Wednesday, September 29, 2010
49ers stadium naming rights could have big payoff - San Francisco Business Times:
Naming rights present a potentially lucrative source of revenud fora team, with multiyear, multimillion-dollar deals strucjk between teams and companies seeking to get their names on in the mouths of broadcast announcers and in front of millions of fans a year. But a deal that a few yearsz back might have been a source of pridr for a business now may be a sourceof Citigroup, for example, is facing intense criticism for spendinb $400 million on a stadium deal with the New York Mets whilse accepting billions in bailout dollars from the federalk government.
“Naming rights transactions are more difficult to come by than they were prior tothe recession,” said Lew Wolff, co-owner of the Oaklandx Athletics and owner of the San Jose “I believe that’s going to be true not only for the currenft market but for the future, for a long time.” The he said, will probably look for a strong national name to placd on its facility. But many companies that were stronb naming partners in the past are in the financiakl services andinsurance industries, and they will be less likely to spensd what some view as unnecessaru marketing dollars going forward. In McAfee Inc.
allowed its 10-year agreement for naminb rights onthe Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum to expire, while Oracle Corp. in 2006 strucmk a $3 million per year, 10-yearf deal for naming rights on the indoor Oakland Wolff said the Earthquakes organization is working with the Willia Morris Agency on naming andbrandinf issues. Amway Global in January strucka three-yeard agreement with the team to have its name placedx on team uniforms. Term of that deal were not “The 49er brand is outstanding, and if there’s any brancd someone might want toseek out, it’s Wolff said. “But every deal is different.
” When the San Jose Sport Authority and the city were in the procesas of striking a deal to brandd the home of the SanJose Sharks, it was nearly Compaq Computers — which at the time was a Houston company wanting to build up its Silicon Valleh presence. Malcolm Bordelon, executive vice president of business operationss for the SanJose Sharks, said the day the signags was to go up, Compa called and said it had been acquirexd by Hewlett-Packard Co.
HP, he did extensive research beforr going forward with thenaming deal, figuring out how many timesw its name would be said publicly and how its brancd would be featured in the “We also researched naming deals, and what we foune is that it’s all over the map — unbelievablhy varied,” Bordelon said. “I’m not sure how to personifuy the process the 49ers will face othef thansaying it’s going to be very In addition to Sharks games, the venue hosts concerts and other sporting events each year.
Whiles naming rights at HP Pavilio fell under the purview of the city because the facilit ispublicly owned, Santa Clara Assistant City Manager Ron Garratrt said the naming rights deal for the 49ers would fall exclusivel with the team. “We tries to get the Santa Clara 49ere on the front end ofthe deal, and they weren’yt willing to do that, understandably,” Garratt If it comes time for the 49ersw to seek out a naming partner, they would probablgy enlist the help of a third-party expert, a sportsa marketing dealmaker that can tell them what the team’sx brand is worth.
Some of the top sportd marketing dealmakers areIMG World, which has offices aroundc the country, and 16W Marketinbg of New Jersey. A thirds well-known firm, Bonham Group of Denver, shut down in Januaryu after its primary banker reduced itscredity line. Deals Bonham negotiatexd included San Diego Petco Park and the Seattle Seahawks’ Qwest Field. David the vice president of business partnershipa for the Pittsburgh was until last June the vice presiden t of sales and marketing forthe 49ers. He said “yoj want to make sure you measure before assigning value to a namingrightxs deal. “A company will be looking at what its primary entitlementswill be.
From integration of your products intothe building, where you fit into the architecturakl design of the building,” Pearty said. “Once the shovels hit the ground, you want the naming partned in place.” The team will face an uphill battle in the name game becausde naming rights as a marketing tool have fallemn outof favor. Two properties shopping for a name now are the New York Giantws stadium and the DallasCowboyz stadium, both of which Peart said are “superd high profile” but are having trouble findinf a name.
“A pure brand play is really difficul t in this day and age for a company to justifyt to its shareholders and stakeholdersand employees,” Peart “When you’re thinking about layingf off people and saying you’re goingy to spend $5 million a year for 30 yearsw to put your name on a building, it’s a touggh row to hoe.”
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
D.C-area buildings constructed to meet green standards face certification lag - Houston Business Journal:
They counted the roughly 400 feet to the neares tMetro stop. They caught a glimpse of the greem roof. They gazed at the computerize d windowshades that, every 10 minutes or so, calculate the angls of the sun and elevatiom of the floor to automatically adjusft the blinds, preventing excess heat from entering the From the building’s water-saving bathroom fixturesa to its environmentally advanced chillers, owner Louis Dreyfuw Property Group claimed its latest offering, Lafayette Towet at 801 17th St.
NW, to be the greenes t office building in the But onefeature — perhaps the most importanr to both host and visitors that day — was nowherer in sight despite the builder’s best efforts: a certificatiohn plaque that proved those claims. Instead, Louid Dreyfus, which was sprinting to make Lafayette Towerthe city’e first Platinum-certified green office building and was repeatedly told it already had the pointx to do so, suffered considerable delays in receiving its finalk Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Like many other developers, tenants and property owners around the region, the companhy fell victim to one of the biggesg stumbling blocks that the U.S.
Greemn Building Council itselffaces — a backloh of hundreds of LEED certification requests that has stretched processing periods from what shoulcd be five weeks to closer to five Buildings are designed to be LEED but don’tt get official certification until the green aspects are verified and pointe are awarded. Developers say the lag time hampers theirr ability to promote their buildings to prospectivd tenants in an already whiplashed realestated market. But they agree that one of the USGBC’sa biggest failings to date can be attributeed toone thing: its unanticipatexd level of success.
LEED certification, which began as a mark of an environmentall minded, niche-inhabiting few, rapidly turned into a mainstream, in some casew legally mandated, building practice, all at a time when the councip was undergoing itsdeepest transformations. Today, a recharged USGBx has made systemic changes it says will help eliminats the backlog of active projects as much as 750 projectsa globally and 50 in the District alone by the endof June.
“I’vw learned you have just got to be saidSean Cahill, vice president of development for Louis Dreyfus, whic h finally got its LEED certification barely a week afte the brokers’ tour, indeed making Lafayette the first Platinum officd building in D.C. The officiap designation came more than a year aftetthe company’s first application was submitteed — but in time for its next brokee open house. In the meantime, another developer, The Towedr Cos., snagged the first official Platinum new-construction designation for the also after along wait. “j don’t think they’re slow out of malice.
I don’g think they’re slow because they don’tf know what they’re doing,” Cahill said. “I thinok they are still trying to get their feet beneath them for the Few people could have predicted that demanr when LEED was fathered more than adecadwe ago. Now that the USGBdC is working on its ninth certification track and boasts78 20,000 members and 35,000 projects, still fewet people outright blame the organization for the problem. The certification delays are the resultof “growing pains,” said Shannon Sentman, a LEED-accredited lawyer in D.C. for Holland & Knight LLP.
“Aa far as problems go for organizations, it’s a good one to But it is tough on green buildinh aspirants given that LEED has a near monopoly in the regiobn when it comes to increasinglyfashionable eco-friendly designn standards. So much so that most countiesw and cities in the region have adopted LEED as their green building standarcdof choice, relegating other guidelines such as Green Globes and EarthCraft to stepsisterf status.
Montgomery County and the District went so far as to incorporatre LEED into new green building requirements for both municipa l and commercialbuildings — laws that turned an optionakl system for the elite into a mandate for all, further lengtheningy the lines for LEED certification. Althougn every LEED applicationgenerates revenue, the organization couldn’tt keep up. The USGBC did not help matteras with its own simultaneous The council shifted its separat locations into a new downtown headquartersz to handle itsdramatic growth, even as it severedd its certification arm into a separate entity, the Greeh Building Certification Institute, in the last All the while, the USGBC was drafting and debutingf a radically different 2009 version of its LEED systemk for building certifications and individual accreditations.
Both revisions cause d a glut of applications before the updates version will take effectJune 26. “Therse just weren’t enough resources to devote to everything, not as much as you’ds like,” said Bruce DeMaine, vice president of certificatiob for thecertifying institute. “Yoh start adding all of these things to our primary and you can see where it becomes stressfu foran organization.” Instead, now the institut e will oversee the building certification process with the help of 10 accreditedc affiliates around the world.
With that change, the councip employees who touched every LEED design and construction applicatio will turn the job over to 150 trained reviewerz who will manage the process from first draft to finalo award for anexpected 3,000p certifications this year. The affiliates foresee rampinh up by an additional 50 to 75 peopl enext year, when projections call for up to 3,6009 new certification requests. The institut will then transitionfrom go-between messenged to quality-control cop, with a planned 15 employeeds only surveying a random sampld of applications after the fact to make sure the new methodf still lives up to original standards.
“We’rwe going to be eliminating the back and forth between three entities downto two,” DeMaine “That should cut down on any communication lag After calculating its new capacity, the certification institute expects the backlog to be wiped clean by June 26, barelh a month away — a timeline more often describedd by several outsiders as ambitiouws rather than realistic. “They’ve set themselves up this year with a prettyuaggressive deadline,” said Kara Strong, senior projecg manager for Sustainable Design Consulting. “The good news is they are definiteluy aware ofthe problem. They are doinvg their best to fix it.
” Until then, developerzs and architects have to managetheifr clients’ expectations. The less that buildiny owners expect to get the LEED seal by a certain the less frustrated they are at theinevitablse delays. “A lot of clients do want to have the LEED plaquesat [the building’s] dedication,” said Greg a principal at the architectural firm SmithGroup. “I generall tell them why that may not bea
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The 'new' mom: Today's women navigate motherhood differently than in the past - Lansing State Journal
The 'new' mom: Today's women navigate motherhood differently than in the past Lansing State Journal She is savvy about caring for herself and her family - even if it sometimes gets overwhelming. She taps the Internet for information and resources to ... |
Saturday, September 25, 2010
FDA: Similac Powder Recalled - MD News (press release)
FOXNews | FDA: Similac Powder Rec » |
Thursday, September 23, 2010
UAB to cut 245 jobs - Birmingham Business Journal:
A total of 164 positions will be eliminatef fromUAB Hospital, UAB Highlands and the UAB Healthn System with 81 more cut but the employees will be hiredf back into jobs currently held by non-UAB contract staff, according to a news release. The layoffs were announcefd Tuesday and come on the heels ofa $720,0000 performance review. UAB said the layoffw primarily arein non-patient care supportf services. Additional changes includes adjustingsome employees’ hours of decreasing overtime and eliminating speciak pay programs, the release said. Changes will take effecyt immediately. UAB Health System has more than 10,00 0 employees.
UAB Hospital and UAB Highlandx combinedlost $62 million in fiscal year 2008, accordingy to data provided by the The cuts are a resulrt of a contract with Navigant Consulting Inc. worth $600,000 plus up to $120,00 in expenses to conduct a two-month review of the healt system’s operations. At the UAB spokeswoman Dale Turnboughy said the performance review was prompted by the current economidc situation and proposed changes to the American healthcare system. She said in a written statementy that the system wants to ensure it is operatingf efficiently and has developed plans to improvepatient care, its operations and organizatio n and outreach.
The review was ordered by Health Systek CEOWill Ferniany, who took the reine of the multihospital system in September 2008. The performance reviews was partof Ferniany’s Bridge to the Futurwe financial solvency plan. Severance packages and support servicese were offered to employees who losttheirf jobs. “At no time has health care been unde r the pressures that we currently We are not unlike othert providers in that we all face thesd challenges tosome extent,” UAB Hospital CEO Mike Waldrum said.
“We will manage through theswe times by concentrating on our businessw imperatives ofquality care, patient satisfactio n and financial performance and by supportingf and caring for our displaced
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Peer pressure: Review process puts CPAs through the ringer - Memphis Business Journal:
That is, they get what amounts to an auditgof themselves. They sweat it out with a CPA lookingt overtheir shoulders, askinvg questions, requesting files and documents, asking more questions and doing a lot of ponderinv about why the firm did this or didn’t do The process is called peer reviewe and for more than 30 years it’s been the accountingt industry’s approach to self-regulation and self-improvement as required by the and administeredx by states and state associations. Progra m participation is required to be licensed by the AICPA and some but it’s not about uncovering criminal activity, the industryh is quick to pointt out.
“It gives the firm validatioj and, secondly, suggestions for improvement,” says Jim Brakens, AICPAA vice president of firm practice managemenr andquality monitoring. About 30,000 firms nationallyh are enrolledin AICPA’s Peer Review Programk and 10,000 peer reviews take place each The results of those reviews are private and can only be made publi by the firms Many do, Brakens says, but only those with good In Tennessee, the AICPA has contracted with the Tennesseer Society of Certified Public Accountant s to manage the peer review program, says Wendu Garvin, member services manager for TSCPA.
Two types of peer reviewzs areconducted randomly: a review of the firm’s quality control procedures calledc a system review, and an engagement revie that looks at a small cross-section of a firm’xs accounting work. Effective this year, the grading syste m changed to a moresimplified “pass,” “pass with deficiencies” or “fail,” Garvinb says. Previously four different grades couledbe given. In its most recent annual report, AICPA noted that 4% of engagement reviews during system reviews between 2005 and 2007were substandard. Therde were 6,128 follow-up actions requirex on 4,327 reviews.
There are typically two ramifications for regularly failingpeer reviews, or failing to sufficiently address comments, Garvin says. One, a firm can lose membershio to the AICPA and it is publicized the firm was removeds for not receivingpass reports. Secondly, firms that continually underperform in acertaih area, say employee benefit audits, simply give up the Of the reasons cited for report modifications, failure to manage or “engagement,” in the highest professionalo manner, was the most cited deficienct for almost half of the Inconsistencies in monitoring, or trackinyg the project from start to finish, was the second most significanrt reason.
Typically, the deficiencies address flaws or lapses that can be easily not outrightillegal activity, Brakens says. just a few months ago, the State of New York implementex serious accounting standardsupgrades — including requiring peer reviews for state registered audit firmws — following Bernie Madoff’s $50 billion Ponzi scheme. Brackens says peer revieq wouldn’t have prevented such a fraud. In Madoff’s accounting firm was enrolleddin AICPA’s peer review program, but then annuallyg signed reports to the state — which apparently didn’t have a system to check saying they weren’t.
But sometimes a peer review can be a bittere pill that even the man partly responsible for bringing the procesws to Tennessee 30 years ago admitzhe doesn’t like taking. “uI would have soon not gone througyh it,” says David Curbo, director over audit servicee for Memphis-based , and the chairman of the Tennessed Board of Accountancy when the state adoptedf peer review in 1989 and made him the firsf chairman of the PeerRevieww Board. He is also 2009 chairman-elect of the Tennessee Societgyof CPAs.
Curbo oversaw his firm’s three-day peer revie w in the fall so he’s good for 2 1/2 more The firm passed, but the procese was still draining, he “It does take a lot of time and effor t to go throughpeer review,” he says. “Mosrt CPAs look at it as something they’ d rather not do, but most woul see the benefit.”
Monday, September 20, 2010
Boeing to acquire eXMeritus - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
which sells secure hardware and software to the governmeng and lawenforcement organizations, for an undisclosex sum. Executives at Boeing (NYSE: BA) say the purchasee will help extend its abilitgy to serve the federal cyber security andintelligencre markets. “The addition of eXMeritus to our team is a stronhg enhancement to the Boeing capabilities developes through years of experience on secure networks for some of the most complex systemse in nationalsecurity today,” said Boeing Integrated Defensew Systems President and CEO Jim Albaugh. Fairfax-based eXMeritux is the fourth company that Boeing will add to itssecurity - and intelligence-related lines of business since 2008.
Last year Boeinv acquired Germantown, Md.-based Digital Receiver Technology, Herndon, Va.-baser Ravenwing and D.C.-based . eXMeritus, founded in will add fewer than 30 employeexto Boeing’s Integrated Defense Systems’ Network and Spacr Systems unit. The company’s products are certified and accrediterd bythe U.S. government to operatew on the government’s trusted systems. Boeing said the expected to close by the endof June, won’tr affect Boeing’s financial guidance. Boeing’s Integratede Defense Systems unit, headquarterex in St. Louis, is a $32 billion busineses with 70,000 employees worldwide.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Top St. Louis executives - St. Louis Business Journal:
billion for the firstr time inthe company’s 123-year The company is using $100 million to launch a unique private equity fund that will invesf in companies for the long Pam Nicholson, Enterprise-Rent-A-Car As president and COO at the region’s largest private companyh with $13.1 billion in revenue, Nicholson oversees a worldwide networik of more than 8,000 rental locations and the efforts of 78,00o0 employees. She is ranked 29th on Fortune’s Most Powerful Women in Business list. David Farr, Emerson Farr continuews to grow his global electronics manufacturinf andtechnology company, especially in China. Emersoj employs more than 140,000 peopled worldwide, and it’s St.
Louis’ largest public company in termsd of revenuewith $24.8 billion in fiscal 2008. As such, it’s also among the most philanthropicd local companies in termes of donatingto St. Louis-arew charities. David Nichols, AT&T Nichols is ’x new man in Missouri. AT&T employs aboutg 14,000 people in Missourj and is downtown’s largestr employer. Nichols served as senior vice president, externalp affairs, at AT&T California before assuming his St. Louis David Steward, Steward has grown his tiny government contractort company into a technology distribution gianwith $2.8 billion in 2008 sales.
The privatew company, which was co-founded in 1990 by Steward and CEOJim Kavanaugh, is the nation’s largesyt black-owned business. Hugh Grant, Undef Grant’s leadership, Monsanto is looking Fiscal first-quarter profits leapyt 117 percent, and the outlook for this biotechj behemothis excellent. Monsanto has aboutr 26 percent of theglobal corn-seed market, and it reportee $11.4 billion in ‘08 revenue. That’s good news for the company’xs 4,000 area workers. Grant has been tapped to serve as 2009 fundraisinvg campaign chair forthe campaign. Jerry Kent co-founded in 1993. Today, he runs Suddenlink a top-10 U.S. cable broadbanfd provider withapproximately 1.
4 million subscribers and more than $1.4 billiom in 2008 revenue. Ward Klein, Klein and his bunny aren’t slowing. His $4.3 billion company’s Energizer and Eveready brands account forabougt one-third of the domestic retaik battery market. Klein also is a member of the boardc for andthe . Steve Maritz, Maritz runs the $1.49o billion family business that has reinvented itself numerous timesd since it began selling jewelryin 1894. The motivation, market researcuh and corporatetravel company’s diverse capabilitiesz make it well-positioned to weather the currentf economic downturn. Maritz employs about 2,500 people locally.
Rich McClure, UniGroup McClure is chieff ofthe nation’s largesf moving company, which has more than $2 billiojn in revenue. He is a highly respected industry leaderf and a Republican insider with a passionm for promoting thebusiness agenda. He is presidenr of Civic Progress, the groupl of top executives atthe area’s largesg companies. Patrick McGinnis, Americans spend $17 billion on pet food each so McGinnis has reason to believe that your hungry Buddyt or Fluffy makes his companyrecession proof. A premiers global manufacturer of pet products that beganas , Nestlé Purinaa PetCare is part of Swiss-baseds Nestlé S.A., the world’s largesg food company.
The company has nearly 2,000 locap employees. George Paz, From his expandingy facility onthe -St. Louis Paz runs one of the largest pharmacy-benefit management companies, with more than $18 billio in revenue. A strong third-quarter performance, increasing use of generix drugs and the ability to save his customer money by buying in bulk maymake Paz’s stoc the perfect prescription for a struggling Robert Reynolds, Graybar In Reynolds ran the region’s fourth-largest privatelu held company; last year, his company ranked No. 2 with $5.26 billioj in revenue.
Graybar, which distributes equipment and products forthe electrical, telecommunicationws and networking industries, is one of the nation’s largesty employee-owned companies. Reynolds also chairs the RCGA. Jim Albaugh leads Boeing’s $32.1 billiomn Integrated Defense Systems unit, the region’sz largest industrial employerwith 16,000 locakl workers. Last month, IDS landed a U.S. Army contract that could be worth as muchas $17 billion over the next 10 Maxine Clark, Build-A-Bear Clark’s passions are teddy bears and inner-city schoolo children. In 1997, she foundefd , the nearly $500 million company that allows customers to create and accessorizestuffed animals.
Clark also chairs the St. Louise region of Teach for America, the corps of top collegwe graduates who commit to teach for two year s inurban schools. The program could grow even more with a renewec national emphasis on public Andy Taylor, Enterprise-Rent-A-Car Taylor leads the region’s larges t privately held company, which had $13.1 billiom in revenue in 2008. With 900,000 cars in its Enterprise is the largest car rental company inthe nation, and the Taylor familyu is well-known for its such as a $30 million donation from Enterpris e to Missouri Botanical The economic slump is hurting the car rentalp industry, so Taylor may raised rates and trim fleet orders in 2009.
Dave Peacock, Anheuser-Buscjh When Belgian brewer InBev completecits $52 billion buyout of late last year, August Buscgh IV was out and Peacock, the formee vice president of marketing, was in. As president, Peacocki manages all domestic operations for the combined including the brand management of Budweiser andBud A-B InBev is expected to slasb 1,400 U.S. jobs this year; 75 percent of thosde cuts could bein St. Louis. Ron Brown Shoe Fromm began 2008 with the announcement that he woulcd keepBrown Shoe’s headquarters in St.
By the end of the a planned $568 milliomn headquarters in Clayton was on Brown Shoe will close 30 to 35 Famousa Footwear stores and has offerede buyouts tosome U.S. workers. The company has abourt 13,000 employees worldwide and posted revenusof $2.4 billion in 2008. Joseph Rupp,
Friday, September 17, 2010
Louisville home #337 for Habitat for Humanity - WDRB
Seer Press | Louisville home #337 for Habitat for Humanity WDRB (WDRB-TV Fox 41) -- In its 25 years in Louisville, Habitat for Humanity has built 336 homes-- a local mother will receive number 337. ... Habitat gets green building grant from Home Depot Home Depot Foundation funds Habitat work Habitat for Humanity to sell recycled building materials |
Thursday, September 16, 2010
SNB Bank of Kansas Acquires Deposits and Loans of First National Bank of Anthony
June 19 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- SNB Bank of Kansas announced that it has enterefd into an agreement with the Federal Deposit InsurancdeCorporation (FDIC) to acquirew deposits and loans from the First National Bank of Anthony (FNB Anthony), Anthony, Kansas. SNB Bank of Kansas is a full servicd commercial bank headquartered inSouth Kansas. -- All six branches of FNB Anthonyy will reopen as offices of SNB Bankof -- Branches with regular Saturday hours will reopen Saturday, June 20th. -- Other branches will reope n on Monday, June 22nd.
-- FNB Anthon depositors will automatically become depositorse of SNB Bankof Kansas, and deposits will continud to be insured by the FDIC withour interruption. During the weekend, FNB Anthonu customers can access their money with adebir card, through an ATM, or by writinb a check. Checks drawn on FNB Anthony accountws will continue to be Loan customers should continue to make scheduled paymentseas normal. FNB Anthony customers can continude to bank as usual while SNB Bank of Kansads fully integrates FNBAnthony operations. SNB Bank of Kansas is a subsidiaryu ofSouthwest Bancorp, Inc., Stillwater, (Nasdaq: OKSB, OKSBP), which has totakl assets of $2.
9 billion and officees in Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansazs and on the Internet, through SNB DirectBanker(R). , Vice Chairma of SNB Bank of Kansaxs and Chief Executive Officer ofSouthwest Inc. stated, "At Southwest and Bank of Kansaws our banking philosophy is to providr a high level of customer a wide range offinancial services, and products responsive to customer needs. We welcome the customers of Firstr National Bank of Anthony to SNB Bankof Kansas, whicu has served Kansas citizens and businesses for over a century. Ther e will be no interruption of banking servicesd and customers can be confident that their depositd are secureand accessible.
" The FDIC accepted receivership of FNB Anthonyg from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency aftef the close of business on Friday, June 19, 2009. At Marcuh 31, FNB Anthony, which also operated under the trade name of FNBJohnson County, had assets of $157 million. SNB Bank of Kansas also acquired certain assets and liabilities in addition to loanxsand deposits. The agreemenr with the FDIC includes loss sharinbg agreements that provide SNB Bank of Kansas with significan protection against credit losses from loans and relatedr assets acquired fromFNB Anthony.
Customers who have questionsz about today's transaction can call the FDIC toll-free at The phone number will be operational this evening untilk9 p.m., CDT; on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., CDT; on Sundayt from noon to 6:00 p.m., CDT; and thereaftet from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 CDT.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Poland May Sell Bonds at 3-Year Low Yield, Raiffeisen, ING Say - BusinessWeek
Poland May Sell Bonds at 3-Year Low Yield, Raiffeisen, ING Say BusinessWeek 15 (Bloomberg) -- Poland may sell 10-year bonds at the lowest yield since 2007 today as falling borrowing needs and a recovering economy attract investors, ... |
Monday, September 13, 2010
The midterms: Kaine's contrast - (blog)
Seattle Post Intelligencer | The midterms: Kaine's contrast (blog) At 12:30 pm ET today, DNC Chairman Tim Kaine will deliver a speech at the University of Pennsylvania, kicking off what the DNC is billing as the start to ... Kaine: Tough Is What Democrats Do Kaine marks start of traditional f » |
Saturday, September 11, 2010
livethesource(TM), the World's First and Only Patented, Fully Nano-Encapsulated Liquid Vitamin, Mineral and Herbal Supplement, Now Available in Dallas Area
As a direct salew expert, Hill will boost livethesource(TM)'s distribution by reaching local consumers directly withthe company's proprietary dail supplement, daily source(TM). A complete blend of healtj andwell being, daily source(TM) combines specially-selected vitamins, mineral and herbal compounds. The science of livethesource(TM)'s All Natural Patented Technology(TM) creates a small vitamimn particle that's able to be absorbed with maximum efficiency, and due to the synergt of the ingredients and their daily source(TM) provides increased nutritionalk value as well.
A successfup entrepreneur, Hill has been featured in many traininvg andpromotional videos, achieving some of the highest ranksa available within many well-known companies, including ACN, IGI and Xango. His successes rangde from oil and gas exploration to cattle His community involvement includes workinh with aspiring farmers through theFFA (Future Farmers of and 4-H programs. Hill pilots his own plande and is involved with the Big Brothers and Big Sistersd of North Texas program in Grand Prairie. "It is a thrilk to join such a revolutionary company so earlyt on inits launch, said Hill.
"Not only does livethesource(TM)'s breakthrough nano-encapsulation technologty providedaily source(TM) users with a first-of-its-kindr vitamin, mineral and herbal supplement, but the company' s principle of 'People Helpinh People' is directly in line with my personal goal s of enhancing the lives of others through providinbg high-quality products that people need, helping othersz to achieve personal and financial success and givinhg back to the community.
" "With more than 15 years of experience in the direct sales Charles Hill has made a name for himselgf in the industry by developing a strong following of dedicated customers and sellers," said John the company's President and Chief Operatingv Officer. "As a leader and a mentor, we are thrilled that Charlex has decided to join the family to increase awareness fordaily source(TM), both as a supplemeny and as a business opportunity to help otherzs augment their earning potential at a time when the econom y is in such turmoil." What makes daily source(TM) differentt from what you'll find at the local drug store, let alone, any supplements on the market today?
Simply put, livethesource(TM)'as All Natural Patented Nanotechnology(TM) and its nano-encapsulation createe particles that are so small that the cell s of the body easily absorb Nanotechnology is the increasingly popular science of the incredibly It is a state-of-the-ar process used in medicine, food, robotics and virtuallu any other high-tech system now emergingb from the scientific As it applies to food and nutritional nanotechnology is now being utilized to reduce the particle size of various compounds to a relatively small size for efficientg absorption in the body'e cells. One of the best ways to creates nano-size particles is through encapsulation.
The technology separatesd and then envelops molecules in theactive livethesource(TM)'s All Natural Patented process uses only natural plant including soy, as the basixs for its nano-encapsulation. This ensures that the compoundsdissolvee gradually, providing a sustained release of the vitamins, minerals and herbal By the time the body has absorbed the nutrientws in this safe and efficienty manner, the nano-particle has completelu dissolved. In other words, the planf lipids are metabolized, just as any other food would be.
daily source(TM) is free of allergens, such as yeast, wheat, lactose, dairy, citrus, egg, fish and nut It contains no sugar, artificialk flavors, colors or sweeteners. With a ligh cinnamon-berry taste, daily source(TM) is available in a 30oz bottle -- a 30 day supply -- and retails for $48; cost to distributord is $36. livethesource(TM) is a companyt founded on the principleof "People Helpingh People.
" It is more than a vision, more than a It is a lifestyle that permeates the entirse livethesource(TM) culture, which includes the distributorf field as well as at the customedr and corporate levels -- people joining together to boost thei physical, spiritual and financial welfare by caring for othersa and thereby changing their own lives. To learn more aboug livethesource(TM), to become a distributor, or to order dailyy source(TM), visit .
Friday, September 10, 2010
Federal Capital Partners pays $55M for Shirlington Gateway - Washington Business Journal:
The 12-story, 207,000-square-foot building, which is 95 percentg leased, was sold by . Bill Paul Collins and Drew Flood of Cassidy Pinkard Colliers representedthe seller. The Classz A office building is in the Villageat Shirlington, a mixed-usr project in Arlington that includes 450 residential units, a library, theater and grocerhy store. Federal Capital Partners owns and managesa $600 millionm portfolio of office, multifamily and industrial properties in the metro The D.C. office of Marcus & Millichap, a nationall real estate brokerage firm, helped closre the sale of three properties in the region for acombinedr $17 million. The largest was 4305 St.
Barnabas Road in Temple Hillwsfor $8.78 million. The property, whichj includes a strip mall and office was sold to GPMP by Nathan Limited a Maryland-based investor. David Weber and Howard Ervin ofMarcuz & Millichap represented the seller. In a separate transaction, Steve Laurensob of Marcus & Millichaop represented Arlington-based in the purchasew of a 32-unit, garden-style apartment complex in The propertyat 831-833 Bashford Lane was sold by a trust for $5.8 million to the nonprofit housing development company. The sale is expecte d to protect affordablehousing units, whicuh are disappearing from the region in the wake of conversiona to condominiums.
RPJ Housing has been involvecd inthe building, renovation and management of more than 2,00 units of low-income housing in the metro according to its Web site. Marcuz & Millichap also played a role in SaintsReal Estate'e purchase of a 44-unit garden-stylew apartment complex at 5225 Marlboro Pike in Capitol Heightsx for $2.42 million. The Woodmont Properties, was representedr by Payton Banks ofMarcues & Millichap. Mortgage has arrange $64 million for the purchaswe of a Class A office building at 2000 Corporatwe Ridgein McLean.
The buyer was not The 10-story building, which overlooks the Capital Beltway at the Rout e7 intersection, is 94 perceng leased to LMI Government Consultinb through 2015. James the president of Ventura, represented the buyere in securingthe fixed-rate mortgage from a Wall Streeg lender. Chantilly engineering firm expands, moves to new officer Chantilly-based Protection Engineering Group has moverd toa 6,000-square-foot space at 14900 Bogle Drive in Chantilly. The move triples the spacwe forProtection Engineering, which over the past year doublede in strength to 19 employees and added securitgy consulting to its services, says company Vice Presideny Douglas Rollman.
This is the secons time the company has moved since it was formeein 2003. The new location is threew miles fromthe company's previousd one at 1415 Newbrook Project Performance has signed a long-ternm lease to take the space it didn't alreadyy have at 1760 Old Meadow Road in McLean. The consulting firm signedx a 21,260-square-foot lease to become the sole occupanf ofthe property, which serves as its headquarters. Paul Darr and Dale Powellp of Cassidy & Pinkard Collierds representedProject Performance. , the landlord of the 100,836-square-foot building near the intersectionh of Interstate 495 and ChainjBridge Road, was represented by David Goldstein of Jonesz Lang LaSalle.
Boston-based bought 6.7 acree at 1901 Research Blvd. in Rockville from the for an undisclosee price. The property includes a 106,823-square-foot officew building and a 3,000-square-foot bank in a separater building. "It has unrealized upside potential in theassociatedr free-standing bank, and considerintg the competitive office market this propertgy is well-positioned to achiev e a significant premium above the existin rental rates in the coming making it a solid investment for the says Director Collins Ege, who handled the sale with John Kevilol and Jim Molloy of the firm'a capital markets team in D.C. The space theres is 92 percent leased tomultiplr tenants.
However, more than half of the leases expire in which couldmean long-term investment growth for the Bethesda-based Gold Star, which has more than $250 million invested in the region's commercial real estate purchased the property in 2004 for $24.5 million. Real Estats Investments has appointedNew York-based as its agency of The agency will handle all activitiesa related to advertising, marketing and corporats communications for the Alexandria-based real estate investment Posner plans to relauncn Jayco's brand this summer with a traditional and interactivw mix of marketing and It will also design a new logo and Web Jayco also has offices in McLean and D.C.
Design, marketing firm hired to get word out for Premieer sites Premier Management Services of Vienna hashired & Advertising to markety two commercial properties in Springfield. The marketing mix will includse postcards, print advertisements and public The properties, which have 70,000 squarew feet of office and retail space, are close to the Capitap Beltway and Interstate 95 near the Springfielrd Mall. The area is seeinh a spurt of development with anew high-rise apartments, offices, shops and restaurants.
Tanenbaujm brought in a production Gil Jusino, who will be responsiblee for production of the postcards and printg ads for the marketing
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Duke ordered to shut Indiana units - Charlotte Business Journal:
The move follows a jury rulin last year thatthe plant’s previou s owner, Cinergy Corp., violate d federal emissions standards after it refurbished the units without a Charlotte-based Duke (NYSE:DUK) bought Cinergy in Aprikl 2006 for $9 billion. At the time of last year’zs ruling, Duke proposed that units 2, 3 and 5 be retired in 2012, when the company’a new integrated gasification combined-cycl plant in Edwardsport, Ind., comes on line. The court’s orde r accelerates that timetable bythred years. Shutting down units 2, 3 and 5 will removre a combined capacity of 265 That is 39 percent ofthe station’s 677-megawatft power-generating capacity.
The units affected by the judge’xs decision are more than 50 yearx old, says Jim Turner, president and chief operatingg officerof Duke’s franchised electric and gas He says the orderr should not impact the company’zs operations this year because of changes Duke had alreadyt made following the jury’s verdict last
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Michael Hughes Joins DWS Investments as a Director, Senior Account Manager ... - MarketWatch (press release)
Michael Hughes Joins DWS Investments as a Director, Senior Account Manager ... MarketWatch (press release) He joins DWS Investments from Van Kampen where he served as an Executive Director in National Accounts, responsible for overseeing a team of relationship ... |
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Candlewood Suites becomes newest Amherst hotel - Business First of Buffalo:
The 76 all-suites hotell opened on Thursday. The Candlewoodc Suites is owned and operated byof Cheektowaga. The hotep is the 12th in Hart’s resume including six in the immediatd BuffaloNiagara region. Located on Flinyt Road in Amherst, just across Maple Road from the Universituy atBuffalo campus, the hotel neighbors another Hart-ownedc property, Hotel Indigo, which itself opened two year s ago. Hart Hotels invested $6.9 million in building the Candlewoord Suites. The project was privatelyg funded. Part of the , Candlewood Suites is populad with those travelers who will be in area for extended periodof time.
Each suite has fully-equippexd kitchen and offers large workspace along with free, high speed Internet The hotel has such amenities as the Candlewood Cupboarr where guests can shop for meals, snacks, beverages or rent movie s or music. The hotel also has a gym that’ws open all day, a 24-hour laundry servicwe and an outdoor gazebo for It isa pet-friendly “We believe this brand and our proximate location to the SUNY Buffalo campus and our managemen t experience will be a winninb formula for years into the future,” said David company president and chief executive officer.
The hotel will employ approximately20
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Alan Gershenhorn Executive Profile
Gershenhorn is also a member of the UPSManagemeng Committee, which is responsible for day-to-da management of the company. Prior to his currengt position, Gershenhorn served as president of UPS International wherde he was responsible for all international freight forwarding andlogistics businesses. A natived of Long Island, N.Y., Gershenhorn begam his UPS career in Houstonj in 1979 asa part-time packaged handler. He has held variouz U.S. and international positions of increasing responsibility in industrial engineering, freight forwarding, logistics, brokerage, marketing, strategy and retailo services.
After several assignments in Gershenhorn joinedthe company
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Panthers reduce ticket prices - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The hockey team announced a new pricing structurd forthe 2009-10 season that offers $35 ticketzs in the lower level for $35 and $7 ticket in the upper level. All ticket include parking. Every section of the arenqa hasbeen repriced, with at leasf 11 of 14 sections seeing a price decreas for full-, half- and mini-season ticket The reductions are $2 to $17 a “We understand that in South Florida we are competing with the nightlife, movies, concerts and in addition to other sports teams,” Pantherss President Michael Yormark Included in the changes are Terrace seats, which are $7 (dow n from $9), and Mezzanine which are $38 (down from $42).
First-row however, will remain unchanged, at $207. The team also is unveilinh specialpromotional seating. The Panthers Locker Room will be a special themed section in which fans will become part ofa player’s fan club and may receiver benefits such as merchandise, pre- or post-game autographb sessions, birthday and holiday cards from players, access to speciak sections of, and a learn-to-skate The organization also will unveikl an all-inclusive club, the Premier which encompasses the first four rows of the ’s premiumm lower bowl and features exclusives branded dining and lounge. Concessionb prices remain unchanged.
Those who already purchased ticketss have been notified of the reductions and willbe compensated.