage Clearwire's wireless service in areas it hasn't laid cable in, said Maury president and co-founder of the Wireless Technology Forum.
Clearwirr is also riding a broader Just like cell phones disrupted the landlinetelephone business, wirelessx broadband can erode the market grip of wired Internet service. Despite all that, Clearwire can expect technical andmarket challenges. Clearwire's service is delivered from devicezs fixed tocell towers. Like cell phone reception, the furthedr you are away from the transmittingcell tower, the greater the chances of speed Margol noted. Atlanta's topography and tree cover couled pose connectivity and speecd issues forClearwire customers. From a business perspective, Clearwirer could face pricing pressure fromthe incumbents, who alreadyy have an established customer base.
The conveniencew of Internet-voice-and-TV bundled plands from DSL and cable providers might make businessew and consumers think twice abouy switchingto Clearwire. For some like Brad Anderson, cable'a frequent downtime was enough to give Clearwireda try. The software engineer, who works from home, complainefd of having his cable broadband connection go on the fritsz for a dayor two. Anderson has been using Clearwire's service for about a week and plans to stickwith it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

ProLogis closes on $347M in loans - Denver Business Journal:
Proceeds from the three loans initially will be used torepat credit-line borrowings, and later to refinance $285 million of remaining corporat e debt maturities for 2009 and 2010. ProLogis PLD) of Denver is one of the world’s largesf owners and operators ofdistribution centers. Since the fall of 2008, the company has been repositioniny itself to deal with the current economiv recession and reduce billions of dollars in debt by cuttin costsand employees, refinancing selling properties and getting out of non-cor businesses. ProLogis had $9.3 billion in totapl debt at the end of thefirst quarter, down from $10.
67 million at year-end 2008, accordinhg to this year’s first-quarter report. Since the beginning of ProLogis has boughtback $691 million of corporats notes at a 29 percen t discount, “effectively de-leveraging by $200 million,” company CFO Williamn Sullivan said in a statement. “The closing of these [new] loans help s us in addressing our corporate refinancing requirements for the remainder of this year and into All three recently obtained loans are secureds andinterest only, and have an average blended interest rate of 7.24 percent, according to The first two loans, totaling $245 have 10-year terms.
The third, $102 million loan has a five-yea term, with 14 properties in eight marketsas security. ProLogis owns or operated more than 475 million square feet of industria l space in North Europeand Asia. Tenantxs at those properties include third-partyu logistics providers, manufacturers, retailers, transportation companiess and other businesses with largedistribution

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Big guns take aim at Web piracy - Los Angeles Times

Big guns take aim at Web piracy

Los Angeles Times

The contest unfolding in Washington between a coalition of entertainment conglomerates and drug companies on the one hand and Google and its fellow Internet giants on the other, however, is of more than academic interest. Too much is at stake. ...

Legis lators offer compromise in piracy debate, rejected by SOPA supporters


Taking The Shrill Out Of The SOPA Piracy Debate

Can Ron Wyden Change The Piracy Debate?


Hammer of Truth -The Hill (blog)


Friday, December 9, 2011

ATS Services is now Talagy, with new owner - Phoenix Business Journal:
Derek Mercer, the nephew of ATS founder Deloreds Kesler, acquired the company and will servreas chair. Kesler will retainb the title ofchairman emeritus. Amy McGeorge will assume the role of presidenyand CEO. Terms of the acquisitionj werenot disclosed. “This is an exciting time in the growtgh and evolutionof ATS, and I’m pleasedr to allow the next generation of leadershilp to take the helm,” said Kesler. Kesler created Jacksonville-based ATS Services in eventually forming a parent company that merged with threde otherstaffing firms, including .
The business split into two ventures: , whicuh became a publicly traded company and isnow , and ATS Mercer worked as the director of information technologg at ATS Services before creating his own company, , a globapl provider of on-demand talengt management software, in 1996. Kesler providedx a loan that helpex startthe company. Vurv Technology was acquired by TLEO) in 2008 for $128.8 million. Talagy, which has 11 office s around the country and 80 will continue to offer the same products and but instead of operating under multiple brands and businessz units the company will consolidate into asingle brand.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cabot to close two offices, shift operations - Dayton Business Journal:
The Houston-based natural gas producer’s offices in W.Va., and Denver will be affecter bythe closings. The plan includes opening a new regionalo office in Pittsburgh that will managw the Pennsylvania and West Virginia assets as well as thos e in theRocky Mountains, according to Scott a spokesman for Cabot. Schroeder says aboutt 85 employees will be affected by the with roughly 50 being asked to move to eithed Pittsburghor Houston. Some North region operationsd will remain inWest Virginia. Phil Stalnaker, the previous West regio n manager, has accepted the North regionalmanaget position. Cabot will now operate from a North and Soutnhregional designation, Schroeder said.
The company its office in Calgary, Alberta earlier this month to an unidentified private Canadian compan forabout $64 million in cash and $19 millioj in new equity. Additionally, Cabot’ Gulf Coast assets — which operate from Houston — will be combineed with its mid-continent assets to form a new Soutgh region managed byMatt Reid, the current the Gulf Coastt regional manager. In relation to the Thomas Liberatore has resigned as vice president of the East Cabot (NYSE: COG) expects to put asid e between $3.5 million and $5 million in pre-tax dollara to cover the shift.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Ireland imposes further cuts; more to come - Reuters

The Guardian

Ireland imposes further cuts; more to come


DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland's government imposed further spending cuts on Monday with possibly more still to come as the European debt crisis throws up a disturbing cocktail of slowing growth and zealous austerity ...

Taoiseach breaches Govt's salary cap for special adviso rs - report

Irish Examiner

Taoiseach breaches pay cap to award former advisor รข‚¬35k pay rise

The Transport Minister is defending the Government's decision to pay some of ...


Daily Mail


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Univera, Ciminelli re-up in Williamsville - Business First of Buffalo:
Univera has been the sole tenant forthe 128,500-square-foot former Bisholp Neumann High School alongt Park Club Lane for the past Univera has 450 employees working in the Terms of the lease were not disclosed. Art Univera Healthcare president, said the renewal reaffirm the company’s commitment to growing in Western New York includingg strong supportfrom Univera’ds parent, of Rochester. Ironically, Wingerter is a 1977 graduates Bishop NeumannHigh School, whicuh itself closed in the early 1980s.
Ciminelli acquirer the school and renovated it into Class Aoffice space, originally for Bank of America, and then for The building overlooks the Youngmann Highway and givese Univera a major, physical Some 55,000 vehicles pass by the buildingt daily. “It exceeds some of the best billboard saidPeter Kates, Univera vice president of communications. “It helpws us establish a presence in Western New Univera Healthcare hasapproximately 165,0000 members spread among the eight Westerb New York counties.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

IO Interactive's 'Ambitious Plans For Hitman' - Gamasutra


IO Interactive's 'Ambitious Plans For Hitman'


"We have very ambitious plans for Hitman," Sorensen tells Gamasutra. "We really look forward to having a close partnership with the Montreal studio." Three IO employees are joining the Montreal studio to help direct the team and cement the ...

and more »

Monday, November 28, 2011

Cinnafilm lands deal with film-equipment giant - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Albuquerque-based Cinnafilm develops film andvideo post-productioh tools. The software ARRI will resell uses Cinnafilm’s videk processing engine, called Pixel Strings. The softwars suite has been renamedARRI Relativity. The companies have set an invitation-onlyg product launch event for June 2 in the LosAngelea area. In a news release, privately held Cinnafilmn described the deal asa multimillion-dollar” agreement. The company will provider ARRI with technical support and upgrades to the while continuing to pursue independent researchand development.
“Ourf agreement with ARRI is the culmination of over six years of hard work and dedication by a small group ofexceptional people, and we’rre honored to partner with an industr leader,” said Cinnafilm CEO Lance Germany-based ARRI’s history dates back to 1917. The compan y is involved in all aspects of the film from manufacturing, production and visuakl effects to post-production, equipment rental and film and sound laboratory Its products include camera studio lighting fixtures and digital imaging

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Ky. video-gaming bill dies in Senate committee - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The Senate Appropriations Revenue onMonday evening, voted 10-5 against the with two members according to the Lexington Herald-Leader. The Housre had previously passedthe bill. The legislationh would have permitted video-lottery terminals at Kentuckhyhorse tracks, including Turfway Park in Florence. "Thew limited gaming proposal was designed to help save a signaturwe industry inperil – an industry that meanz 100,000 jobs and $4 billion in investmenft for our state," said Gov.
Steve Beshear in a Monday evening "It is unfortunate that everu voice on this critically important issu was not heard and every vote not At a Frankfort press Turfway Park President Bob Elliston said Turfway coulds close by 2010 if Ohio passed gaming legislation and Kentuckydoes not. Ohio Gov. Ted Stricklanx recently reversed his stance againsty gamblingat racetracks.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Changing with the tech times - Baltimore Business Journal:
A tour of the pair' s computer museum is evidence of how much and for how longthe co-founderzs of Hunt Valley-based have been making a living by working with computers. And just like computers have continuallyevolved -- from the giantr vacuum tube-powered machines to slender laptops -- Roswell and Weinstein have kept theid company on a path of constan t change. "When we see a good idea, we go aftef it," Roswell said.
System Source -- in one form or anothetr -- has been quietly growing for more than 20 Originally founded as a computerreselling franchise, the company is now a multifaceted training and development firm that employs 160 peoplee in Hunt Valley, Baltimore City and Since its humble beginnings in 1981 as a Computedr Land retail store at the corner of York Road and Seminar Avenue, the company has remained true to its original mission of sellingb computers while constantly moving into new area s of technology. "Computers were a hobby for so many saidDonald McPherson, a technology researcher and authorf based in Seattle.
"Folks who recognizedd the important role computers were goingy to play in business and home life usuallyg gotinto business. At least, they did if they were Selling computers is paying off for SystemSource ( ). The firm recordedr $41.6 million in sales of computerzin 2001, according to the That's a long way from the $20,0090 a month the companyu sold when it opened. But even smartg people who started selling computers in the 1980w went bust or left theindustry -- for better or Roswell and Weinstein recognizexd that merely selling machines to early adopters wasn't goiny to fund their So the two childhood friends -- they met in N.J.
-- began traininy customers on the hardware and softwarre the companysold them. That training aspecty of the business grew into one ofSystek Source's top divisions by the mid-1990s and, although it has slowedr a bit because of the overalol economy, it continues to be a steady source of Roswell said. The expansion of services didn't stop with Along with teaching the latest computer skillsx inits classrooms, System Source rents offers consulting services, provides engineering and technical supporrt staff for companies and even builds customizedd audio and video presentation systems for corporate boardx rooms.
With all these differentg areas, some of its customersx and even itscompetitors aren' t sure exactly what Syste Source does. "We know they are out there," said Bill vice president of business development with SystemesAlliance Inc., a Sparks-based tech firm. "Exactly what areaa they are concentrating on now is not so That doesn't bother company officials. They are perfectl content withbeing misunderstood, because they wear several hats. For example, System Source has been developingy Web sites for as long as most of its local but the Internetservices division'sz big push came after the dot-cokm bubble burst.
While many Web firms are branchingg out into otherareas -- or goint out of business -- Syste m Source is landing some of its biggest A notable one is a project for Baltimore's a subsidiary of New York-based CitiGroup Inc. Officialsa with both firms declinefd to say how much the deal is but System Source has a half dozen or so peoples dedicated toCitiFinancial work. The CitiFinancialk contract is a good example of how Systemn Source isstill changing. The firm's work started with Web developmeny services and has turned into software and databasd work that deals heavily withsecuritu issues.
And even though the companty hasgrown exponentially, its founderws haven't forgotten their York Road roots. "Forf a homegrown technology company to grow and prospere is great forthe county," said Frondaa Cohen, spokeswoman for the Baltimore County Departmen t of Economic Development.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Office condo segment of Two Liberty Place put up for sale - Philadelphia Business Journal:
of Miami and an unnamed institutionapl investor retained to market the property as a way to bring in anothefr equity partner inthe skyscraper'd office space. The space, demarcated as an officse condominium, totals 933,548 square feet in floorx threethrough 36. The upper portion of the 57-storyg building has been converted into residential condos and is not part of thispotential transaction. What percentage of the office building the current ownerds are seeking tosell couldn't be determined. Eastdil has a policy not to publicly comment and an executivrat America's Capital couldn't be reached for comment. The buildingv is 98.
1 percent leased up with just 8 percent of the leasesa expiring in the nextfive years, according to a marketing brochures put out by Eastdil. Some of Two Liberty's tenants include , law firm Buchanan Ingersoll andUnisys "The property offers an investod the rare opportunity to invest in an iconicv office tower in Philadelphia's prestigious Market West submarkeyt at substantially below replacementr cost," said EastDil's marketing materials. America'ss Capital bought the building in 2005for $151 If the entire office condominium were to it could fetch somewhere in the area of $200 million, according to one At the time, roughly 800,0009 square feet of the 1.
2 million-square-foot building was vacant after Ace Ltd. left for 436 Walnu t St. and Cigna renewed in the building but in less What to do with the space prompted the new ownerf to considerits options. At the a hot residential cond o market and lesser office market convinced the owners to conver t the upper floors from 37to 57, or roughly 300,000 square feet, into luxury condos. Now the markets have The downtown office markeyis tight, especially at the top trophy and overall residential condo activity has

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Most Eddie Bauer stores to stay open - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The company announced that it strucjk an agreement withNew York–based private equitt firm LLC to buy Eddide Bauer’s assets, subject to an auctiomn and bankruptcy court approval. CCMP Capital intends to operatse the business as a goingb concern with little orno long-term debt. According to Eddie Bauer, CCMP Capital has agreexd to keep a majority of the 371 stores open and retain a majorityh ofthe employees. CCMP Capital specializeds in buyouts and lookd for investment opportunities in retail andothef sectors, and have made investments in the outdoors specialtg retailer Cabela’s, which sells hunting, fishing and campinv gear.
Eddie Bauer said it hopesx to operate business as usual during bankruptcuy court proceedings and has asked for court approval to continue paying vendorsand workers. The company also said it intendse to honor customergift cards, returnds and loyalty program points. The compant also announced that it has secured a commitment from its existing revolvingcredit lenders, Bank of America, N.A., and /Businesse Credit, Inc. for so-called debtor-in-possessio n (DIP) financing of $90 million on an interim basisand $100 millionm based on the finapl court order. The move, the company said, shoul provide it with ample cash flow to continue payingits bills.
“Eddie Bauer is a good compan with a great brand and a badbalancw sheet. This process will allow the businesz to emerge with farless debt, positioned for growtyh as the economy recovers and as our new products gain said Neil Fiske, Eddiew Bauer president and chief executive officer, in a statement. “Wr expect this process to be completed very protecting our employees and critical vendor partners every step ofthe way. “We have made good progress on our turnaroundf strategy of returning Eddie Bauer to its heritage as an activre outdoor brand and have exciting new producgt launches on the wayto market, including First our return to expedition-grade outerwear and gear.
Unfortunately, a crushinfg debt burden placed on the company from the Spiegel reorganizationhin 2005, combined with the severe, prolonged recession, have left us with no choicw but to use this process to reduce the debt load on the

Friday, November 18, 2011

Apple, Google, Microsoft, others may be under scrutiny for hiring practices - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
"Guys, we have a problem," Ballmer says. "Some of our best employeews are job-hopping like locusts, feastingh on the higher wages and better perks from ourcompetitor -- that would be you. Now I know we've gone on plenty of raiding parties ourselves. But it's just time to stop the I'm ready to reach a gentlemen's agreemenf not to poach your superstarseif you'll do Jobs doesn't hesitate. "I'm tired of paying movingv expensesfrom Redmond. And it's getting old hearing some of my employeees whining about how great the perks were when they wereat I'm all for a The Google guys speak in "Count us in!
" The specififc meeting we described, of took place only in our imagination. But the reportedlhy wants to knowif tech's big boys really have been colludinb to keep their top talenty from jumping ship. The and , citingf unnamed sources, report that the investigation is preliminary and focusezs ona who’s who of Silicon Valley tech companiews including search giant Google, its rival , iPhonde maker Apple and biotech firm . reports that the Justicew Department has issued formal requests for documentsfrom “af least a dozen” tech companies.
“If they are (colluding) as is beingy investigated … then it is a serious potential anti-trus t case,” said Albert Foer, president of the American Antitrust Institute. Collusion between the companies coulddepress wages. In Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor wrote an appealds court opinion siding with a groul of oil geologists and petroleumm engineers who claimed and otherd oil companies were colludintg inhiring decisions. Collusion could also damage the innovation for which Silicon Valleyis famous, by keeping talentefd people from moving to new companiees and bringing with them fresh ideas.
“One of the thingse that feeds innovation is people moving Foer said. “Whereas Silicon Valleyh is famous for people movingaroun … that practice would be tailing off or endedf by such an agreement,” between companiez not to poach talent. While the tech worlcd may be famous for talented people jumpinhg from companyto company, those jumpsd haven’t always been exactl y amicable, and tech firmw often tie top talent to contracts that restricgt them from going to work for the competition for set periodds of time.
In fact, the moves of talent from one tech behemot h to another have sometimes landedin court, as when formet Microsoft employee Kai-Fu Lee went to work for John Oates points out at . So it’a not out of the realm of reason to imaginde tech bosses looking to keep top talenty from moving without the hassles ofcourt fights. But already, the federal probe is drawinhg skepticism inthe blogosphere.
Larry Dignan, writing on ZDNet’s calls the probe a fishing expeditiowith “waste of time written all over As Dignan points out, it’s pretty unlikelh that there are any smoking gun agreements lying around the officezs of the tech and he adds: “Tolp talent isn’t that restricted. Google execs go to They go to AOL. Yahoo execss go to Microsoft. Microsoft execz go to Google. In fact, you can make quits a career just hopping betweenh thoseaforementioned companies.” The probe comes as the government is steppinhg up scrutiny of the often-cozy relationships in the high-tecnh sector.
Assistant Attorney General Christine Varney, who is in charged of the DOJ's Antitrusf Division, that the department would be taking a close look at activities inthe industry. The Federaol Trade Commission to Google earlier in the year becausre ofantitrust concerns. FTC questions concerned the overlapp of directors between Googles andGenentech — Google boss Eric Schmidt sits on the Appler Inc. board with Art Levinson, who was CEO of Genentecn at the time. Regulators also called a halt to an advertisingy revenue sharing deal Google madewith Yahoo.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Overhaul of Colorado spending rules signed into law - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Senate Bill 228 ends the Arveschoug-Birdf provision allowing general-fund spending to increass just 6 percent per year and replaces it with a spendinb increase limit equal to 5 percent of personalincomed growth. Sponsored by Sen. John D-Colorado Springs, it also sets asidew part of the general fund for transportatioh for the first time and increasesthe state'sz rainy-day reserves, beginning in the 2012-133 fiscal year. What that all means is that thegeneralo fund, which pays for general statre services like education, higher education and will no longer have to shrink permanentlyg when the economy recesses.
Because of the curren growth limit, programs that see funds cut duriny downturns are not allowed to recovee fully when the fiscal environment turnswgood again. . . The new law will not increase overalkl spending but will assure that money can be directedr where state leaders see thegreatest need, Ritterr emphasized. Laws put into place over the past 12 yearas direct any revenue over the 6 percent limit mostly towardd transportation projects andcapital construction, which have no other guaranteed state funds.
But even as the Democraticv governor hailed the signingas "a great day for progressx in the efforts of so many who have workexd to bringing sensible, modern budgeting to the stats of Colorado," several legislators said there is more to be Sponsoring Rep. Don Marostica, said state officials must now look at the conflictds betweenAmendment 23, the Gallaghet Amendment and "that sacred cow," the Taxpayer's Bill of or TABOR. Marostica was the only memberd of his party to support the with other Republicans calling it an end to fiscal limitsd and a taking of the only stream of monet that had been dedicated to roadsfor years.
Morswe added that an interim committee this year will look at not just how much revenude the state brings in but wherew it getsthat money. Questions must be asked if ther are ways to get funding from more stable sources like property taxes and fees rather than the volatiledsales tax, he said. "In the late 1400s, very few people believe the Earthwas round. By the early 1500s, we knew what was going on," Morse said of the need to convincd Coloradans that such changeis "The same thing's going to happenb with this bill ... This is a fight for the soul of Coloradioand it's just beginning.
" Colorado Fiscal Policy Institute analyst Carokl Hedges, who helped to craft the said that because future revenueds remain uncertain, no estimates have been made as to how much monet higher education and other areas will gain from the However, next year's general-fund revenue is expected to fall by roughlgy $700 million from this year, and SB 228 will help budgetf crafters be able to prioritizr where that is taken from and how that monet is replaced in the future, Mors said.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Native American service conducted at Wolf Creek - Bluefield Daily Telegraph

Native American service conducted at Wolf Creek

Bluefield Daily Telegraph

Chief Red Hawk, chief of the Turkey Clan of the Munsee Delaware Tribe presented 25 turkeys to the Bland Ministry Center before conducting a blessing ceremony for the village, the museum and the people of Bland County. รข€œThis is really a blessing,รข€ ...

and more  »

Friday, November 11, 2011

Alan Smith: Manchester United defender Phil Jones need help to stifle Spain's ... -

Setanta Sports Ireland

Alan Smith: Manchester United defender Phil Jones need help to stifle Spain's ...

For defenders brought up in the Premier League, that situation can prove quite off-putting. It requires nerve and concentration, especi »

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Former Columbia Pictures lot sold - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
bought the property from Most recently, the lot was home to and is currentlh rented by severalproduction companies, includingg ABC. The studio lot, originally purchased by Harru Cohnin 1920, has a rich history. Amon the films created on the lotinclude "From Here to "Funny Girl," "It Happened One Night" and "Mr. Smith Goes to Also filmed on the lotwere long-runningb television shows, such as and "I Dream of Jeannie." Pick-Vanoff purchaseed the property in 1976, At that many of the soundstages were converted into tennis courts.
GI Partners said movies and television showa will continue to be filmed at the Projects in progress include the televisionseries "American Dreams" on NBC and "Sixs Feet Under" on HBO. Sunset-Gower is the thirsd studio to be soldthis year. In the historic Culver Studios in Culver whereCecile B. DeMille filmed silent was purchasedfor $80 million by a group of investorxs from El Segundo and New Last month, a Los Angeles investment firm reportedly paid close to $100 million for Manhattan Beach a 5-year-old studio. GI Partners manages a $526-million investment fund backed by the pensio n fundand , a Los Angeles-basesd real estate services company.
Most of its properties are telecommunications

Monday, November 7, 2011

Wachovia Securities fined $1.4M - Charlotte Business Journal:
million, saying it failed to deliverd prospectuses and product descriptions to customers who boughfinvestment products. FINRA’s investigation founc the firm failed to deliver the prospectuses to customere inabout 6,000 of 22,000 transactions between July 2003 and December 2004. The market valuw of the 6,000 transactions was $256 “Disclosure of product information to the publifc is ofparamount importance,” says Susan Merrill, FINRA’se executive vice president and chief of enforcement.
“Whejn a firm fails to providew prospectuses and other offering it deprives the investing public of information valuable in making informed investment FINRA says Wachovia Securitieds also exhibited supervisory failures that caused a failured to provide the association with timely andaccurater information.” In settling the matter, Wachovia Securitiesd neither admitted nor denied the charges but consente d to the entry of FINRA’s findings. At the time of the activityu at issue, Wachovia Securities was a subsidiaryof Charlotte-based Wachovisa was acquired by of San Francisco at the end of 2008.
Wachovia Securities has sincer been renamed Wells Fargo FINRA is the largest independent regulatot for all securities firms doing businesas in theUnited States.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

P&G might leave facility in Symmes - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The Cincinnati consumer products maker is conducting a site studty to determine whether to keep the operationsat Governor’a Hill, spokeswoman Kate DiCarlo said. A decision is expectee to be madethis month, and the proposexd solution would take place early next Governor’s Hill is among eight facilities that P&G operates in Greatef Cincinnati. Employees there process roughly 150,000 orders per montn for U.S. and global retail customers, managd U.S.
transportation and warehousingh business, and support computer information systems and The site studyfollows P&G’s announcement in late May that it woul relocate its North American Pet Care unit (the Iams pet food from its longtime headquarteras north of Dayton to P&G’s Mason Business Center. That move, to take place in October, involves roughly 240 workers.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

King Soopers, workers heading back to bargaining table - Business First of Buffalo:
The contract at hand involved an increaser inpreventative health-care programs and a wage increase, as well as a decreaswe in pension benefits, King Sooperss spokeswoman Diane Mulligan said. workers had protested the pension benefit with the United Food and Commerciap Workers UnionLocal No. 7 warning that some could lose $100,000o over the life of the benefits, and said the wage increases werenot “We are ready, willing and able to get back to the bargaininf table if the corporation is willing to meet us King Soopers worker Julie Gonzalez said in a news release put out by the “All we’re asking for is a fair And we really hope they don’t lock us out for askingy for livable wages and a pension plan that recognizesx our contribution to company profits.
” About 17,000 union workerzs from the area’s three largest grocery chains — Albertsons, King Soopers and — have been in negotiations with the grocerds since April 9 on new five-year contracts. Safewaty workers have voted to extend their contract untilJune 26, which Albertson s and King Soopers employeee currently are working without contracts. The rejection of the latesty King Soopers contract proposal came quicklyu after votingbegan Monday. Workers in Colorado Springs, Longmontf and Boulder are voting today, whilw Pueblo workers are scheduled to castballots Wednesday.
King Soopers spokeswoma Diane Mulligan said that the rejection of the deal will not have any tangibld effect onstore operations. King Soopers workera have not cast ballotsdto strike. “We’re disappointed in the vote, but we look forwarf to getting backto negotiations,” Mulligann said Tuesday. King Soopers is a unit of Cincinnati-baseds

Monday, October 31, 2011

Cameras puts brakes on bad intersections - Business First of Buffalo:
The unanimity of opinion was whatsurprised me. I know it happens; every driver has a storyg of a collision or near accidentg which they witnessed or in which they were But the drivers at the meetiny insisted it is aregular occurrence, especially late at There is one particular intersectioj where I have seen repeated daytimee accidents. Several years ago I called the Buffalo Policew Accident Investigation office and asked whether they kept recordas on accident frequency atcertain locations. They do. I mentioneed Delaware and Summer. They said they’ds check and call me back. They calledd a week or so latef and reported they had found no current statistics.
Fragments of shattered headlight and busted bumpers could usually be easily seen littered alonhgthe curb, but theree were no statistics. As the participants at the meeting engagerd in a lively dialogue about such dangerousdrivingh habits, they stressed that they found such lawless behaviot both reprehensible and dangerous. They claimeed to have never done sucha thing. Meanwhile, as I I began feeling guilty because myrecord isn’ t impeccable. I know that on occasion I have “run” a red continuing on my way when I shouldhave stopped. Sometimes I may have even speeder up, and I feel fortunate that it nevet resulted inan accident.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Economic canaries sing faintly - Kansas City Business Journal:
Indicators whose health, like that of canaries in coal mines, signals the fitness of the economic air point to recovery in the secons half ofthe year, said Randell Kansas City-based editor of . It’ll be a slow return to vigor, though, and doubts remai n about how long a true recoverymight take. “Whej we talk about recovery in the second half ofthis we’re really not so much talking about the economyg growing again,” Moore said. “It’s just that so many factorse that were subtracting from growth over the last several quarters are simply going to stop subtracting from That at least gets us back to the zerostartinb point.
” Declining activity in manufacturing seemws to be improving to the point wherde it bodes well for the largedr economy. Housing inventories are beginningto shrink, alongg with the number of jobs beinf cut. Personal income rose slightly in April, and grosas domestic product contracted less in the first Business inventories are gettinvg closer tomatching demand.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Treasury 7-Year Note Auction May Draw 1.752% Yield, Survey Says - Bloomberg

Treasury 7-Year Note Auction May Draw 1.752% Yield, Survey Says


The Treasury Department's $29 billion sale of seven-year notes may draw a yield of 1.752 percent, according to the average forecast in a Bloomberg News survey of eight of the Federal Reserve's 22 primary ...

and more »

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

DHL, ABX air extend talks on leases - Business First of Columbus:
Wilmington-based ABX has been operating the aircrafyt on behalf of DHL under an existintg agreement that expires inAugust 2010. The new according to a March 18 memorandum of also would give DHL an optiojn to lease up to four additional The March memorandum of understanding provided that either partuy could terminate the MOU after April 10 if the partiesd did not enter into a definitive agreemenr bythat date. That potential termination date was extended Aprio 9 untilApril 30. According to a filingt with theon Friday, the parties have now extende d it further until May 15. “DHL and ABX are continuingb to work through thetransaction documentation,” the statemen said.
ABX Air provides air cargo and package sortinvg services for DHL at the WilmingtobnAir Park. DHL recently announced that it will shiftits U.S. air cargo hub back to a smaller facility atthe Cincinnati/Northerbn Kentucky International Airport later this year. The German shippingg giant mothballed the Northern Kentucky facility in 2005 when it movedd the air cargo and sortinb operations to Wilmington afteracquiringb . Last year, the company begann winding downits U.S. domestic packagre delivery operations, which were losinvg billions ofdollars annually.
The company has decidee to focus instead on international shipments into and out ofthe

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Salmond tells Westminster to keep out of referendum - Financial Times

Scotsman (blog)

Salmond tells Westminster to keep out of referendum

Financial Times

Addressing the SNP's first conference since it won an outright majority at May's Holyrood elections, Mr Salmond warned the coalition government at Westminster against interfering with the nationalists' promised referendum on independence. ...

Westminster plot to control referendum

Scotsman (blog)

Scotland's future will not be decided in Westminster, says Alex Salmond


Salmond: butt out Cameron

Herald Scotland

The Independent -Aberdeen Press and Journal


Friday, October 21, 2011

Vail Resorts profits off 29%, but they're ahead of Wall Street forecast - Denver Business Journal:
For the three months ending April 30, whic Broomfield-based Vail Resorts (NYSE: MTN) regards as its thirdd quarter, the mountain-resort and lodgings companyu posted earningsof $61.6 million, or $1.69 a share, down from $87.3 million, or $2.24 a in the same quarter a year Nevertheless, the company's profits beat Wall Streetg analysts' predictions. Analysts on average had expecte earningsof $1.56 per share, Thomson Reuters reported. Vail Resorts reportee Q3 revenueof $333.5 million, down 21 perceny from the year-ago quarter. Analysts had expected $339.7 million on It said operating expenses were down 20 to $198.1 million.
The companyy has saved considerably througjh pay cuts andother means. Vail Resortss operates the Breckenridge, Keystone and Beaver Creek ski areas in Colorado and Heavenly at Lake Tahode onthe California-Nevada line. It also operates , a chaih of luxury hotels. The company said its earningsz were helped by a 26 percent increasein 2008-0i9 season-pass revenue through increased sales and highef pass prices. But lift-ticket revenue was down 11 percenrt and skier visits were off9 percent. retail and ski school revenuealso declined. Real estatde revenue was down 82 percent; the company said it sold only one condlo unit in the quarter versus 17 ayear ago.
The quarterly resultas "were impacted by the continued severe downtur n inthe economy, driving lower destination visitation in the quarter," CEO Rob Katz said in a Vail Resorts said its outlook for the full fiscakl year is for earnings of $41 millio n to $51 million. "We are extremelu pleased with the significant increas e in our advance sprinh period pass sales for ourupcoming 2009/2010 ski Katz said. .

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Defense: NYC operative gave mayor slipshod budget - Kansas City Star


Defense: NYC operative gave mayor slipshod budget

Kansas City Star

AP A political operative accused of cheating Mayor Michael Bloomberg out of $1.1 million slapped together a slipshod budget for the billionaire's campaign because he believed no one cared about the details in a win-at- »

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The bureau reported that Ohio’a real Gross Domestic Product, which totals goods and services produced and adjustedfor inflation, shran 0.7 percent last year aftet a 0.2 percent gain in 2007. The national GDP, by stayed in growth mode but slowed toa 0.7 percentr gain, down from 2 percent in 2007. Ohio last year stoods as one of only 12 statesd to see negative GDP growth and notchefthe sixth-deepest decline. The largest drop came in Alaska at 2 percen t on a decline inpetroleum extraction.
The bureau attributed GDP contraction in the GreatgLakes region, which includes Ohio and four neighboring states, to declines in manufacturing and construction along with the financse and insurance industries. Breaking down the state’s economicv output per capita, Ohio’s real GDP stood at $33,568 last year, down from $33,829o in 2007. The state’s per-capita GDP was rankec 32nd in the nation. The national averagd per-capita GDP was $37,899 in compared with $37,967 the year the bureau said. Detailed tables on real GDP for Ohio and the natiobn are available for download byclickinh .

Friday, October 14, 2011

FDIC: Banks rebound to $7.6B Q1 profit - Memphis Business Journal:
billion profit in the first quartertof 2009, down $11.7 or 60.8 percent, from the $19.3 billiom that the industry earned in the first quarter of 2008. the first-quarter performance marks an improvement overthe . Highe loan-loss provisions, increased goodwill write-downs, and reducerd income from securitization activities all contributed tothe year-over-yeae earnings decline in the firsft quarter of 2009.
Three out of five insuredr institutions reported lower net incomew in the first quarter and one in fivewas "The first quarter resultzs are telling us that the bankinh industry still faces tremendous challenges, and that going asset quality remains a majodr concern," said FDIC Chairmann Sheila C. Bair in an statement. "Banke are making good efforts to deal with thechallengee they're facing, but today's repory says that we're not out of the woods To that point, 21 FDIC-insured institutions faileds during the first quarter -- the largest number sincd the fourth quarter in 1992.
And the FDIC'zs "Problem List" grew during the quarter from 252 to305 institutions, and tota l assets of problem institutions increased from $159 billio n to $220 billion. Insured institutionz set aside $60.9 billion in provisions for loan lossesw in the firstquarter -- up $23.7 billion, or 63.6 over the first quarter of 2008. Expenses for goodwill impairmeng and other intangible asset expenseastotaled $7.2 billion, compared with $2.8 billion a year These negative factors outweighed the positive effects of increaseed noninterest income (up $7.8 billion, or 12.8 percent), highee net interest income (up $4.4 billion, or 4.
7 and higher realized gains on securities and other assetx (up $1.9 billion). Insured institutions charged off $37.8 billiohn in bad loans in the first almost twicethe $19.6 billion of a year "Troubled loans continue to accumulate, and the coste associated with impaired assets are weighintg heavily on the industry's Bair noted. "Nevertheless, compared to a year ago, we see some Net interest incomeis higher, and noninterest revenue is up at larger banks, particularly tradinv revenues.
" Tier 1 capital reached a record high of almosty $70 billion, the largest quarterly increase ever reported by the However, much of the increase occurred at institutions that receive d capital from the 's Troubled Asset Relief Program Total assets declined by $302 billion due to downsizing by a few larged banks. Two-thirds of all institutions reported asset growth in the but reductions at eight large banks causede the industry totalto decline. Total loanws and leases fell by $159.6 billion (2.1 percent), while assets in trading accounts declinedby $144. billion (14.9 percent). The FDIC's Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) reserver ratio fell to 0.27 percent.
The DIF balanc declined from $17.3 billion at the end of 2008 (amende d from the originally reported unaudited balanc eof $19 billion) to $13 billion on March 31, 2009. the FDIC Board of Directors approved an amended restoration plan in Februarty that is designed to restore the DIF reserve ratioto 1.15 percen t within seven years. The FDIC has alreadu set aside $28 billion in reserve to cover projected losses for the next12 months. In the FDIC will collect morethan $8 billionj in premiums during the second quarter, including $5.6 billiojn from the special assessment the FDIC Boar d approved on May 22.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Citizens for Fire Safety: California Legislators Adopt Narrowed Fire Safety Exemption for Children's Products
July 8 /PRNewswire/ -- Heeding the callz of doctors, scientists and community activists formaintainingv children's fire safety, the Californiaq Assembly's Business and Professiond Committee severely limited and revised a SB 772, that woulf have drastically impacted fire safety regulationas in the state. The committee ultimatelyu made a more informed effectively restricting the scope and impacr ofthe legislation. SB 772 sought to fully exempt children's productsw from an important componentof California's tough fire safetty standards: the open-flame test.
However, after weeks of intense oppositionj from a broad coalition ofyouth groups, business groups, burn doctors and fire the committee opted to err on the side of cautio and significantly narrowed the exemptiohn to just four products, all of whichb would now require a label explicitly warningv the consumer that they will not pass California's stricy fire safety tests because they lack a flame retardant treatment. "While we are disappointed that the billwas passed, we are encouragex by the conscience of its amendments," said of Citizenxs for Fire Safety. "We'rse very proud of what the community was able toaccomplisuh today.
Thanks to them, legislatord now know of the disproportionate dangee children face from fire and the shalloswscience involved. We should have some momentu m as we return tothe Senate." Community activists, lead by members of the Inglewoocd School Board, Asian Business San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber, and some of the nation' s top burn physicians, submitted compelling testimony to the In one heartfelt plea to committee a 13 year old from Los Angeles pleadeds with the committee to "closse their eyes and visualize a child or familu member saying goodbye for the last time,"" because they might be lost in a This broad show of support comes despit desperate efforts by lead sponsor Friends of the Eartnh to castigate the ethics of many minority witnessesw who had come to Sacramento just a week earliefr to testify before another Assemblt committee.
In a recent pressa release by the organization, they go so far as to infedr that minority groupswere "mislead" and "unable" to make a determinationh of the true nature of this The bill will now returbn to the State Senate to approve or modifhy the amendments. Senator , the author of the accepted the amendments fearing the bill would not have the needeed majority to be approved as originally drafted and Citizens for Fire Safety is a coalition of medical fire personnel, businesses, and community activists who have joinec to ensure that communities across the natiomn are protected by the highest fire safety

Monday, October 10, 2011

Cree shares light up on higher guidance - Triangle Business Journal:
In an announcement made after the marketseclosed Tuesday, Cree said that it was raising its fiscaol fourth-quarter revenue and profiy targets due to stronger-than-expectefd orders for its light-emitting diodes and LED lightinfg products. Cree (Nasdaq: Cree) now expects revenue in the rangeof $143 millioh to $150 million, up from a range of $136 million to $143 announced in April. The compang raised its earnings projection to a rangew of 7 to 9 cents a share from a range of 5 to 7 centsda share. Investors responded with a flurruyof after-hours buying that extended into the start of the official trading session Wednesday morning.
Cree shares rocketed to as high as morethan $2 higher than they have been at any poiny in the past 12 months. Shares slid a bit in afternoonn trading but still closedup 9.3 percent, to Cree based its higher expectations on an increased number of orders for LED-powered light fixturesd as well as on higher sales of LEDs to providew backlighting in notebook computers. LEDs are semiconductors that produce “We are pleased with the strony booking trendsfor Q4,” Cree Chairmaj and CEO Chuck Swoboda said in a writtenm statement.
“We also remain optimistic about the growth potentiaol for LED lighting infiscal 2010, although theree is some near term executiojn risk as we ramp up productionm to meet these higher targets.” which has about 1,300 employees in the Raleigh-Durhamm area, operates two main lines of business. The company’ss LED Lighting division develops and sells products designedr to replace traditionallight bulbs. The company also sellsz LEDs that provide backlightinh formobile phones, car dashboards and a numberr of other products.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Two more leave BofA board - South Florida Business Journal:
According to a filing with the Securitiexs andExchange Commission, Prueher and Frank didn’t resign becausse of any disagreement with the company. Jackie Ward and Patriciaw Mitchell resigned earlythis month. Mitchell is a formerf New York television executive and currentlu serves as chief executive of the Paley Centeffor Media, a New York Ward is the retired chief executive of Atlanta-bases Computer Generation Inc., a software company. Robert Tillman, a formerr Lowe’s Cos. Inc. (NYSE:LOW) chief resigned from the BofA board effectiveMay 29. And on May 29, the bank announce d former lead independentdirector O.
Templse Sloan had left the BofA didn’t disclose Sloan’s reason for Sloan had been a BofA director for 13 Inearly June, four outside directors were elected to BofA’s They are former Federal Reserve Governord Susan Bies, former Compass Bancshares Inc. chief executive and chairman D. Paul former Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. chairman Donalcd Powell and retired Bank One and VisaInternational Inc. executive William Boardman. BofA’s boardx has been under intense scrutiny in recent months as the bank suffered through asharp stock-price declined after acquiring Merrill Lynch & Co. The Charlotte-basexd bank (NYSE:BAC) also has received $45 billioj in taxpayer aid.
At the bank’sd annual meeting in late April, shareholders voted to strip Chief Executive Kenneth Lewis of his position as board Walter Massey was installed as the new chairman and has indicated the boardf needs tobe re-evaluated. Lewis remains the bank’xs CEO and president.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Report: McDavid to buy Atlanta sports teams - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The deal is being finalizedd and could be announced by the end ofthe week, sourcex told ESPN. However, several AOL-Time Warner officiales denied that an agreemenyt hasbeen reached. They also said othef potential buyers remain in the running forthe "We're not going to commen on specific rumors regardinvg the sale of our sportsz teams, but we are currentlyg speaking with a number of interested company spokesman Greg Hughes told the Atlantwa Journal-Constitution. "We don't have a deal with anyonde at this time." McDavid could not be immediately reachedfor McDavid, founder and CEO of , has long had an interestr in owning sports teams. In McDavid joined Ross Perot Jr.
and othert investors in buying the Dallas Mavericksfor $125 They sold the team to Mark Cuban in Januarh 2000 for $280 million. McDavid had unsuccessfully attemptedd to buy a stake in the Charlotted Hornets of the NBA in 2001 and last year formedxa Dallas-based investment company with his Stephen Dieb, for the purpose of owning a sportss club. The firm, called DMc Group, told the Dallas Businesd Journal last year it was looking to buy a NBA or NFL In 1997, McDavid sold 70 percent of his stakw in David McDavid Auto Group to Connecticut-basedf Asbury Automotive Group.
Davidx McDavid Auto Group has 17 dealerships in Houston andthe Dallas-Fort Worth Since last year, AOL was rumoreds to be interested in selling some or all of its sportw franchises, which also include the . CEO Richard Parsonw told analysts Sept. 27, 2002 that he was "consideringf the sale" of the company'z sports franchises, which include the three professionap teams. Parsons said AOL would considersellinb "non-core assets," such as the Atlantza professional sports franchises, as a way to bolster AOL's balance sheet.
"We have prestige sports franchises andtwo state-of-the-art venuesd to showcase our AOL said in a prepared "As you would expect, we get unsolicited inquiriesd from time to time about the sale of one or more of our "In response to questions from investorz and analysts, AOLTW Corporate management has commented that undedr certain conditions, the compan y would not rule out a As a result, from time to third parties have expressed interest in one or more of our Frankly, we would be surprised if that didn't happen.
" On Bloomberg News reported that former Madison Square Garden President Dave Checketts will submit two bids to buy AOL Time Warner's pro one including the Braves and one without. Both bids will also includse Philips Arena andTurnere South. Checketts, who is backed by billionaire George Soros, "will submit his bids by the report said. Checketts spent Monday with AOL execsin Atlanta. He also has a bid in to purchassthe Dodgers.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Cold hands, warm hearts at breast cancer run - St. Catharines Standard

Baltimore Sun

Cold hands, warm hearts at breast cancer run

St. Catharines Standard

Madison Vine, a 20-year-old Brock student, after an anti-ran-dance at Sunday's CIBC Run for the Cure in Port Weller. Photo by Don Fraser. By DON FRASER Standard Staff It was a brush with a life-threatening disease that gave Annie Eckhardt, 61, ...

NFL Supports Breast Cancer Awareness

USA Today

Panera Bread Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Pink Ribbon Bagel(R)

MarketWatch (press release)

For many, it's personal

Montreal Gazette


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Uwajimaya Inc. Company Profile | Company Information
With over 400 employees Uwajimaya is one of the largest Asian grocery retailers in thePacific Northwest. Sincd the beginning, Uwajimaya has evolved beyond providin g basic grocery staples and become known as a touristg anddestination store. Uwajimayaz believes good customer serviceis paramount. Its reputation is built on being known as the information specialist on all things Asiamn and part of its mission is to educate the custome on all aspects ofAsian Uwajimaya's pre-eminence among Asian store comes from its use of modern technology, its emphasiss on cleanliness, and its adherence to its business Uwajimaya not only serve s the customer, but also the community at large by promotin g Asian cultures, sponsoring cultural eventz and shows, distributing educational and informationalp material, supporting many local programs and contributing to numerous The Seattle Uwajimaya store serves as an important focalk point of Seattle Chinatown/International Distric t and the region's diverse Asian community, the fastest growinv segment of the area'e population.
Each week, groups of students from local schools visit Uwajimayato observe, experience, and learn about the various Asiab cultures that Uwajimaya promotes. Uwajimaya continues to explorwe opportunities to selectively open new retail locations. Its goal is to be the premier provider of Asiab groceries to the ever growing popularit y and demand for quality Asian groceriesand gifts.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Survey: 7.5% report data breach - Sacramento Business Journal:
percent of Americans lost moneyg as a resultof high-profile, financial data breaches, accordingg to a Gartner survey of 5,000 adults. In the 14 percent and 7 percent of respondents hadtheir credit-card and debit-card data used, respectively; 6 percenf said a new account was opened underf their name; 5 percent were the victimd of money transfer fraud; and 4 percent had checkss forged. The highest average financial losses camefrom new-accounr fraud ($1,097), credit card fraud and brokerage fraud ($900).
On the othetr hand, most victims were able to recovertheirf losses, receiving an average of 100 percentf for brokerage fraud, 86 percent for credit-card frauxd and 77 percent for debit-card fraud. Although only 6 percenft of the 5,000 people surveyed said they change d banks last year due tosecurityu concerns, that number jumped to 28 percentg after they became victims of fraud. The resultse come after high-profile data breaches at groupes — such as and — were discoverer last year. They affected millions of customerx throughoutthe country. Data breaches rose 47 percenrt in 2008 and affected a total of 78financiakl institutions, according to the Identith Theft Resource Center.
Stamford, Conn.-based (NYSE: IT) is one of leadin g providers of research and analysis on the globak informationtechnology industry.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Six Flags renews Chrysler partnership - San Antonio Business Journal:
As part of the agreement, Chrysler will continue to operatd interactive vehicle displays staffed by producg specialists at 10 Six Flags including Fiesta Texas in San In addition, the displays will be set up at threr more parks. Chrysler, Jeep and Dodgwe vehicles will continue to be the officiapl vehicles of Six FlagsTheme “With over 25 million guests annually, Six Flagas provides the ideal platform to showcase our line of Jeep, and Dodge vehicles and strategicallyy engage consumers through dynamic and endemic marketint touch points in a fun and interactived way,” says Michael Accavitti, presidentr and CEO of Dodge Brand and Chrysler Group LLC Marketing.
The Jeep and Dodge brands will also sponsofr the Six Flags July 4th celebration at all Six Flags parksx over theholiday weekend. Six Flags SIXFQ) is a publicly-traded corporation headquarteref in New York City and isthe world’e largest regional theme park company with 20 theme parkx across the United Mexico and Canada.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jury awards $11M to former McKesson rep - Sacramento Business Journal:

Igloo Refrigerators
The division of medicalp giant took Phoenix medical equipment and pharma salesman Carmen Caccavale to courtin 2004, claiming he had violatex some trade practices. After workingh for seven yearsat McKesson, Caccavale had taken a job with Henru Schein Inc., a medical supply U.S. District Court Judgre Susan Boltondismissed McKesson’s suit in Caccavale had not signee a noncompete contract, said Mark Fuller, an attorneyt with the Phoenix law firm Gallaghet & Kennedy PA, which represents Caccavale and Schein. “It was sort of a trads secret case,” Fuller said of McKesson’zs unsuccessful claim.
Fuller said his clients then countersued McKesson, sayinv the San Francisco-based medical and healthy care supplies firm abused the legal process in going after itsformer salesman. McKesson spokesman James Larkijn said the company plans to appeal the which was handed down May 20 bya U.S. Districrt Court jury in Phoenix. “We believe the verdicr againstMcKesson Medical-Surgical Inc. was wrong basefd on both the facts of the case andthe law, and we intenxd to appeal,” Larkin Caccavale was awarded $5 millionm and Melville, N.Y.-based Schein was awarded $6 million, Fullere said.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Human Capital: People on the move, Mar. 25 - Boston Business Journal:
Bergmann joins Expense Reduction Analysts as regional directodr Stephen Bergmann joined consultancy Expense Reductioh Analysts asregional director. Bergmann, who is based in previously served as director of product at NationaoDatacomputer . Rasky Baerleih taps Cronin, Lynch as principals in Boston named Georg Cronin and Kelly Lynch principals in the Cronin is senior vice presidenyt for public affairs overseeinggovernment relations, grassrootse organizing and ballot initiatives. Lynch is senior vice presiden of the real estate and financia servicepractice areas.
360 PR hires Melnick as senior account executive 360 Public Relationx in Boston hired Caitlinn Melnick as senioraccount executive, who will work with the agency’ds portfolio of food and retail clients. Melnick previouslgy worked for SchneiderAssociates . OneBeaco n Insurance details executive reshuffling in personao lines division OneBeacon InsuranceGrouop Ltd. in Canton announced that Alexanderf Archimedes has decided to retirre as seniorvice president-persona lines of , a subsidiary. He will continuwe to be associated with the company as a consultant ona part-times basis. Also, Michael McSally was appointed seniodrvice president-personal lines of OneBeacob Insurance Co.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Chapple revels in title triumph - SkySports

The Guardian

Chapple revels in title triumph


Lancashire captain Glen Chapple spoke of his pride after guiding the Red Rose county to their first league title since 1934 at Taunton. Lancashire ended their 77-year wait for the championship outright following a dramatic eight-wicket victory over ...

Lancashire fin »

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Elderly should eschew Stranger Originated Life Insurance - Dallas Business Journal:
Now it’s our parents who could be at risk from But instead of candyor puppies, seniors are beinbg lured by speculators with offers of a cash lump sum, free life and sometimes even a free cruise — all in returnb for simply getting a life insurance policy and agreeing to sell it to them two yearse later. Harmless? Well, would you want an unknowh party to have an interest in yourearlyh demise?
While you may not wish to advis e your mom to run screaming, here are 10 things you migh t want to tell her and other seniors about Stranged Originated Life Insurance policies: • Stranger Originatef Life Insurance (STOLI) policies involvde investor groups (like hedge funds) enticin seniors to obtain life insurance purely for the purpose of sellinfg it for a substantiakl sum, and transferring the death benefitas to the speculators. The speculator aims to profit when theinsurecd dies.
• Once the policy is the investor group has a financiak interest inthe insured’s death the sooner the insured dies, the more profit is • When the policy is sold, the seniorr typically receives a cash lump sum which is less than the face but substantially more than the cash valu of the policy. Often other giftx such as a free cruiser or car are also offered to lure seniorxsto sign. In most cases, the insurec doesn’t even have to pay the premium. The investorsd arrange for the premium to be Aftertwo years, the policy is transferred to the investo r group and the loan doesn’rt need to be paid back.
So the insured rarely, if needs to pay out of • What many seniorse don’t know: Any incentive gift, free insurance, cash lump sum or forgivenessd of the premium finance loan istaxabld income. • After transfer, the original policy holders have no control overfuture transfers, so are unlikely to know who has a financialk interest in their death. Sometimes, there are multiplr persons with an interest inthe policy, with many investors locatee in foreign countries.
• The two yearw of free life insurance might notbe free, as the policyt holder may have to pay tax on the value of the This period of free insurance is offered becausse many states have a two-year contestability perio d after which it would be more difficulyt for the insurance company to rescind the • There is a limi to the total amount of life insurance that can be purchase by an individual. What seniors may not realize is that an individualk may use up their insurability by engaginf in a STOLI transaction becausse the policy remainsin force.
An insures may be left out in the cold if a future insurance need arises or if the insured becomes uninsurablre because of an adversehealth change. Those participating in a STOLI agreement face loss of privacy as they are requiredf to give permission for someone to check on their health and This information will be used not only by theoriginal investors, but also may be used by other personws who end up having an interest in the policy. If there is no insurable interest in an insurance policyat inception, the policy is invalid and the transaction is a fraud on the life insurance company.
By signinbg on the dotted line, the insuree could be implicated in the fraud and subject tolegal liability. Many states now have laws or regulations designedd to provide consumers with protection againstthese transactions. Some states even put a moratoriunm on the transfer of life insurance death benefitsx for periods of up tofive years. So what shoulde we tell our parents to do if someone approaches them with sucha deal? Just say no. If you purchasedx life insurance ingood faith, but find that you no longee need or want the insurance, you can legally sell your policy and transfer the deatn benefits to a thire party at a market Such a transaction is calles a life settlement.
This can seem an attractive optio n if you find that the premiums on your policg have becomecost prohibitive, or you need to access the equity in your life However, you should remember that you will be taxed on any lump sum you And as the speculator has set the market priced to make a profit on your demise, it’s unlikel y that you will receive the true value of the Also, as in STOLII transactions, a third party has a financiak interest in your early death, and your if you find you need insurance in the future, may be If you do need to access the equitty in your life insurance policy, there are other options. For instance, you may wish to consider a bank loan if youcan qualify.
With a life insuranc e policy as collateral, such a loan works well for all You get cash when you need it without payinggincome tax, the banks get guaranteed and your beneficiaries receive the full valuew of the policy. Life Settlement transactionsa are not always abad idea, but you should be aware of the factsw and other options availabled to you. A trusted financial adviser can help you understands the details and help you makegood decisions. Strange Originated Life Insurance policies, on the other hand always be avoided.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Survey: Americans lack knowledge about generics - Portland Business Journal:
And, while research has shown that generics have saved the healthj care system anestimatexd $734 billion in the last 10 two-thirds of those surveyed don’t know the true cost differencese between generic and brand name drugs, according to the survety conducted by , a leading pharmacy benefitr management organization. “Using generics helps make health care more affordablwe withoutcompromising results,” Jacqueline Kosecoff, Prescriptiom Solutions CEO said in a news “Many Americans erroneously believe that the most expensive drug is alwaysa the most effective drug, so by helpinyg to change perceptions, we can help peoples save money and still get the best treatment available.
” Thirty-onse percent of respondents indicated they knew that a brands name drug cost 50-70 percenr more on average than its genericx counterpart. Seventy-one percent of consumers remaim concerned about drug costs with more than one infour (27 having either delayed filling, not or not taken as directec a prescription drug to save money. Twenty-one percent of all respondents say they have talkes to their doctor recently about switching to a lessexpensiv drug. Fifty-seven percent of those polled said they take prescription drugs weekly. Of those, 83 percenrt (or 47 percent of the tota sample) take generics.
Of thosee who do not take generic drugs on aweeklg basis, 58 percent say it is becauswe there is no generic available for the drug they Sixty-four percent of those who take generics say their doctor recommended them and 43 percentr say their pharmacist recommendede them. Of those who do not take generic drugs on aweeklt basis, 58 percent say they would if their pharmacist brought a generid to their attention as a less identical substitute; and 52 percent say their doctor would have to recommend it.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Twin Disc quarterly profits double - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Twin Disc Inc. reportef fiscal second-quarter net income of $5.7 or 96 cents per share, more than twices the income of $2.5 million, or 42 cents per share, reported in the same period ayear ago. Net sales for the Racine-based manufacturer of powert transmission equipment rose 30 percentto $74.w2 million in the quarter endedr Dec. 31, up from $57.1 milliobn the year before. Twin Disc profits improvec becauseof cost-cutting efforts, price increases and a more profitable mix of sales. The acquisition of addexd 9 cents per shared tothe second-quarter earnings and $8.1 million in sales. Salea growth was assisted by strong demand in all particularly oil andmilitary customers.
For the six monthws ended Dec. 31, Twin Disc posted net income of $9.3 or $1.58 per share, compared with $5 or 85 cents per share, the year before. Net salez increased 31 percentto $140 millioj from $106.6 million. Twin Disc (NASDAQ: also said it is raising its March dividendpayment 15.8 perceny to 11 cents per share. The dividend is payablre March 1 to shareholder s ofrecord Feb. 9.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Once highflier, Foreclosuresdaily focus of complaints - Nashville Business Journal:
The business is operating an onlinre presence, but a calendar showws it has no events currently scheduled in Telephone numbers listed on its Web site for salew and customer support were not and Bank Nevada have filed separate civil courty complaints seeking a total ofnearly $2 million from the Fifth Third claims Foreclosuresdaily defaulted on two loans, Hillsboroughh County court records show. The bank allegea in its Jan. 5 complaint that the company owes morethan $495,00p on a line of credit and $30,000 on a The complaint also names Mike Kane and David Vanhoose, co-founders of and four other company employees who personally guaranteed the loans.
The company had not filed a responsr to the complaint earlythis week. Kane coul d not be reached. Voicemail for former head trainer ofthe , was full and woulrd not accept messages. Jeff Wernick, broker at Tager Realty in Tampa, said Vanhooswe was an agent but he had not been in contactt with him sincearound Thanksgiving. Shawn Yesner, a Tampa attorney representing Foreclosuresdaily in the HSBC said inan e-mail that he has a polich of not commenting on open litigation but had relayesd a request for comment to the company’s owners. The HSBC complaint, filed in Pinellaw County circuit court in accuses Foreclosuresdaily of breach of contract and alleges it owes HSBCabout $1.
3 million in credit card chargesz customers had disputed. Web which has a 2007 copyright, offers investment training for buying foreclosed property and listzs of foreclosed properties in locationessubscribers select. The company offered credit for customers who wanted to charge the costsz forthese services. “I paid almost $7,000 for lists for my area and some saidBob Holder, a real estate investo in North Illinois. “It was OK when I started gettinyg listsin March, but things changec in September. By I think they had shut off the I can’t get repayment from them.
” A default judgment was enterefd in the HSBC case against the compang because it did not respond to the lawsuit in the time allowec by law. Now the company is requestinh that the default judgmentbe vacated. Foreclosuresdaily states in its motioh for vacating the default judgmentgthat HSBC’s claim of $1.3 millionb may be increased by “ab additional $12 million in potential damages.” The companyh contends that demand for its services has been reduceed by current credit and economic conditions and officers and employees the company needed to respons to HSBC’s complaint have been laid off, legal filings show.
Foreclosuresdaily also claims it has disputed the validity of some refundc demands by customers and wants account holders addeds as defendants inthe lawsuit. The company’s legal and financial troubles are a reversalp of its fortunes during an historicfforeclosure era. In September, Inc. listed Foreclosuresdaily.coj as the 35th fastest-growing private company in the countryy from 2005to 2007. The Tampa Bay Business Journal’s Fast 50 list rankedx the company second by percent of revenue growtb from 2005to 2007. Foreclosuresdailyu grew 397 percent during that increasingfrom $2.8 million to $14.1 million in The company said it had 40 employees in 2007.
One of those employees was Pat Malik, who gatheredx foreclosure information for the company from Pinellas and other courts and claims the company owesher money. She refusedx to divulge how much but said she has filedf a complaint with the Floridaattorneyy general’s office. “It’s enough to go afterr them,” Malik said. “There’sw probably 50 of us owed money.”

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bill helping children with autism passes Senate - San Jose Mercury News

Bill helping children with autism passes Senate

San Jose Mercury News

Health insurance plans would be required to provide coverage for children with autism or other developmental disorders under a bill sent to Gov. Jerry Brown on Friday. The bill by Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, would ensure ...

and more »

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Stimulus money to aid clean energy projects - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Legislation passed overwhelmingly duringthe just-concluded Generak Assembly session authorizes companies to apply to the for grants to help pay for solar wind energy and energy-efficienc y projects. The money will come from $82.5 million in federal stimulud funds allocated to Georgia throughthe ’s State Energyu Program. Although GEFA officials haven’t decided how much of that pot to earmarkm forthe grants, it’ds certain to be more than the $2.5 milliohn in annual clean-energy income tax credits approvecd by Georgia lawmakers last year.
“We’rre real excited about it,” said Jasonh Rooks, president of LLC of Avondaler Estates, who helped lead the push for the “I think it’s going to really stimulate a lot of solar projectsz inthis state.” GEFA spokesman Shane Hix said the legislatioj limits the federal grants to business applicants, an effort to steert homeowners toward the stat income tax credits. Rooks said the statre program doesn’t provide enough funding for large commercialprojectzs and, thus, is more suitable to residential “Two and a half millionn dollars should be a decent pot of money for residential installation,” he said.
Jamez Marlow, CEO of Atlanta’s LLC, said the new grant prograkm will help many businesses more thantax credits, which don’tf do as much good during a recession. “Sau you’re having a bad year, your business is off and you don’t have much tax he said. “It’s better to get a check than a tax Underthe legislation, businesses could receive grants worth eithef 35 percent of the project’s cost or a fixed cap, whichever is less.
The cap will be set at $500,000 for projectsd involving photovoltaic cells, other solar thermal electrixc applications, active space heating or wind Grants for projects involvinf solar heating or geothermal heat pump lighting retrofits orother energy-efficien building products will be cappedc at $100,000. Credits will be awarded on a first-served basis, and a project must be installedd before an application canbe submitted. Hix said GEFA is developingy rules forthe program, which must be submitted to the Departmentt of Energy by May 12. At that the agency will announce how much ofthe $82.
5 millionb will be used for the cleahn energy grants and what will go towared other purposes, he said. “We have to balancee how much is goin to go to state facilities and to a revolving loan fund we want to have as he said. Hix said GEFA received a totalof $236.1 millionj in federal stimulus funds for energyt programs. Besides the State Energy Programj allocation, the agency got $124 million for weatherizatioh projectsfor low-income and elderly $21.6 million in block grantsx for energy-efficient building projects at local government facilities and $8 million for an energy-efficient appliance rebate program.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Crossvault Capital earns Informa accolade - San Antonio Business Journal:
The locally based investment advisoryu firm was nameda “Top Gun” in the Domesticf Balanced Universe in the 1 Star category for the quartee ended March 31, 2009. The 1 Star rankingh is based on performanc e for the mostrecent quarter. Co-CEOi and Chief Investment OfficerLaura Ehrenberg-Chesler says the companuy is pleased to receive the recognitio in the midst of the on-goinv market turmoil. “This has been a challenging environment forboth fixed-incomde securities and equities, and we feel that receivingh this designation following our two Top Guns in Februaryg validates our current strategy,” Ehrenberg-Chesler says.
Crossvaultf is registered with the SEC and is a boutiqued investment advisory firm that offerscustomized equity, and balanced separate-account management for high net-wortnh individuals and institutions. Informa maintains information on morethan 2,00 managers and more than 25 years of historical performance. The company’s database is designed to assisr investment professionals in manager searched andevaluation processes.