Friday, March 30, 2012

Indonesia's Finest Turn Gulf Heads - Jakarta Globe

Jakarta Globe

Indonesia's Finest Turn Gulf Heads

Jakarta Globe

Ultimately, she selected Ark Galerie, D'Gallerie and Galeri Canna of Jakarta, Jogja Contemporary of Yogyakarta and Biasa ArtSpace of Bali. Alia picked artists she knew would be popular at the fair, selecting primarily photographers and conceptual ...

< p class="p" size="-1">and more »

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Merchant & Gould trademark lawyers excel at marketing - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Rather than sit by their phones, waitinv for new business to come their way atMerchant Gould's trademark-law practice, the threr young leaders -- ages 39, 37 and 40, respectivelh -- are often found out of theier offices peddling their services. It's a new way of doingt business atthe firm, they say, and it'zs working. In 2002, Merchant & Gould's trademark practice brought in an averageof 11.25 new clientzs per trademark attorney. In 2005 -- after Ehard and Schulter had joined thefirm -- that numberr rose to 17.11 new clientds per attorney. That's a 52 percent Between 2002 and revenue on work originated by the trademari group increased23 percent.
And since when Ehard joined, the energeticx trio has landed a combined 121 new firmclientsx -- including Farley's & Sathersw Candy Co. Inc. "Historically, we had talented attorneysx who weretalented attorneys," said who took the reins of the trademark group in "Today, the focus is on talentedf attorneys who are talented marketers." The practics even has its own tag line: "Protecting 20,0090 brands every day." The motto is imprinted on Nalgene bottlea and other giveaway items.
The three lawyers make a special effory to be regular speakers at which has developed into a reliable marketing A surge in competition for clients with trademarmk issues forced the firm to develop a more aggressivwmarketing strategy. One insider said attorney-initiateed marketing is becomingmore common. "It's not the kind of approachh that was traditional with lawyers inthe past, but these up-and-coming attorneys realize that's what it takes to buildx a presence in the busines community," said Brian Freeman, author and former directotr of marketing for Minneapolis-based Faegrde & Benson.
"You are seeing a lot more of particularly in what might be consideredniche practices." And Ehared and Schulte are both spending more and more time speaking at eventsd and traveling across the United Statees and abroad to meet with prospective clients. Schulte, in is spending a lot of timein Germany, Croatia and Londonj speaking to potential clients. While it's a big investmengt of his time andthe firm'sw money, it's important if the firm is to compete Said Schulte: "You can't fax a

Monday, March 26, 2012

Dealer plans February opening for Rocklin Mercedes-Benz - Sacramento Business Journal:
The steel is up and the floors are poured forthe building, which, at more than 60,0090 square feet, will house new-car salea and service at Granite Court. Grinzewitsch anticipatew the dealership, which fronts Interstate 80, will open by At $17.5 million for the buildingf andanother $2 million for equipmenf and furniture, the project is ’s most expensive. The cost of the project increase d byabout $1.5 milliob when workers “ran into rock” preparing for a retaining But, Grinzewitsch acknowledged, it is Rocklin. Von Housenn has offered service at the site since 1998 andadder used-car sales this year.
The new building will display 20 to 25 cars on the firsrt floor and four cars on the second Grinzewitsch said. For customers needing a bite, the dealershil will have a bistro. It also will add 38 serviced bays to the eight existing ones on the The Mercedes-Benz dealership will display more than 200 new and used Grinzewitsch expects to create 50 jobs withinb the first year. He said the nation’se credit crisis has had no effect on his thanks to continued funding from the Grinzewitschrealizes he’ll be opening before car salesw likely recover from the currenyt slowdown, but he’s not “We’re prepared to hunker down if we have he said.
“We just run lean and mean.” His servicer and used-car sales operation in Rocklinis profitable, as is his El Doradol Hills Mercedes-Benz dealership, he said. The localo tanning salon chain has bought a building that more than doublez the size of its corporatew office and will open two more stores in the next few TheRoseville company, whichg has 24 locations, expects to add about five storea next year. Michael Blore, who owns the businesw with his wife, Ashleigh, bought an 11,000-square-foot buildingy at 1316 Blue Oaks Blvd. in The company has leased 5,000 square feet at 8265 for abouta decade.
The 24-employee headquarterws will move to the new office by the end of the The business is funding the purchase witha $1.90 million loan from the . U.S. Bank also has been “reallgy instrumental with our growth,” Michael Blorse said. “It was really critical for he said of thenew headquarters. “We were bustingt at the seams here.” Workers were sharinb desks, he added, and the company neede d more spacefor training. Scott Rush at represented the Blorex in the building California Sun Centers is continuing to expan d despite theeconomic woes. Business is “OK,” Michael Blore “We’re not invincible, that’s for sure.
We’ve reallgy chopped our advertising budget,” he said. But the challengin g economy also offers great including some enticinglease “We’re getting some great he said.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Report: Houston shows positive, though slower, office absorption in 2008 - Houston Business Journal:
In comparison, Houston posted more than 6 millionj square feet of positive absorptiohn in the office marketin 2007. Class A officde buildings were responsible for most of the 2008 net or net change in the amount of occupied A totalof 165,184 square feet of Classz A space was absorbed during the fourthh quarter, resulting in 1.1 millionh square feet of positive net absorption for the according to the report. The nicesf office buildings also had the lowesg vacancy rate among all classes of office Class A vacancy increased by 120 basis pointsto 11.3 percenty for the quarter, the Grubb & Ellis reporg shows.
Houston’s sublease space rose by 116,2621 square feet in the fourth quarter tonearlg 2.6 million square feet. Despite the quarterly increase, Houston’s subleasee space is only 1.6 percent of the overalp inventory, which is lower than the national averageof 2.3 The asking rent rate was higher at the end of 2008 than it was at the end of but Grubb & Ellis reportsz that rent increases have slowed and landlords are offerin more concessions to tenants.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Retail woes drive down Dow; Colorado stocks hit hard - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Several Colorado stocks experiencesd big lossesas well. The Dow Jones Industrialk Average closed at off 2.94 percent, or 248.42 points, on the day. Volumr was 354 million shares. The Commercr Department said December sales inthe nation’s storess were twice as bad as Wall Street had off 2.7 percent from a year earlier. It was the sixtj consecutive monthly decline insales figures. The NASDAQ Composite finisheed the dayat 1489.64, down 3.67 percent or Decliners among actively traded Colorado stocks Wednesday included , Inc. (NASDAQ: off 12.2 percent (15 cents) to • (NYSE: FST) — Down 10.55 percenyt ($1.79) to $15.18. • (NYSE: WLL) — Down 10.2 percen t ($3.
65) to $32.12. (On the stock was up 4.41 • (NYSE: JNS) — Down 10.15 percent (80 cents) to • (NYSE: PLD) — Down 10.01 percentr ($1.22) to $10.97. Among the few Colorad o stocks that gained Wednesdaywere CROX), up 3.33 percent (4 to $1.24, and (NASDAQ: up 0.73 percent (5 cents) to $6.87.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012 - The News for South MississippiWoman, 3 daughters shot to death at ... - WLOX - The News for South MississippiWoman, 3 daughters shot to death at ...


By JIM SALTER AP BALLWIN, Mo. (AP) - The fatal shooting of a woman and her three young daughters, whose bodies were discovered in the middle of a remote gravel road at a Missouri resort, has been ruled a murder-suicide, a law officer said Monday.

and more »

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Quotations of the day - Washington Post

Quotations of the day

Washington Post

“When I heard him talk, he said ... 'Yeah, that's my job. That's what I do.' He never expressed a lot of emotion toward it.” â€" Kassie Holland, a next-door neighbor in Washington state to Robert Bales, the Army staff sergeant who is suspected of ...

and more »

Thursday, March 15, 2012

'Megacaps' Now More Attractive -

'Megacaps' Now More Attractive

But shorten your time horizon, and small caps look far less attractive, Mr. Ramsey says. During the past five years, the Russell 2000 has returned 10.6%, just 1.8% more than the S&P 100. And during the past 12 months, megacaps have jumped 6.9% while ...

and more »

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bay Area home sales, prices see uptick - Phoenix Business Journal:
The median price paid for a home inthe nine-countgy region rose to $341,500, up 12.3 percenft from $304,000 in April but down 33.9 percent from $517,000p in May 2008, accordingh to MDA DataQuick of San Diego. In Santz Clara County the median pricwewas $445,000, down 28.3 percent from the same monthu last year. There were 1,688 homes compared to the year-ago's 1,467. The median’ss rise over April marked the secondconsecutiver month-to-month increase. Although last month’s median was 17.8 percenf higher than the current cycle’s low of $290,000 in Marcj this year, it was still 48.6 percenf below the peak $665,000 median reacher in June and Julyof 2007.
Sales of $800,000-plus existing single-family houses rose to 13.2 percent of all housse resaleslast month, up from 9.8 percenft in April and the highest since they were 14.8 perceny of sales last October. Salesz of sub-$400,000 existing houses dropped to 57.5 percent of May down from 62.2 percent in April and the lowestysince 56.5 percent in A total of 7,44 new and resale housex and condos sold in the nine-county Bay Area last That was up 4.3 percent from 7,13i9 in April and up 19.8 percent from 6,216 in May 2008. The May 2008 saless were the lowestin DataQuick’s statistics, whic go back to 1988. May sales have averaged 9,88q1 and peaked in May 2004 at 13,567 sales.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mindful Eating - Manila Bulletin

Mindful Eating

Manila Bulletin

IX in Essais (1580) MANILA, Philippines â€" Like any good student of philosophy, to understand “mindful eating,” appreciate first its antithesis â€" “mindless eating.” For the most part, that's easy â€" because that's what we do when we eat in front of the ...

Friday, March 9, 2012

TBJ poll: 75 percent support smoking ban - Triangle Business Journal:
From May 27 through June 2, visitors to trianglebusinessjournal.comk and recipients of TBJ’s Daily E-mail Updates were asked, “Do you agree with the ban on smokingin N.C. restaurantw and bars that will takeeffect Jan. 2, Of the 824 responses, 75 percentf said they agreed withthe ban. About 22 perceng said they did not approve ofthe ban. Only 2 percenr indicated that they don’t care aboutt the issue. The survey is not scientifi c but offers a glimpse into how Triangler Business Journal readers view an The smoking-ban poll produced a numbee of comments, indicative of the divisive naturde of the issue.
Ban basherw decried the law as another exampleof “Big stepping too far into the private Ban supporters said the ban would help workers, patronzs and even restaurant and bar Here’s a sampling of the lightly edited for grammar and “The law that should have passed is that all restaurantzs and bars have to post a sign outsidw (and their Web site) if they allow smoking or not. Then it woulfd be up to us as ADULTS to make the decisionn on whether to patronize the establishmentor not. For all of you "nannyg staters", BIG GOV will come for you one day. I hear what is next is that we will all have to wear bicycle helmets in cars toprotec ourselves.
Mommy government always knows best.” “Good air quality is a valuable commodity....insided or outside. Knowing that, why has it takem us so long?” “I hate going into a placs where people are smoking because my clothes andmy wife'w hair end up smelling like the bottom of an I can't imagine that places will lose much they may even gain business.” “Smoking imposes upon other s even when it is done arouns the entrances of businesses.
Except for the adverse healtjh related impact this could be resolved by havinf smokers use a self contained closed systenm that would allow them to smoke themselves Most who debate the issue seem to ignore the fact that smoking related illnesses are a serious burdejn on the health care industrgy and creates costs that we all ultimatelypay “Too many laws = too many people with no personal responsibility. (I'm an ex-smoker by the way). If you don't like it, stay away from it. We need to take most of our laws off the educate people to makegood “The main reason I agree with the smokingy ban is the inability to control the spreas of smoke.
Breathers have more rightsa thansmokers – everyone needsz to breathe; not everyone smokes. If smokers could limitg their smoke to theirpersonal space, it wouldn'y be an issue. French fries and other "unhealthy" pursuits don'yt infringe on others' enjoyment, unless they're thrown around recklessly. I'm pretty sure most smokers woulcd back a ban on the reckless flingint of Frenchfries ...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

UCSC gets commitments from more than 3,500 new students - Business First of Louisville:
As of June 16, 3,523 students had committe to becoming part ofthe university's Claszs of 2013. Those numbers could changre by the time classes begin inthe fall. But the numbert of freshman committing to attend UCSC in the fall isaboutr 1,000 fewer than last Campus officials said in press release last year they had receivexd commitments from 4,573 incoming members of the classa of 2012. Public-supported colleges and universities throughouft the state are attempting to cope with majo budget cuts forthe 2009-10 academic year, on top big reductiond that have already been made the past two "We are very excited to welcomee the Class of 2013 to the University of California, Santa Cruz, and we'rew very gratified by the strong interest they have shown in our campus," Chancellof George Blumenthal said in a statement.
"The academivc quality and diversity of this classx isespecially impressive." Michelle UCSC's associate vice chancellor of enrollmenyt management, said the scenic campus builty into a hillside redwood foresyt is more popular than ever. Undergraduate applications to the universitty have totaled morethan 32,000 the past two with this year's numbetr reaching almost 33,000. That's a 12.7 percent increase the 29,14o undergraduate applications UCSC received forfall 2007. The averaged grade point average of incoming freshman is upfrom 3.52 in last year'se freshman class, with the average SAT test score of 1718 representing a 20-poinf increase over the class of 2012.
Studentsx of color compose more than 25 percent of incoming freshman, up from nearlyu 24 percent last year. About 23 percent of that groupl areof Asian-American descent, according to universitt officials.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Firm Says Bird Songs Can Be Copyrighted, Video Pulled From YouTube - Field and Stream (blog)

Firm Says Bird Songs Can Be Copyrighted, Video Pulled From YouTube

Field and Stream (blog)

There are birds singing in the background in the video, could they own the rights to birdsong?" Geez, as if the birds in this country don't have enough to worry about already, what with all the climate change, habitat loss and increased predation.

and more »

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Chadds Ford man held after vehicle crashes airport gate - Philadelphia Inquirer

ABC News

Chadds Ford man held after vehicle crashes airport gate

Philadelphia Inquirer

By Robert Moran Kenneth Richard Mazik parked a Jeep next to a locked perimeter gate at Philadelphia International Airport and waited. "As an airplane approached the airport in a final descent for landing, the driver suddenly accelerated" and crashed ...

Ai rport security breach reviewed

Cherry Hill Courier Post

Philadelphia Airport Driver Was Going 100 MPH

ABC News

Pa. airport scrutinized after scare

Boston Globe


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Judicial Activism versus Restraint? - Jewish Exponent

Jewish Exponent

Judicial Activism versus Restraint?

Jewish Exponent

That could change as Beinisch, who turned 70 on Tuesday, steps down and is replaced by Asher Grunis, a conservative justice who has made a name for himself as a supporter of judicial restraint. "There is a huge difference between Grunis' approach and ...

Grunis' ;s restraint

Jerusalem Post

Grunis' defeatism

