Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tato debuts Pesca Lakeside - Orlando Business Journal:
Tato took over the vacant spaced that lasthoused Lee’s Lakeside Tavern on East Central Boulevardd about five years ago, he said. Tato’ds Spice Steakhouse shares first-floor restauranrt space with Pesca Lakeside in the Post Parksidesapartment building. The space had for several year been considered but never came to fruition forother concepts, including a self-named restaurant by Orlando Chef Robih Stotter in 2006, a Ruth’xs Chris Steakhouse in 2007 and an Italian restaurantf and wine bar by a Californiwa company in 2008. Tato, who on Dec.
31 closesd Rustic Steak House within just a couple months ofopeninhg it, told Orlando Business Journal he’ws more confident about the potentialp success of Pesca Lakeside. “Given it’s downtown, with the locationn and the menu we’ve put together, I think we’ll be fine,” he
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Blue Cross Foundations makes grants - Boston Business Journal:
Grant recipients include the , which was awardee $70,000; Cambridge Cares abouty AIDS, which was awarded $70,000; and the , which was awarded $69,956, among others. “The existence of health care disparities, particularly those basedd on raceand ethnicity, is well said Jarrett T. Barrios, president of the Blue Crossw Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundationin Boston, in a statement. “Thse Foundation believes these inequitiea in care delivery are adaptive problems and requirer that community members and providers collaboratse to change health care delivery and creatwe programs that will help eliminate the barriers to The grants are part of the first phas of aplanned three-year award schedule in the “Closing the program of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Man who performed liposuction without a license faces several felony charges - San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco Examiner | Man who performed liposuction without a license faces several felony charges San Francisco Examiner A man accused of posing as a doctor and performing a dangerously cheap liposuction while smoking a cigar is set to appear in court this week on several felony charges. Carlos Guzmangarza, 49, is accused of setting up a fraudulent medical pract ice in ... Man impersonated doctor, performed liposuction, officials say Pictured: The 'doctor' who performed cut-price liposuction while smoking a ... Fake doctor flushed fat down toilet |
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Patrick and Alckmin: Partners in global economy - MetroWest Daily News
Patrick and Alckmin: Partners in global economy MetroWest Daily News Brazil has become one of the most important international partners for Massachusetts. In 2010, bilateral trade between Massachusetts and Brazil topped $475 million â" representing more than $396 million in exports from Massachusetts to Brazil and more ... |
Thursday, December 22, 2011
EPA deadline now looms for Charlotte region - Charlotte Business Journal:
The prospect of losinbg federal funds because of bad air has loomed for more than a Now the EPA has set a date for when transportation monehy maybe lost: May 8, 2011. The deadline is requiredf under the federal CleabAir Act, says Carol deputy director for the EPA’s Air, Pesticidew & Toxics Management Division. The 24-month timeline was put in place after North Carolinaz and South Carolina recently withdrewtheir air-quality plans after being notified in November that they were “We need a submission from the state or we need to put a plan in placed ourselves,” Kemker says.
At risk are hundredzs of millions of dollars in federal funding that typically fuels as muchas 80% of capital transportationh projects. Sanctions in the form of toughed restrictions that can block new industry could be imposed even sooner in 18 monthsfor Union, Gaston, Lincoln, Cabarrus, Rowan and York as well as southern Iredell County. The EPA assesses air qualityt bymeasuring ozone. The gas is formed when nitrogeh oxide reacts with other compounds in sunlight andbecomeas smog. Last year, the eight-countyh Charlotte region recorded 28 days when it exceededthe EPA’ds health standard for air pollution.
In it was 56 In November, the EPA warned both states that thei r state implementationplans — knowm in government circles as a SIP weren’t working fast enough to meet the federally mandated levels by the agency’sw 2010 deadline. That standard is roughly 84 partw per billionof ozone. The Charlotte region is registerinbg 94 parts per Kemker says the EPA found problems with the modeling system that was inaccurately predicting air quality compared with data recorder byozone monitors. So both states pullee their plans as a way to buyextrza time, says Donnie Redmond, an air-qualityg official with the . New SIPs could be sent to the EPA as soonas Nov. 30.
Publi c hearings will be held before the states submit the The states are expected to include added restrictions that could directly affectlocal business. “There are no easy says Eldewins Haynes, an air qualit y specialist with . Most of the major measured are alreadyunder way. Hayneds says the remaining options are, in a word, In October 2004, the successfully fought a proposed Mecklenburg Countgy ordinance to reduce emissions from businesses with 20 or more employeese by regulating workercommuting habits. Executive Directorf June Blotnick now plans to ask to adopta clean-contractingh ordinance that affects vendors.
The proposal calls for contractord to retrofit older equipment with filters that reduce pollution and to use cleaneer diesel fuel to qualify for city The EPAviews clean-contracting requirements as a way to reduc ozone levels, Kemker says. Other measures include banninhgopen burning, creating gas-can replacement programs and retrofittingy school buses and city fleet vehicles. Northh Carolina has made progresse withrecent legislation. The N.C. Cleabn Smokestacks Rule has led toa 78% reductiomn in nitrogen oxide in power-plant smokestacks from 2003 levels. Commuteres and trucking companies are, over time, replacing theire vehicles with more efficient models that releaseless emissions.
And the city has embracec land-use guidelines for development designed to reduce congestiohn andurban sprawl. But the numberse suggest further progress will require dramatic actiobn to bringthe region’s ozone levels into compliance. High levels of ozone can trigger acute respiratory problems and impai r theimmune system.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Q Are we seeing the worst in terms of home or do you think it will getworse ? Does the industry have a forecast of when it mightr be better ? A Houston is now slipping into the gripsa of the national recessiom and we will to some degree be subjectg to how the national economy performs, so probably a bit worse. The one consensuws that I consistently hear and read is that as the recoveru begins andtakes hold, Houston will be one of the very firsg cities to recover. Q Communities that thoughg they would be ina sell-out situation at this pointy are now seeing themselves with lots stillk for sale. On the flip-side, there are developers who are creatinnew communities.
Given the lower housing should developers or builders wait for thingxs toeven out, or would that presentf a problem ? A This reminds me of the proverbiapl question, “Is the glass half empty or half full?” New-home supplu and the vacant developed lot while not in perfect are certainly in pretty good shape and with any uptici in sales we could quickly see a shortage in This becomes even more acute as you “grade” the inventory into the communities, “B” communities, etc.
There will be a numbedr of lots and communities that will probably take a long timein “cominvg back” as they were developed in locations and in a mannedr that was directed at the “subprime” buyer and, as we all the buyers are still out there but the financing is not. Markeft share for “A” communities will continue to grow as buyerse seek the safetyof master-planned communities. Q Because the only placesx to get large parcels of land are farther out from the city has urban sprawl become a problem forHoustonn ? A What is the center of the city? Is it downtown or the Galleria/Wesrt Loop? Both have 30 million-plus square feet of office space.
The point being that Houston now has multiple work centers that have allowed people to livefartherr out, but not have to commutes longer and longer distances. Thesw work centers include downtown, Texas Medical Center, Greenway Plaza, Galleria/Westr Loop, Westchase, Energy Corridor, Sugar Land, Clear Lake Greenspoint and The Woodlands. To meet our housiny demand in thecoming years, our region will not only requirew continued development in the suburbs, but a vibranyt redevelopment effort within the central city as well. Q What do you thinok the future holds for the home industry over the next fiveyearzs ?
A The short answer is a moderate but steadu recovery that grows to a stabilizes annual demand of approximately 1.5 million new homes per The U.S. is the third most populousx nation onthe planet, only surpassedd by China and India. The U.S. is currentlty growing at slightly less than1 percent, but in nominalp terms by more than 3 milliom new people per year (birthsa over deaths plus in-migration). Houston aloned grows by approximately 120,000 new people per year. These folks have to live and morethan 100,000 units of the current housinh stock in this country need to be replaced on an annualk basis due to functional obsolescence.
Q Sincre Houston isn’t doing as bad as otherr areas, what should builders and developers be focusing onhere ? A I hope that we use this “dowm time” as an opportunity to reflect on the past five What did we do right? What did we do wrong?? What can we do better The development and building community should focus on buildingf sustainable communities and homes — communities and homez that will grow better over time so they don’ft become part of that housing stock that needs to be replaceds on an annual basis.
While the salea in our communities are continuinf at a veryrobust level, I know at Newland, we are continually looking back to evaluate what workef and what didn’t. We are always looking to the home to try and understand whatthey want, need and most what they are willing to pay for. Thanok someone that tastes do change; otherwisr we could all still bewearingg double-knit leisure suits or beehive
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Man City stays ahead of Man United at top _ just - San Francisco Chronicle | Man City stays ahead of Man United at top _ just San Francisco Chronicle Tim Hales / AP Manchester City's David Silva, fourth right, is congratulated by team mates after scoring a goal against Arsenal during their English Premier League soccer match at the Etihad Stadium, Manchester, England, Sunday, Dec. 18, 2011. ... Man City stays ahead of Man United at top - just Roberto Mancini praises Manchester City's 'important' win over Arsenal City, United continue to set the pace |
Friday, December 16, 2011
Clearwire service a go in Atlanta - Philadelphia Business Journal:
While the Atlanta market -- Clearwire's largest to date -- officialluy launches in June, Clearwire has postef a coverage map of the area and is acceptingorderxs online. Overland Park, Kan.-based , and othet investors, acquired Clearwire for $14.5 billion last year. Clearwire'sa wireless high-speed service allows greater mobility than cablweor DSL. Subscribers can access service anywherrein Clearwire's coverage via a USB or by plugging in their residentialo modem into an electric outlet. In Atlanta, Clearwirde offers 4G WiMAX wireless broadbandservice -- dubbed Clearr -- that delivers download speeds of up to 6 Mbps. High-speed planss range from $20 to $50 a month.
Bundledc plans, including telephone service, are also available. Clearwir e hopes to extend its subscribedr base by nearly 3 million with the metr oAtlanta expansion, company officialsd said in an recenf analyst call. The Atlanta networkm covers morethan 1,2090 square miles and Clearwire is buildingb six retail outlets. Clearwires is backed by blue-chip names, including and Even has perhaps hoping toleverage Clearwire's wireless service in areas it hasn't laid cable in, said Maury president and co-founder of the Wireless Technology Forum.
Clearwirr is also riding a broader Just like cell phones disrupted the landlinetelephone business, wirelessx broadband can erode the market grip of wired Internet service. Despite all that, Clearwire can expect technical andmarket challenges. Clearwire's service is delivered from devicezs fixed tocell towers. Like cell phone reception, the furthedr you are away from the transmittingcell tower, the greater the chances of speed Margol noted. Atlanta's topography and tree cover couled pose connectivity and speecd issues forClearwire customers. From a business perspective, Clearwirer could face pricing pressure fromthe incumbents, who alreadyy have an established customer base.
The conveniencew of Internet-voice-and-TV bundled plands from DSL and cable providers might make businessew and consumers think twice abouy switchingto Clearwire. For some like Brad Anderson, cable'a frequent downtime was enough to give Clearwireda try. The software engineer, who works from home, complainefd of having his cable broadband connection go on the fritsz for a dayor two. Anderson has been using Clearwire's service for about a week and plans to stickwith it.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
ProLogis closes on $347M in loans - Denver Business Journal:
Proceeds from the three loans initially will be used torepat credit-line borrowings, and later to refinance $285 million of remaining corporat e debt maturities for 2009 and 2010. ProLogis PLD) of Denver is one of the world’s largesf owners and operators ofdistribution centers. Since the fall of 2008, the company has been repositioniny itself to deal with the current economiv recession and reduce billions of dollars in debt by cuttin costsand employees, refinancing selling properties and getting out of non-cor businesses. ProLogis had $9.3 billion in totapl debt at the end of thefirst quarter, down from $10.
67 million at year-end 2008, accordinhg to this year’s first-quarter report. Since the beginning of ProLogis has boughtback $691 million of corporats notes at a 29 percen t discount, “effectively de-leveraging by $200 million,” company CFO Williamn Sullivan said in a statement. “The closing of these [new] loans help s us in addressing our corporate refinancing requirements for the remainder of this year and into All three recently obtained loans are secureds andinterest only, and have an average blended interest rate of 7.24 percent, according to The first two loans, totaling $245 have 10-year terms.
The third, $102 million loan has a five-yea term, with 14 properties in eight marketsas security. ProLogis owns or operated more than 475 million square feet of industria l space in North Europeand Asia. Tenantxs at those properties include third-partyu logistics providers, manufacturers, retailers, transportation companiess and other businesses with largedistribution
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Big guns take aim at Web piracy - Los Angeles Times | Big guns take aim at Web piracy Los Angeles Times The contest unfolding in Washington between a coalition of entertainment conglomerates and drug companies on the one hand and Google and its fellow Internet giants on the other, however, is of more than academic interest. Too much is at stake. ... Legis lators offer compromise in piracy debate, rejected by SOPA supporters Taking The Shrill Out Of The SOPA Piracy Debate Can Ron Wyden Change The Piracy Debate? |
Friday, December 9, 2011
ATS Services is now Talagy, with new owner - Phoenix Business Journal:
Derek Mercer, the nephew of ATS founder Deloreds Kesler, acquired the company and will servreas chair. Kesler will retainb the title ofchairman emeritus. Amy McGeorge will assume the role of presidenyand CEO. Terms of the acquisitionj werenot disclosed. “This is an exciting time in the growtgh and evolutionof ATS, and I’m pleasedr to allow the next generation of leadershilp to take the helm,” said Kesler. Kesler created Jacksonville-based ATS Services in eventually forming a parent company that merged with threde otherstaffing firms, including .
The business split into two ventures: , whicuh became a publicly traded company and isnow , and ATS Mercer worked as the director of information technologg at ATS Services before creating his own company, , a globapl provider of on-demand talengt management software, in 1996. Kesler providedx a loan that helpex startthe company. Vurv Technology was acquired by TLEO) in 2008 for $128.8 million. Talagy, which has 11 office s around the country and 80 will continue to offer the same products and but instead of operating under multiple brands and businessz units the company will consolidate into asingle brand.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Cabot to close two offices, shift operations - Dayton Business Journal:
The Houston-based natural gas producer’s offices in W.Va., and Denver will be affecter bythe closings. The plan includes opening a new regionalo office in Pittsburgh that will managw the Pennsylvania and West Virginia assets as well as thos e in theRocky Mountains, according to Scott a spokesman for Cabot. Schroeder says aboutt 85 employees will be affected by the with roughly 50 being asked to move to eithed Pittsburghor Houston. Some North region operationsd will remain inWest Virginia. Phil Stalnaker, the previous West regio n manager, has accepted the North regionalmanaget position. Cabot will now operate from a North and Soutnhregional designation, Schroeder said.
The company its office in Calgary, Alberta earlier this month to an unidentified private Canadian compan forabout $64 million in cash and $19 millioj in new equity. Additionally, Cabot’ Gulf Coast assets — which operate from Houston — will be combineed with its mid-continent assets to form a new Soutgh region managed byMatt Reid, the current the Gulf Coastt regional manager. In relation to the Thomas Liberatore has resigned as vice president of the East Cabot (NYSE: COG) expects to put asid e between $3.5 million and $5 million in pre-tax dollara to cover the shift.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Ireland imposes further cuts; more to come - Reuters
The Guardian | Ireland imposes further cuts; more to come Reuters DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland's government imposed further spending cuts on Monday with possibly more still to come as the European debt crisis throws up a disturbing cocktail of slowing growth and zealous austerity ... Taoiseach breaches Govt's salary cap for special adviso rs - report Taoiseach breaches pay cap to award former advisor â¬35k pay rise The Transport Minister is defending the Government's decision to pay some of ... |
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Univera, Ciminelli re-up in Williamsville - Business First of Buffalo:
Univera has been the sole tenant forthe 128,500-square-foot former Bisholp Neumann High School alongt Park Club Lane for the past Univera has 450 employees working in the Terms of the lease were not disclosed. Art Univera Healthcare president, said the renewal reaffirm the company’s commitment to growing in Western New York includingg strong supportfrom Univera’ds parent, of Rochester. Ironically, Wingerter is a 1977 graduates Bishop NeumannHigh School, whicuh itself closed in the early 1980s.
Ciminelli acquirer the school and renovated it into Class Aoffice space, originally for Bank of America, and then for The building overlooks the Youngmann Highway and givese Univera a major, physical Some 55,000 vehicles pass by the buildingt daily. “It exceeds some of the best billboard saidPeter Kates, Univera vice president of communications. “It helpws us establish a presence in Western New Univera Healthcare hasapproximately 165,0000 members spread among the eight Westerb New York counties.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
IO Interactive's 'Ambitious Plans For Hitman' - Gamasutra
Gamasutra | IO Interactive's 'Ambitious Plans For Hitman' Gamasutra "We have very ambitious plans for Hitman," Sorensen tells Gamasutra. "We really look forward to having a close partnership with the Montreal studio." Three IO employees are joining the Montreal studio to help direct the team and cement the ... |