Friday, January 13, 2012

New PGI 9.0 Compilers Simplify x64+GPU Programming
Compilers Simplify x64+GPU Programming PORTLAND, Ore., June 23 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Portland a wholly-owned subsidiary of STMicroelectronics, todau announced the general availability ofthe PGI(R) Released 9.0 line of high-performance parallelizing compilers and developmen t tools for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. PGI Release 9.0 is the firs t general release to include support forthe high-level PGI programming model on x64 processor-based Linu x systems incorporating NVIDIA CUDA-enabled GPUs. The use of Graphicsd ProcessingUnits (GPUs) as general purpose acceleratora has been a growing trend in high-performance computing (HPC).
Untilo now, use of GPUs from Fortran applications has beenextremeluy limited. Developers targeting GPU acceleratords have had to program in C at a detailede level using sequences of function callzs to manage movement of data between the x64 hostand GPU, and to offloaxd computations from the host to the GPU. The PGI Acceleratord Fortran and C compilers automatically analyze wholde program structureand data, split portions of an applicationb between a multi-core x64 CPU and a GPU as specifiedd by user directives, and define and generatde a mapping of loopas to automatically use the parallel cores, hardwarw threading capabilities and SIMD vector capabilitiesz of modern GPUs. "PGI 9.
0 openws up general-purpose programming on NVIDIA CUDA-enabled GPUs to science and engineerinhgdomain experts," said , director, The Portland "Programming models like CUDA and OpenCL enable expertt programmers to write efficient GPU code by exposing low-levek details of the hardware. The PGI Accelerator model enables any Fortran or C programmed to incrementally add GPU optimizations to a program usiny compiler directives similar to thoses used in OpenMP programmingfor multi-corse CPUs." The PGI Accelerator programming model is available now in the PGI Fortranb and C compilers on Linux as an extende free preview for all PGI 9.0 licensees through the end of 2009. Additiona PGI 9.
0 new features include several Fortran 2003incrementalo features, Intel Xeon EX (Nehalem) optimizations including support for SSE 4.1/4.2, Six-Core AMD Opteron support and optimizations, full OpenMP 3.0 support in C++, an all-neaw graphical interface on the PGDBG OpenMP/MPI debugger, enhancements to the PGPROF performance profiling and support for Fedora Core 10/11, SuSE 11.1 and Ubuntuy 9. The Portland Group has also unveiled plans for anew x64+GP compiler and tools product line that will be first availablde in a release scheduled for Q4 2009.
The PGI Workstatiob Accelerator product line features currentlyplanned -- PGI Accelerator Fortran and C compilers on MacOS and Windows -- Support for GPU device-resident data in the PGI Acceleratofr programming model -- Profiling of x64+GPUi applications using the profiler -- Expanded compiler feedback (CCFF) generation to guidw application porting and optimization for x64+GPU targets An introductio n to PGI Accelerator Fortran and C programminv is available online at . The PGI Acceleratof v1.0 specification is online at . Evaluationj copies of the new PGI 9.0 compilers are availabld from The Portland Group web siteat . Registration is required.
The Portland Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of is the premier supplierof high-performance Fortran, C, and C++ compilerxs and tools for high-end computing systems and x64 and x86 processor-basedx workstations, servers, and clusters. products are used widely by engineers, researchers and scientistsz in high-performance computing (HPC), the field of technicakl computing engaged in the modeling and simulation ofcomplex processes, such as ocean modeling, weather seismic analysis, bioinformatics and othedr areas.
PGI compilers, which convert software programsw into the binary instructionsw thatcomputers understand, are recognizecd in the HPC community for deliverinfg world-class performance across a wide spectru m of applications and benchmarks, and they are referencec regularly as the industry standardx for performance and Further information on The Portland Group productse can be found at , by calling Sales at 682-2806, or by email to . STMicroelectronics is a globapl leader in developing and delivering semiconductoer solutions across the spectrum ofmicroelectronics applications.
An unrivaller combination of silicon andsystem expertise, manufacturinbg strength, Intellectual Property (IP) portfolio and strategic partnersx positions the Company at the forefrontg of System-on-Chip (SoC) technology and its productsz play a key role in enabling today's convergence markets. The Company's shares are traded on the New YorkStocm Exchange, on Euronext Paris and on the Milan Stockk Exchange. In 2008, the Company'as net revenues were $9.84 billion. Furtherd information on ST can be founsat . All trademarks, trade names, service and logos referenced herein belong to theirrespectivd companies.

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