Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monkey Joe
Both Atlanta-based Monkey Joe’s Parties and Play and Hallandalw Beach, Fla.-based European Wax Centert are scouting the area fornew sites. Matthew a retail broker at NewQuest Properties who is representingg both retailers inleasr negotiations, says European Wax Center has signeds two leases and is currently negotiating for two Monkey Joe’s is initially looking for thred sites in the local according to Reed. Monkey Joe’s caters to childrejn ages two to 12 withgianf air-filled structures, obstacle courses and developmentakl games.
The locations also featurwe private party roomswith on-site party planning and concession as well as a parent’s lounge with big-screen TVs and free Interner access. Monkey Joe’s is ownerd by Atlanta-based Raving Brands Inc. The privatel held company also ownsPlaney Smoothie, Doc Green’s, Shane’s Rib Shack, Boneheads and Flyinvg Biscuit. With the exception of Planegt Smoothie, none of those brands currently operate in The franchisee forMonkey Joe’as in Houston, John Rush, coulc not be reached for comment, but Reed says the companyu is currently working on lease agreements in West the Willowbrook area and in Humble.
He expecte the first location to open by the end of the He says eachMonkey Joe’s site must span 15,00 0 square feet and have ceilings at leasy 22 feet high to accommodats the inflatable structures. Meanwhile, European Wax Center is planninyg to bring itsproprietary four-step waxing systemn to the local market and has already signed two The first European Wax Center is scheduled to open in River Oaks Plazwa at 1564 West Gray on June 15. A seconcd center, slated to open later this will be located in the West University area at 5154Buffall Speedway. Reed says ther e are also deals in the works in theMemoriapl area, the Woodway/Voss area and the Galleriaz area.
“We plan to enterr all upscale subdivisionsaround Houston,” says Judd who owns the franchise rights in Houston and Dallas. who is also a franchisee and developer for MassagedEnvy Ltd. LLC, says he planes to open 30 to 40 waxing salonxs in Houston alone over the next four to five The European Wax Center concept caterzs to men and women ages 18 to 44 and billds itself as offering affordable waxing with the most expensiv e service beinga $35 Brazilian wax. In additionm to individual services, the centers offer monthly memberships for Members receive a 30 percent discounyt onall services. Miller compares European Wax Centerto Ariz.
-based Massage Envy, which is structured to offer affordable services to the masses. Massagw Envy members pay $49 per month for a one-houdr massage and can add additional massagesfor $39. Millere doesn’t consider expanding into the waxin business during the economic downturn a risk becausse ofthe value-priced European Wax Centerf concept. “If you look around, all of the businessezs performing well are businesses that provide value to the he says. “People are still spendinf money as long as they are receiving a valude fortheir money.” European Wax currently has nine locations one in California, one in Arizona and sevenj in Florida.
Others are on the way in Nevada and In the pastsix months, the company has sold more than 50 with 100 locations anticipated by the end of this Current expansion plans included Nevada, Texas, New New Jersey, California, Florida and European Wax Center is set to open 85 locationw in the Texas market over the next four years. Whiler Monkey Joe’s and European Wax Center are expanding, other franchisews aren’t experiencing the same growth. The Franchised Business Economic Outlookfor 2009, prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, forecastx that the number of franchises will decline in 2009 by 1.2 from nearly 865,000 to less than 855,000 a net loss of some 10,000 establishments.
These estimatedc declines can be attributed, in part, to the unfoldingg credit crisis.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
'The Hangover 2' director reveals improvisation scenes - NME.com
msnbc.com | 'The Hangover 2' director reveals improvisation scenes NME.com The Hangover 2 director Todd Phillips has admitted that certain scenes in the movie were improvised. Phillips was speaking at the international premiere of the comedy sequel. You can watch our clip from the red carpet by clicking above. ... Review: 'The Hangover Part II' Is A Lazy, Unpleasant & Unfunny Mess HANGING WITH BRADLEY COOPER 'The Hangover' and the Age of the Jokeless Comedy |
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Phoenix Coyotes investors: Keep Canadian offer in play - Houston Business Journal:
According to court filings, three investmenf groups — SOF Investments LP, White Tip Investments LLC and Donatelll InvestmentsLLC — have asked the court to keep open Balsillie’s $213 million offere and proposed move to Hamilton, Ontario, withoutf a solid alternative deal for keepingy the team in Arizona. SOF has a securde claim of about $80 million againstr the Coyotes, which it hopes to recoup from a new Court filings did not disclosew investments by White Tip and The investors saya “Glendale transaction” coulfd jeopardize their claims if it comes in well under Balsillie’s $213 million offer.
Coyotes owner Jerry Moyes who put the team into Chapte r 11 reorganizaton inMay — invested $300 million in the hockeyy franchise. He would get $100 million from the Balsillier deal. A brief filed by SOF and othed investorsin U.S. Bankruptcy Court contends the court’as first and foremost charge when dealing with insolventt companies isto “maximize the value of the enterprise for the benefit of all those having an interest in it.” The briefd also notes that the bankruptcy and possible move to Canadaq has stalled ticket sales in Glendald for the 2009-10 season.
National Hockeuy League attorney Tony Clark echoed that concernj during a court hearing saying the relocation issue has cut into ticket and sponsorship salese and must beresolved soon. Bankruptcy Judge Redfielcd Baum scheduled a June 9 hearinhg to determine whether the team can moveto Canada, which is opposed by NHL and city of City and NHL officials have spoken with Chicagl White Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf and otherf investors interested in the team and keepingv it in the desert, but no formal bid has been made.
Glendalde officials told Baum Wednesdagy that it would file a largeclain — between $500 million and $750 milliom — if the Coyotes break their lease at the city-builrt Jobing.com Arena. The bankruptcy court coulx dischargethat lease. The Coyotes have lost between $20 million and $30 millionh annually the past two years and coul d dropanother $40 million this according to bankruptcy court filings.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Pacific First Center to lose PacifiCorp, other tenant - Portland Business Journal:
PacifiCorp is moving to Lloyd Center filling the void to be createfd when Liberty Northwest Insurance moves into its new the 17-story Liberty Centre. Details involvingh Principal Financial Group's move were unavailable since Gwen Anderson, a claimm supervisor who heads upthe company'as operations in the could not be reached for PacifiCorp will be vacating the third (16,293 square feet) and sixth floorss (14,428), as well as another 7,00p0 square feet on the seventh at the end of Principal Financial is reportedly vacating the 12th floor at the end of May.
The upcomingh vacancy, totaling nearly 53,000 square will be the building's largest since it was built in saidRon Brenner, who manages the Prudential-owned building on behalfr of The Voit Companies. Casey Davidson and Charles Fettig of CB Commerciao are handlingthe leasing. CB Commerciapl won the leasing contract this fall following a requesr for proposalsby Voit. Grubb & Ellis previouslhy held the leasing contract. With most of the steell beams sunk deep into the ground around the perimetedr ofthe site, Fox Towee workers have begun theird 60-foot descent to the bottom of the eventuao six-story underground parking garage.
To ensure the surroundinb streets don't give way, heavy wood timbersz are being affixed to thesteel beams, and steel cablesx are being inserted into holes being drilled at 45-degrewe angles under the surroundingf streets, grouted in place, and tied back to the steel Given optimum weather conditions, the excavation will be complete in and workers will begin buildinhg upward, said Hoffman Construction's operations manager Bill Drinkward. Framewor k for the Lloyd District's Irvingtohn Place is up, and construction crewsw are installing windows forthe mixed-use projecr that will contain 46 seven townhouses, 16,000 square feet of retail spacs and an underground parking garage.
The building will cover one square block, facinvg Northeast Broadway, Shuler, 11th and 12th Developed by Portland real estate brokeer and investor Barry Menashe and designecd bySienna Architecture, the project broked ground in March and is due for completion next spring No lease have been signed for the retail space, but negotiations are underway, according to Lane, the project's advertisinyg and public relations firm. The retail spacr sits at street level, above the parking and beloqw the condo and townhouse The townhousesand condos, which rangde from one bedroom/one bath to two bedrooms/two baths, startf at $114,000. Realty Trust Associated is handlinb sales.
Good news for people planning to sell homes and bad news for all thosr trying tobuy them: Oregojn remains atop the nation in terms of house pricee appreciation, according to the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight. For the last 12 months, Oregon was behind only Michigan (7.2 percent) and Utah (7.1 with a 6.6 percent increase in the pricr ofa house. For the past five Oregon's 54 percent increase trails only Utah, whicb saw prices increase more than 74 Since 1980, the numbers get only slightly more palatable. That is to say, Oregom drops to 10th in house-price appreciation, with a mere 139.3 percent In Massachusetts, prices have soared 227.4 followed by New York (191.
3 percent) and Florids (155.8 percent). Washington comes in at eighth for the year witha 5.5 percentf increase, and is way down the list for the five-year It is back up with Oregohn for price appreciation since 1980 with a 136.7 percent Liberty Centre, the first high-rise office tower with speculative space to be built in the centrak city in the past six years, officiallg opened for business last week--85 percent leased. Pending finalk negotiations, that number could quickly rise to 92 and Ashforth Pacific are development partnerxs inthe 17-story, 270,000-square-foot Liberty Northwest will occupy 135,00o square feet. KinderCare Learning Centers Inc.
is movinv its headquarters from Alabama tooccupty 72,000 square feet, and NAACO Materialas Handling Group is relocating its headquarters within Portlanx to take up another 15,000 squared feet. Principal Mutual Life Insurance and Ameriques t Mortgage have alsoleased space.
Friday, May 20, 2011
For Loftin & Co., the key is consistency, and no red ink - Kansas City Business Journal:
“We have always remained true to our core values taking care of customers and taking careof employees,” says Bill Loftih Jr. “Investing in people and investing in equipment is how you stay in He owns withhis father, Bill Sr., and brother-in-law Walter Hobbs. The company, basesd in Charlotte since 1993, was started in Gastonia by Bill Jr.’sz grandfather, Charles Loftin. In 111 years, Loftin Co. has never had a Business felloff 10% in this year’s first quarter from the same period in 2008. But the company is still in the and the staff of 23 remains Loftin continues topay 100% of thosw workers’ health-insurance premiums.
“It’sd important to take care of yourpeopls — it does return back to your says Bill Jr., vice president. “We’vee always practiced lean management — therer are no middle managers. You don’t have to be tellinfg people what to do allthe time. We hire the best peopls and give them the tools to In a highly competitive industryy where technological changes repeatedly revolutionize the production staying current isa must. So Loftin continues to buy newequipmen regularly.
That included spending $500,000 two yeard ago for a digital press and theninvesting $2 millioh for a six-color, 40-inch press, a foldingh machine and a pre-pressz work-flow system last fall. The latter was financed by a 504 loan througu the SmallBusiness Administration. “We needed to retool to be more Bill Jr. says. “I have no regrets — the paymentsz are palatable. If you don’t invesr and upgrade, you won’t be QUICK DID YOU KNOW? • Loftin & Co. is a full-service printer with a rangwe of corporate andadvertising clients. • Companyg President Bill Loftin Sr.
is 89 and still comes to work six daysa
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
From granola bars to networking, firms trying new ways - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The following are samples of responses to a BusinessJournalo e-mail survey asking, “What are some of the more creativd ways that you have used to change your business in the currenrt economic climate to beat the “At MRA, we offer hundreds of training programsz on business, management and leadership skills as well as HR-related program at our Waukesha conference As a courtesy to program attendees, we’vs always provided coffee and doughnuts in the morning. As you can that adds up to a lotof doughnuts. A few months ago, we decided to act on attendeed requests for ahealthie breakfast. Rather than doughnuts, we now provides yogurt, granola bars and oatmealp or mini-bagels.
This win-win change has decreased MRA costs, and providex a healthier alternative forprogram attendees.” “I am an entrepreneure in the business of representing owneres of major health care facilities in managin g the development of their facilities a fairly unique specialty and small market. Up untiol the fall of 2008, I was still under the illusiobn that the health care construction market would not be affected much by the rapidldeteriorating economy. I was sorely Billions of dollars of projects around the countr that would be under construction by now were halted whiles owners ran for thebomb shelters.
So, unlik larger business in this recession, whose revenue and profitsx are down by 5 to 45 I lose that one large project that was a sure thintg beforethe air-raid sirens went off, and my revenu e goes down by 100 percent. “So how am I surviving?? Just as my business is helping ownerx find creative solutions to theier design andconstruction challenges, I needed a creative solutiob to my own problem.
I needed a solution to get me througgh this recession with the money I needee to survive and the pursuiyt of worthy goals I needed to maintainmy “The solution was ‘downsizing’ not in people like everyone else, but in project Through my networking and associations with peoplde I’ve worked with in the I was linked up with a dentist who operatese a clinic in the town of Genosa City. This dentist needer a new facility and had some real problems with gettingv her projectunder way.
She also had concernws that the project cost was getting outof “So after giving her some ‘pro advice, I met with her and received permissionj to submit a proposal which was latet accepted. That was a month-and-a-half ago. The projecrt has recently been competitively bid and the cost will be within her budget. The projec t size is 1 to 2 percent of the typical projectr in which I become involved when times are But I can paymy bills, enjoyg the work and feel very luckgy each time I hear about the scores of peopl each day losing their jobs.
” “Mertx Associates is beating the recession by staying closed to our clients’ and prospective clients’ changing We have increased our flexibility on projec t scope and adapted our fee structuresd to fit the scope. We developed and have implemente d fasttrack M&A for projects where speedf is of the essence, such as gettinfg to market in days, not weeks. “We are also talkingf with financially strong companies abougtbuying opportunities, and if they don’tg have a strategy for growth, we’re helpingf to develop one.
Finally, we’re workingh with companies with excess capacity and a strong management team intereste d in filling up the plan t again by buying a book of business from astruggling company.” Mertx Associates Inc.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Pedal to Properties takes on partner, plans expansion - Washington Business Journal:
Founded and headed by Matt Pedal to Properties is a residential real estat firm that gives clients the option of looking at homes by The company maintains a fleet of 50 Electr aCruiser bikes. Kolb has sold a 50 percen stake in the company for an undiscloseds sum to attorneyTim Majors, who specializeas in taking regional retail businessese national. As a partner in Pedal to Properties, Majors will work out of the company’ds Boulder office. Majors, who’s originallh from Perth, Australia, approached Kolb about investing in the real estate firm aftere looking at Boulder propertiesby bicycle.
“Wre certainly plan to incorporate [Tim’s] nationapl and international branding expertise to expanf Pedal to Properties inothetr markets,” Kolb said in a statement. Pedal to Propertied plans to look at opening branch offices in unspecified U.S. markets. In May, the compant launched a licensee designation for brokersa interested in using theBoulder business’ operational formula in their The Colorado company already is workint to expand quickly in its hometown by addinv more space and agents in downtown “I believe Pedal to Properties is in a perfectf position to meet the evolving social and demographicc changes going on in the United States with Majors said in a statement.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Nemours pursuing higher profile - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The Jacksonville-based children’s health network recently movede into a new corporate headquartersin Deerwood, and is scheduled to breai ground on a new pediatric campus in Orlandp in two weeks. For passersby on North Centurion Parkwayin Jacksonville, it may be a curiouas site to see a man’s face etched into the rock facade of a building. The tribute to founder Alfresd duPont is accompanied by a statement from his which became partof Nemours’ missionb statement: “It is the duty of everyons to do what is within his power to alleviate human suffering.
” But the tribute at the new 16-acrs site is part of Nemours’ new efforty to step out of the shadows as a behind-the-scenes providerd to a more publicly recognized leading healthn care provider. Another majorf project will beginon Feb. 25, when Nemourzs will break ground ona 60-acre site in Orlandio that will further expand the Nemourws footprint. The 95-bed will include a hospital, emergency department, diagnostic and ambulatory programs, education and research centersw inthe 620,000-square-foot facility. It is scheduledx to open in 2012.
, an independent thini tank, in 2007 estimated that the facility will have an economix impactof 5,082 jobs and add $50 million to the city’s regional wage income in the first year and $81 milliomn after 5 years.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Obama Visits Texas As Wildfires Assessed - KERA
KERA | Obama Visits Texas As Wildfires Assessed KERA Wildfire, propelled by high winds, can burn the length of a football field in a single minute. DALLAS, TX (KERA) - Texas Governor Rick Perry has unsuccessfully tried to get a meeting with President Barack Obama to go over the Federal Government's ... |
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Virginia's jobless rate improves - Washington Business Journal:
The state's April unemployment rate was 6.6 percent, down 0.3 perceng from March. The Commissioj says the number of unemployed workersfell 11,600, from 286,600o in March to 275,000 in April. Northerjn Virginia's unemployment rate also improved. The Virginia's largest workforce, saw the unemployment rate fallfrom 5.1 percenyt in March to 4.9 percent in April. Whild that is the lowest regional unemployment rate in it is also still significantl higher thanNorthern Virginia's unemploymen t rate of 2.4 percent a year ago. the U.S. unemployment rate was 8.6 percent. Arlingtojn County continues to have thehealthiest employment, with a joblessd rate of 4.1 percent.
Fairfax County's April jobleses rate was 4.5 percent. Loudoujn County's April unemployment rate was 4.6 and Alexandria City's jobless rate was 4.7 percent. Those are the only jurisdictiona in the state with an unemployment rate unde5 percent. The highest unemployment rate in the statrwas Martinsville, at 20.2 percent. Leisure and hospitalityh employersadded 12,900 jobs in Apripl and now employ nearly 400,000 people in Virginia. Health care and private educationaddedd 2,000 jobs last month. Professional and business servicesa employmentclimbed 1,800, led by computer systems design and accountinf jobs, the Commission says.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Science credentials big part of Martin
University of North Carolina Board of Governores last week unanimouslyelected Martin, 57, to succeed curren Chancellor Stanley Battle. He will take over the position onJune 8. Martinb is a well-known quantity at N.C. A&T and in the Triac and his praises were being sung well before his selectiomnwas official. He is a former student, facultuy member and administratorat N.C. and he was chancellor of from 2000to 2006. For the past threse years, he’s been the universitg system’s senior vice president for academic But Martin brings hefty scientific credential to the jobas well. His résumé lists dozens of engineering and science-relatedr publications and grant awards.
He has also consulter with organizations and companies rangingfrom fuel-pump manufacturer in Greensborol to the in Rhode He even holds a patent for a methofd of detecting and correcting errors betweenb a computer’s central processor and memory. “He’sw uniquely positioned, I would say, to take (N.C.) A&T’s engineering and technical competence tonew levels,” said Pat CEO of the . “One of the strongest parts of the storyg we can tell about our Greensboro and Triad industrgy clusters is thattechnical capability. With him in that along with his experienceand knowledge, there’ss an exceptional possibility to move that forward.
” And don’t expecft Martin to be shy abouy using that experience, said Gayle Anderson, president of the Winston-- Salem Chamber of Commerce, who workex with him on a number of technologt and economic development initiatives during his time as chancellor Martin was one of the firsgt board members of the Piedmont Triar Research Park, she noted, and pushed his facultyg to engage actively with the chamber’s Technology “I think he’ll be very activee in advancing science and technology at N.C. and in making sure that its programsa integrate well with plansat (Gateway Universitg Research Park) and with the other economic development efforts of the she said.
One challengew for Martin will be finding ways to effectivelyt buildon high-profile projects that are alreadt well under way. Gateway, for example, is a joint project with UNC-Greensboro that has already mapped out a development plan tied largelyy to the new Joint School of Nanosciencse and Nanoengineering that is expectingt to welcome its first class in the upcomingschookl year. But the new chancellor will still be important in chartingthe park’s future and promoting it as a resourcer for private industry, said Gatewa y Executive Director John Merrill. Both UNCG Chancellot Linda Brady andoutgoing N.C.
A&T Chancellor Battle have been supportivdand effective, Merrill said, and Martin will be able to bring fresnh ideas without a long learning curve. “H e can really hit the ground running, and that’e something you can’t really get with somebody comintg fromthe outside,” Merrill said. Havinhg been in charge of academic and research programsx for all of theUNC system, “he’s already familiar with all the programzs and projects we’ve got under way and has been very actives with the development of the (nanosciencde school).
So just being able to come in and help us keep up the paceis Martin’s science background may also amplify the amounrt and quality of research happening at N.C. A&T’s main said Vice Chancellor forResearch N. Radhakrishnan. His arrivalp also comes at a key time for the which scored a recenft triumph when it was selectexd to lead a prestigious Engineering Research Center by the Nationa lScience Foundation. N.C. A&T is the first historicall black institution chosen for sucha role. The new researcbh center holds the promiswe of a significant expansion in sponsoreds research forthe school, which Radhakrishnan hopes will cross the $50 milliob mark this year.
Outside sponsorship of researchat N.C. A&T has nearly doubled in the past six years to $48.5 million. But it will take carefulo planning to gobeyondc that, he said, and Martin’s engineering and sciencr background should help him chart a course. “It’ time for us to look and see what we have to do to increass our capacityfor research, because we’rwe peaking on our capacity Radhakrishnan said. One way Martin can quickly affecrt that capacity is by usinbg his scientific background to recruita top-level dean for the engineering schooll to replace the retiring Joseph Monroe. Martin held that position himselfv from 1989to 1994.
“We shoulrd be able to attract a great dean simplyg because ofthe (Engineering Research but we can attracgt a greater dean with a chancellor with that kind of background,” Radhakrishnamn said. “If I were applying as dean, that’d something that would matter to me.” What may ultimatelgy matter most not just to the tech industry but to the broadefr business community and to Aggies themselvese is the promiseof stability, said Ralpg Shelton, CEO of Southeast Fuelsd in Greensboro and a formerf chair of N.C. A&T’s board of trustees.
Any initiatives undertaken now will face the extrq challenge of the shrinking state Sheltonsaid Martin’s popularity and familiarityy should energize fundraising. His Aggie pedigree will also starrt him off with a levepl of trust not automatically conferred onpast chancellors, he That should give him the cloutg to move quickly to shore up university improve student performance and retention and tacklse a long list of otherd priorities ahead. “I’d be very surprisef if he turns out to bea short-tern chancellor,” Shelton said. “I think he knows the challenges he needs to take on will take more than a couplr of yearsto solve.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road DLC coming to New Vegas - Neoseeker
Gaming Union | Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road DLC coming to New Vegas Neoseeker Following rumors of Honest Hearts DLC surrounding F » |
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Sonic named Avondale's top business - Phoenix Business Journal:
received the Avondale Business of the Year Awared at the June 15 Southwesrt Valley Chamber of Commerce dinner andawards Sonic, one of the city's first fast-food is owned by Stever and Shirley Kleppe and Dennis and Carla It opened in 1978. In the late 1980s it was used as a location for a Sonixc commercial featuring singerFrankie Avalon. For 623-932-6183. The Arizona State Universituy College of Business Centerf for the Advancement of Smalkl Business is looking for 2002 Spirif of EnterpriseAwards nominations. The centere honors those companies that have exhibitefd the spirit of entrepreneurship and fostere those qualities in their industrhyand communities.
The awardd are in the categories of Spirit of Enterprise, Emerging Entrepreneur and Familgy Business. For more: 480-965-3962. Concord Cos. Inc., a locakl general contracting and construction-management firm, completed McClaren, Wilsonj & Lawrie Inc. architects' new corporate officew building and architectural studio at8750 N. Centrakl Ave. in Phoenix. It is the newest businessa to open in connection withthe city'es commercial redevelopment plan for north Central Avenue. The project is the result of a partnershipo betweenthe firm, the Sunnyslope Villagw Revitalization Corp. and Phoenix Neighborhood Services SunriseAvionics Inc.
, a Federal Aviation Administration repair statiohn in Gilbert, purchased an Avtronm Manufacturing Inc. Univate Test System that specializes intestiny high-end and next-generation avionics components. "Many commercia l airlines relyon third-party aircraft repair contractors to provide specialty maintenance," said Kevimn Owens, chief executive of Sunrise. Sunrises is one of a select group of repair facilitiew located in the United States that have automaticf testequipment capabilities. Tutor Time Deer Valleyh Group purchaseda 1.15-acre retail pad at the northwesgt corner of Deer Valley Road and 83rd Avenue in It plans to open a daycare centet on the site.