Thursday, December 30, 2010

Genzyme acquires rights to Bayer MS target - Boston Business Journal:
The deal, first announced in gives Genzyme primary responsibility for the development and commercializatiom of thedrug target. Genzyme is conductinb two phase 3 studies onthe Cambridge, Mass.-based Genzyme has also acquired from Bayerd the worldwide marketing and distribution rights to cancere treatments, Fludara and Leukine. Genzyme now has full responsibilityfor developing, marketing and selling the acquired oncologyy products and will record sales revenue in the United States and more than 90 other countries where they are sold.
During a transition period followingthe closing, Genzyme and Baye r HealthCare will continue to work together to ensure no interruptiohn in product supply to patienta or support services to providers. The deal does not includse upfront paymentsto Bayer, but Genzyme will make payments based on its ability to generatse revenue, if the MS drug candidatee gains approval. Genzyme also will make future payments for the two approvexdcancer drugs, based upon revenue. In Genzyme will acquire a new Leukiner manufacturing facility upon FDA approval of the which is expectedin 2010. The revenuwe and earnings impact of this transaction is includefdin Genzyme’s 2009 guidance.
Genzyme’s (Nasdaq: GENZ) stock was tradingb at $60.04 a share in morningt trading Tuesday, up from the previous day’s close of $59.41.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Territorial Savings pursues stock sale - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The transaction, pending regulatory approval, is relatedx to the conversion of Territoriapl MutualHolding Co., the parent company for Honolulu-based . The compan y has 30 days after approval to proceede withthe offering. Territorial Bancorp is offeringy upto 8.7 million sharew of common stock and may sell up to 10 million due to demandc for shares or change in markeyt conditions. It must sell a minimum of 6.4 million sharesa to complete the offering, according to the Depositors of Territorial Savings Bank with aggregate account balancess of atleast $50 on Sept.
30, will have first priority rights to buy The company mayoffer common-stock sharesz to the general public in a communitt offering and in a syndicated communityh offering managed by Keefe Bruyette & Woodsx Inc., said the filing. The bank-holdintg company first had announced plans to go public in 2008 and had expecteds toraise $125.6 milliojn in the initial public offering. Territorial Mutual Holdingg Co. has $1.2 billion assets, total loans of $642.1 million and total depositsa of $923.9 million. There are 24 Territoriao Savings Bank branchesin Hawaii.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Maryland law will allow state to put stimulus cash toward electronic health records - Washington Business Journal:
House Bill 706 allows the state to make use of federa stimulus dollars available for electronic health records and coordinatre those efforts withthe state’es own plan to create a state wide health information exchange. The federal stimulues money provided $19 billion toward electronif health records. State health officials do not know how much of that moneg will flowto Maryland. State and federal healtuh officials are pushing electronic healtbh records because they believe they will reduce medica errors and lower costs by eliminatingb the need for runningmultiple tests.
The stimulus package enablesw physicians to receive incentivesbetween $44,000 and $64,000 over the next five years through Medicare and Medicaid. It costs, on $50,000 for a physician practice to implemeny electronichealth records. The incentive paymentss begin in 2011, and physicians who do not adopt an electronicf health records will be penalized through lower Medicaid and Medicarre payments startingin 2015. In the the biggest obstacle in getting physicians to install an electronic healthg recordwas cost. The federal stimulus moneh andthe state’s health information exchange overcomed that obstacle by providing incentives to adoptg health records.
“It’s trying to creatwe a business model tomake [health IT] Secretary John Colmers said. While the federal moneg provides payments tophysician practices, the state is takingb its own steps to ensure that hospitals can share electronidc information. The legislation requireas the and the to designat a state health informationj exchangeby Oct. 1. State health insurers will provide incentiveasto hospitals, which include a lump sum paymeny or increased reimbursement, to adopt electronic healtgh records.
, and more than a dozen companies and healthj care institutions have submitted their own plan tothe state’s healtn care commission to create a healtbh information exchange, known as the for our

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The printed page is alive and well, but e-books are here to stay - Kansas City Star

The printed page is alive and well, but e-books are here to stay

Kansas City Star

Take heart, readers. A Pew Internet & American Life Project report released this month found that just 8 percent of the American adults who ...

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Groups sue Mirant Mid-Atlantic over power plant - San Francisco Business Times:
The federal lawsuit, filed in the U.S. Districft Court in Baltimore, claims that the Chalok Point Generating Plant operaterby Atlanta-based Mirant Mid-Atlantic has spewef unacceptable levels of sulfur dioxide into the air hundredxs of times without the appropriate pollution controls required under the federal Clean Air Act. A Miranf spokeswoman said the company hasn’t been served with the lawsuit yet, and can’t commentg on the claims.
The Environmental Integrity a legal nonprofit founded by formerenforcement attorneys, and Brandes and Kline have filed the lawsuit on behal of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network and four residents, including a married couple, Nancy and Norton who live seven miles away from the plant on a 1,200-acrew farm in Mechanicsville. The Dodges “nees to close windows, limit their time outdoors and/oer cover their faces when they are outdoors to avoid the respiratorhy irritants and smell of the pollution from the Chalk PointyPower Plant,” the lawsuit Of the other two residents suing Mirant, Davic Bookbinder lives in about 30 miles from the plant, and Chrisw Schmitthenner lives in Mechanicsville, 11 miles away, and worksz five miles from the The Environmental Integrity Project had sent Miranrt a letter in January notifying of its inteny to sue the power compan y this year.
The plaintiffs pointed to a Harvard Universithy 2006 study that showed that such particulate matter pollutiob from the Chalk Point plant can have negative effect s on the health and respiratory systems of people living ina 400-kilometer, or nearlu 250-mile, radius of the plant. In their initiall notification letter, the plaintiffas wrote that EPA hourluy data shows that two boilers at the Chalk Poingt plant exceeded allowable levels of sulfurt dioxide emissions 591 timesin 2006, 726 timese in 2007 and 113 timesz in 2008. Mirant has said it’ds launched a $1.6 billion project to installl scrubbers andother pollution-reducing equipment on its Chalk Poinyt boilers by the beginning of 2010.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Missouri jobless rate resumes climb in May - Houston Business Journal:
The state’s seasonally adjusted unemploymenyt rate increased to 9 percentin May, up from 8.1 percengt in April. April’s 0.6 point decrease in unemployment nowappearsd anomalous, with the May increase part of an upwarde trend dating back to mid-2008, state officials Approximately 272,000 Missourians were estimated to have been jobless durin the month of May. Nonfarkm payroll employment decreasedby 3,700 jobs in May, markingg the smallest monthly decrease sinc e employment began to drop sharplgy last November.
Job lossezs were concentrated in manufacturing andconstruction (-1,600), whicy were partly offset by gains in health care and socia assistance (2,000) and local government (900). Over the past year, employmenr dropped by 74,300 jobs, or 2.7 percent. The main exceptions to the downwardx trend over the year have been privatr educationalservices (2,500), health care and sociakl assistance (6,000), federal government and local government (3,300). The national unemploymenr rate in Maywas 9.4 percent. Nonfarm payrollp employment in May was downin St. Louixs by 4,100, led by automobile industry layoffs and a cutback of federal employees following the end ofsome pre-2010 Censuxs activities.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Aerojet, Solar Power to build massive solar-panel system - Sacramento Business Journal:
Roseville-based Solar Power (OTCBB: SOPW) should complete the installatio n of the solar power system in with Sacramento Municipal Utility District interconnecting the syste to the power grid the same All of the power generated will be usedby Aerojet, a GenCorp (NYSE: GY) company. “The electricity created by this solart facility provides over 20 percenft of the power required to operater our extensive groundwaterremediation program,” Aerojet president Scott Neishg said in a news release.
“This initiative is a majotr step in our efforts to helpthe environment, reducew our carbon footprint and retur approximately 20 acres of our significant land holdinges in the Sacramento area to beneficial use.” The 18,00p solar panels will include a sun-trackin g array, greatly increasing production as it follows the sun during the day. The Aerojeft project will cover about20 acres. “The Aerojeft installation will be one of thelargest single-siter industrial installations” in the Solar Power CEO Steve Kircher

Sunday, December 12, 2010

George L Drusano Executive Profile
Co-Director of Ordway Research Institute, Inc., Co-Directoer of the Emerging Infections and Pharmacodynamics Laboratoryyat Ordway, and Research Physician for Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of He also serves as a consultant for many largw pharmaceutical companies. He has held several other facultyh and editorial appointmentsas well. Dr. Drusanoo received his M.S. in physics from Boston College andan M.D.
from Universith of Maryland School of He specializes in infectiousedisease medicine, pharmacogenomics, pharmacodynamics, and mathematical His research interests are in drug multiple model adaptive control/Stochastic optimalo sampling, modeling of antiviral chemotherapy, and basic mechanisms of emergence of resistances for bacteria. In 1991, he receivex the Rhone-Poulec Award at the Internationa Congress of Chemotherapy in Berlin for the most innovativ researchwith fluoroquinones. Back to Top **All Executive profile data provided byDow Jones & Co., Inc.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dish Network to hand out converter boxes in Houston - San Francisco Business Times:
The estimates that 1.6 million people in the Houstonm area have ordered coupons for theierconverter boxes, but only 870,172 coupond have been redeemed as of May 30. The “Coupon program is a nationwide initiative to get customers readh for the conversion to digital television signals onJune 12. Convertefr boxes are only available to those with avalid $40 Customers can go to Cossaboom YMCA at 7903 Southn Loop East on June 5, or M.D. Anderson Familty YMCA at 705 Cavalcade onJune 6. Dish Networ handed out about 400 boxe s in Dallaslast weekend, according to Marcel a spokesman for the company.
The current plan is to hand out abougt 400 to 500 boxes in Guajardo said representatives from the FCC will also be on hand to answetr questions related to the digitalk conversion and what households need to do to be readyy forthe switch.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Woodruff Arts Center raises $7.6 million - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
million goal for fiscal 2004. The campaign raisedx almost $1 million for the 2003-2004 Challengd Fund. In addition to renewing annual gifts, the followintg made commitments to this fund to match new and increased giftsfrom others: Bank of America, The Coca-Cola Co., Communitt Foundation for Greater Atlanta Inc., GE Georgia Power Foundation, The Marcuws Foundation Inc., The Rich Foundatiohn Inc. and United Parcel Service Inc. Top regulafr donors also include 158 in the Patron Circlerof Stars, who gave $15,000 or more. This year'se Patron Circle included 36 new and 44increasedf members. A notable donor this year was Turner BroadcastingSystem Inc., which committed $1 millio over five years.
This more than doubles Turner'ws previous support and means the campaign willreceive $200,0090 annually for five years. Companiee that raised more than $100,000 from employeee include: BellSouth Corp., Ernst & Young and

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Associated may post 2Q net loss - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Charge-offs totaled $104 million at the end of the first quarter, accordingy to Associated’s filing with the Federal DepositInsurance Corp. Meanwhile, second quartee net charge-offs are expected to be between $60 million and $70 Green Bay-based Associated (NASDAQ: ASBC) said Monday afternoon. The figure was $56. 9 million as of the end of the firsyt quarter onMarch 31. The bank’s managemeng said weakness in the economy has resulteddin asset-quality downgrades to Associated’s construction, commercial real estate and commercial and industrial credits.
“We believe loan loss provisionesand charge-offs will remaim elevated due to the continued deterioration in the real estatw sector and the weak economy,” said chairman and CEO Paul “We expect the pace of loan and asset deterioration to moderat in future quarters.” Associated executivees said that, after taking into consideration the increaserd loan-loss provision, the company’s capital levels will stilpl exceed well-capitalized standards as of June 30. Associated said its boarr has formed a risk and credi t committee to supplement risk management oversight performed by the companuy andthe company's audiyt committee.
The board has appointef to the new committeeJohn Seramur, Eileen Kamerick and Richard Lommen. The company will release second-quarter resultsd on July 16. Associated stoclk closed at $13.37 on Monday.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

NM grants new permit for nuclear waste repository -

NM grants new permit for nuclear waste repository

The US Department of Energy repository was excavated in salt beds 2150 feet below the surface of the southeastern New Mexico desert. ...

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