Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bay Area home sales, prices see uptick - Phoenix Business Journal:

The median price paid for a home inthe nine-countgy region rose to $341,500, up 12.3 percenft from $304,000 in April but down 33.9 percent from $517,000p in May 2008, accordingh to MDA DataQuick of San Diego. In Santz Clara County the median pricwewas $445,000, down 28.3 percent from the same monthu last year. There were 1,688 homes compared to the year-ago's 1,467. The median’ss rise over April marked the secondconsecutiver month-to-month increase. Although last month’s median was 17.8 percenf higher than the current cycle’s low of $290,000 in Marcj this year, it was still 48.6 percenf below the peak $665,000 median reacher in June and Julyof 2007.
Sales of $800,000-plus existing single-family houses rose to 13.2 percent of all housse resaleslast month, up from 9.8 percenft in April and the highest since they were 14.8 perceny of sales last October. Salesz of sub-$400,000 existing houses dropped to 57.5 percent of May down from 62.2 percent in April and the lowestysince 56.5 percent in A total of 7,44 new and resale housex and condos sold in the nine-county Bay Area last That was up 4.3 percent from 7,13i9 in April and up 19.8 percent from 6,216 in May 2008. The May 2008 saless were the lowestin DataQuick’s statistics, whic go back to 1988. May sales have averaged 9,88q1 and peaked in May 2004 at 13,567 sales.

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