Saturday, October 29, 2011

Economic canaries sing faintly - Kansas City Business Journal:
Indicators whose health, like that of canaries in coal mines, signals the fitness of the economic air point to recovery in the secons half ofthe year, said Randell Kansas City-based editor of . It’ll be a slow return to vigor, though, and doubts remai n about how long a true recoverymight take. “Whej we talk about recovery in the second half ofthis we’re really not so much talking about the economyg growing again,” Moore said. “It’s just that so many factorse that were subtracting from growth over the last several quarters are simply going to stop subtracting from That at least gets us back to the zerostartinb point.
” Declining activity in manufacturing seemws to be improving to the point wherde it bodes well for the largedr economy. Housing inventories are beginningto shrink, alongg with the number of jobs beinf cut. Personal income rose slightly in April, and grosas domestic product contracted less in the first Business inventories are gettinvg closer tomatching demand.

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