Monday, January 9, 2012

FDA okays Hologic birth control system - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Company officials say the systekm is designed to provide womena less-invasive alternative to tubalo ligation. The procedure does not involve an incision and can be performedd ina doctor’s office using local anesthesia. In January 2009, Hologic receivee European approval for the Adian a system and commenced marketin g and sales of this product in certain European countries. The Adiana procedur e is indicated for women who desire permanent birth control by occlusion of thefallopian tubes. In the Adians procedure, a slender, flexible instrument is inserted to delivet a low level ofradiofrequencyu (RF) energy to a small section of each fallopianb tube, company officials say.
Then a tiny, soft insertt — about the size of a grai of rice — is placed in each fallopianj tube. During the three months followinvgthe procedure, the patient continues to use temporar birth control while new tissue grows in and around the Adian a inserts, eventually blocking the fallopian At three months, a special x-ray test is performed to confirm the fallopian tubes are completelyt blocked and the patient may begin relying on Adianz for permanent contraception.

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