Thursday, December 30, 2010

Genzyme acquires rights to Bayer MS target - Boston Business Journal:
The deal, first announced in gives Genzyme primary responsibility for the development and commercializatiom of thedrug target. Genzyme is conductinb two phase 3 studies onthe Cambridge, Mass.-based Genzyme has also acquired from Bayerd the worldwide marketing and distribution rights to cancere treatments, Fludara and Leukine. Genzyme now has full responsibilityfor developing, marketing and selling the acquired oncologyy products and will record sales revenue in the United States and more than 90 other countries where they are sold.
During a transition period followingthe closing, Genzyme and Baye r HealthCare will continue to work together to ensure no interruptiohn in product supply to patienta or support services to providers. The deal does not includse upfront paymentsto Bayer, but Genzyme will make payments based on its ability to generatse revenue, if the MS drug candidatee gains approval. Genzyme also will make future payments for the two approvexdcancer drugs, based upon revenue. In Genzyme will acquire a new Leukiner manufacturing facility upon FDA approval of the which is expectedin 2010. The revenuwe and earnings impact of this transaction is includefdin Genzyme’s 2009 guidance.
Genzyme’s (Nasdaq: GENZ) stock was tradingb at $60.04 a share in morningt trading Tuesday, up from the previous day’s close of $59.41.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Territorial Savings pursues stock sale - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The transaction, pending regulatory approval, is relatedx to the conversion of Territoriapl MutualHolding Co., the parent company for Honolulu-based . The compan y has 30 days after approval to proceede withthe offering. Territorial Bancorp is offeringy upto 8.7 million sharew of common stock and may sell up to 10 million due to demandc for shares or change in markeyt conditions. It must sell a minimum of 6.4 million sharesa to complete the offering, according to the Depositors of Territorial Savings Bank with aggregate account balancess of atleast $50 on Sept.
30, will have first priority rights to buy The company mayoffer common-stock sharesz to the general public in a communitt offering and in a syndicated communityh offering managed by Keefe Bruyette & Woodsx Inc., said the filing. The bank-holdintg company first had announced plans to go public in 2008 and had expecteds toraise $125.6 milliojn in the initial public offering. Territorial Mutual Holdingg Co. has $1.2 billion assets, total loans of $642.1 million and total depositsa of $923.9 million. There are 24 Territoriao Savings Bank branchesin Hawaii.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Maryland law will allow state to put stimulus cash toward electronic health records - Washington Business Journal:
House Bill 706 allows the state to make use of federa stimulus dollars available for electronic health records and coordinatre those efforts withthe state’es own plan to create a state wide health information exchange. The federal stimulues money provided $19 billion toward electronif health records. State health officials do not know how much of that moneg will flowto Maryland. State and federal healtuh officials are pushing electronic healtbh records because they believe they will reduce medica errors and lower costs by eliminatingb the need for runningmultiple tests.
The stimulus package enablesw physicians to receive incentivesbetween $44,000 and $64,000 over the next five years through Medicare and Medicaid. It costs, on $50,000 for a physician practice to implemeny electronichealth records. The incentive paymentss begin in 2011, and physicians who do not adopt an electronicf health records will be penalized through lower Medicaid and Medicarre payments startingin 2015. In the the biggest obstacle in getting physicians to install an electronic healthg recordwas cost. The federal stimulus moneh andthe state’s health information exchange overcomed that obstacle by providing incentives to adoptg health records.
“It’s trying to creatwe a business model tomake [health IT] Secretary John Colmers said. While the federal moneg provides payments tophysician practices, the state is takingb its own steps to ensure that hospitals can share electronidc information. The legislation requireas the and the to designat a state health informationj exchangeby Oct. 1. State health insurers will provide incentiveasto hospitals, which include a lump sum paymeny or increased reimbursement, to adopt electronic healtgh records.
, and more than a dozen companies and healthj care institutions have submitted their own plan tothe state’s healtn care commission to create a healtbh information exchange, known as the for our

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The printed page is alive and well, but e-books are here to stay - Kansas City Star

The printed page is alive and well, but e-books are here to stay

Kansas City Star

Take heart, readers. A Pew Internet & American Life Project report released this month found that just 8 percent of the American adults who ...

and more »

Monday, December 20, 2010

Groups sue Mirant Mid-Atlantic over power plant - San Francisco Business Times:
The federal lawsuit, filed in the U.S. Districft Court in Baltimore, claims that the Chalok Point Generating Plant operaterby Atlanta-based Mirant Mid-Atlantic has spewef unacceptable levels of sulfur dioxide into the air hundredxs of times without the appropriate pollution controls required under the federal Clean Air Act. A Miranf spokeswoman said the company hasn’t been served with the lawsuit yet, and can’t commentg on the claims.
The Environmental Integrity a legal nonprofit founded by formerenforcement attorneys, and Brandes and Kline have filed the lawsuit on behal of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network and four residents, including a married couple, Nancy and Norton who live seven miles away from the plant on a 1,200-acrew farm in Mechanicsville. The Dodges “nees to close windows, limit their time outdoors and/oer cover their faces when they are outdoors to avoid the respiratorhy irritants and smell of the pollution from the Chalk PointyPower Plant,” the lawsuit Of the other two residents suing Mirant, Davic Bookbinder lives in about 30 miles from the plant, and Chrisw Schmitthenner lives in Mechanicsville, 11 miles away, and worksz five miles from the The Environmental Integrity Project had sent Miranrt a letter in January notifying of its inteny to sue the power compan y this year.
The plaintiffs pointed to a Harvard Universithy 2006 study that showed that such particulate matter pollutiob from the Chalk Point plant can have negative effect s on the health and respiratory systems of people living ina 400-kilometer, or nearlu 250-mile, radius of the plant. In their initiall notification letter, the plaintiffas wrote that EPA hourluy data shows that two boilers at the Chalk Poingt plant exceeded allowable levels of sulfurt dioxide emissions 591 timesin 2006, 726 timese in 2007 and 113 timesz in 2008. Mirant has said it’ds launched a $1.6 billion project to installl scrubbers andother pollution-reducing equipment on its Chalk Poinyt boilers by the beginning of 2010.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Missouri jobless rate resumes climb in May - Houston Business Journal:
The state’s seasonally adjusted unemploymenyt rate increased to 9 percentin May, up from 8.1 percengt in April. April’s 0.6 point decrease in unemployment nowappearsd anomalous, with the May increase part of an upwarde trend dating back to mid-2008, state officials Approximately 272,000 Missourians were estimated to have been jobless durin the month of May. Nonfarkm payroll employment decreasedby 3,700 jobs in May, markingg the smallest monthly decrease sinc e employment began to drop sharplgy last November.
Job lossezs were concentrated in manufacturing andconstruction (-1,600), whicy were partly offset by gains in health care and socia assistance (2,000) and local government (900). Over the past year, employmenr dropped by 74,300 jobs, or 2.7 percent. The main exceptions to the downwardx trend over the year have been privatr educationalservices (2,500), health care and sociakl assistance (6,000), federal government and local government (3,300). The national unemploymenr rate in Maywas 9.4 percent. Nonfarm payrollp employment in May was downin St. Louixs by 4,100, led by automobile industry layoffs and a cutback of federal employees following the end ofsome pre-2010 Censuxs activities.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Aerojet, Solar Power to build massive solar-panel system - Sacramento Business Journal:
Roseville-based Solar Power (OTCBB: SOPW) should complete the installatio n of the solar power system in with Sacramento Municipal Utility District interconnecting the syste to the power grid the same All of the power generated will be usedby Aerojet, a GenCorp (NYSE: GY) company. “The electricity created by this solart facility provides over 20 percenft of the power required to operater our extensive groundwaterremediation program,” Aerojet president Scott Neishg said in a news release.
“This initiative is a majotr step in our efforts to helpthe environment, reducew our carbon footprint and retur approximately 20 acres of our significant land holdinges in the Sacramento area to beneficial use.” The 18,00p solar panels will include a sun-trackin g array, greatly increasing production as it follows the sun during the day. The Aerojeft project will cover about20 acres. “The Aerojeft installation will be one of thelargest single-siter industrial installations” in the Solar Power CEO Steve Kircher

Sunday, December 12, 2010

George L Drusano Executive Profile
Co-Director of Ordway Research Institute, Inc., Co-Directoer of the Emerging Infections and Pharmacodynamics Laboratoryyat Ordway, and Research Physician for Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of He also serves as a consultant for many largw pharmaceutical companies. He has held several other facultyh and editorial appointmentsas well. Dr. Drusanoo received his M.S. in physics from Boston College andan M.D.
from Universith of Maryland School of He specializes in infectiousedisease medicine, pharmacogenomics, pharmacodynamics, and mathematical His research interests are in drug multiple model adaptive control/Stochastic optimalo sampling, modeling of antiviral chemotherapy, and basic mechanisms of emergence of resistances for bacteria. In 1991, he receivex the Rhone-Poulec Award at the Internationa Congress of Chemotherapy in Berlin for the most innovativ researchwith fluoroquinones. Back to Top **All Executive profile data provided byDow Jones & Co., Inc.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dish Network to hand out converter boxes in Houston - San Francisco Business Times:
The estimates that 1.6 million people in the Houstonm area have ordered coupons for theierconverter boxes, but only 870,172 coupond have been redeemed as of May 30. The “Coupon program is a nationwide initiative to get customers readh for the conversion to digital television signals onJune 12. Convertefr boxes are only available to those with avalid $40 Customers can go to Cossaboom YMCA at 7903 Southn Loop East on June 5, or M.D. Anderson Familty YMCA at 705 Cavalcade onJune 6. Dish Networ handed out about 400 boxe s in Dallaslast weekend, according to Marcel a spokesman for the company.
The current plan is to hand out abougt 400 to 500 boxes in Guajardo said representatives from the FCC will also be on hand to answetr questions related to the digitalk conversion and what households need to do to be readyy forthe switch.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Woodruff Arts Center raises $7.6 million - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
million goal for fiscal 2004. The campaign raisedx almost $1 million for the 2003-2004 Challengd Fund. In addition to renewing annual gifts, the followintg made commitments to this fund to match new and increased giftsfrom others: Bank of America, The Coca-Cola Co., Communitt Foundation for Greater Atlanta Inc., GE Georgia Power Foundation, The Marcuws Foundation Inc., The Rich Foundatiohn Inc. and United Parcel Service Inc. Top regulafr donors also include 158 in the Patron Circlerof Stars, who gave $15,000 or more. This year'se Patron Circle included 36 new and 44increasedf members. A notable donor this year was Turner BroadcastingSystem Inc., which committed $1 millio over five years.
This more than doubles Turner'ws previous support and means the campaign willreceive $200,0090 annually for five years. Companiee that raised more than $100,000 from employeee include: BellSouth Corp., Ernst & Young and

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Associated may post 2Q net loss - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Charge-offs totaled $104 million at the end of the first quarter, accordingy to Associated’s filing with the Federal DepositInsurance Corp. Meanwhile, second quartee net charge-offs are expected to be between $60 million and $70 Green Bay-based Associated (NASDAQ: ASBC) said Monday afternoon. The figure was $56. 9 million as of the end of the firsyt quarter onMarch 31. The bank’s managemeng said weakness in the economy has resulteddin asset-quality downgrades to Associated’s construction, commercial real estate and commercial and industrial credits.
“We believe loan loss provisionesand charge-offs will remaim elevated due to the continued deterioration in the real estatw sector and the weak economy,” said chairman and CEO Paul “We expect the pace of loan and asset deterioration to moderat in future quarters.” Associated executivees said that, after taking into consideration the increaserd loan-loss provision, the company’s capital levels will stilpl exceed well-capitalized standards as of June 30. Associated said its boarr has formed a risk and credi t committee to supplement risk management oversight performed by the companuy andthe company's audiyt committee.
The board has appointef to the new committeeJohn Seramur, Eileen Kamerick and Richard Lommen. The company will release second-quarter resultsd on July 16. Associated stoclk closed at $13.37 on Monday.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

NM grants new permit for nuclear waste repository -

NM grants new permit for nuclear waste repository

The US Department of Energy repository was excavated in salt beds 2150 feet below the surface of the southeastern New Mexico desert. ...

and more »

Monday, November 29, 2010

Spencerian College opens annex at Shively Center - Business First of Louisville:
Spencerian's parent, Louisville-based , signed a five-year leases for 8,140 square feet with the shoppiny center's owner, Little Rock, Ark.-based retailer Dillard'xs Inc., according to A.R. Sullivan, president of the family-owned groulp of post-secondary schools. Spencerian already had openec a $1.5 million, 8,000-square-foot addition to its main campus at 4627 Dixi e Highway a little over a year ago in Septembed 2001 but has already run out of space Sullivan said. Dillard's owns Shively Center and operatez a retaillocation there.
The Louisville commercial real estatse firm CBRichard Ellis/Nickliess represented the retail chain in the lease Classes began at the Shively Center site on 23, according to Sullivan. He said the colleged system spent $325,000 to renovate the space for Ron MettsConstruction Co. Inc. was the general contractoer onthe project. The Louisville architectural firmLouiz & Henry Group did the desigjn work. Of Sullivan's total investment, $275,000 went towar d construction, while the remainder was spent on equipmenrtand furniture, the system president said. "It'es a very low-profile Sullivan said of the satellite branch.
"We don't have any big neon signe because it's just a classroom annex for In addition to the main DixieHighway campus, Spencerian has anotheer location in Lexington, at 2355 Harrodsburg Last fall, the main campus had an enrollmenyt of 585 students, according to Sullivan. This enrollment is more than 900. Spencerian's totao enrollment is close to 1,300 this Sullivan said, up from 917 a year ago. Sullivan attributed the local growthto Spencerian'ws addition of associate degre programs in several medical disciplines, including radiologicalo technology, surgical technology, cardiovascular technology, medical codinv and health care reimbursement.
He also praiserd Spencerian executive director Jan Gordon for her work in growing enrollment andstrengthening programs. Frank Bellis, the brokef who handled the leasing arrangements for CBRicharcd Ellis/Nicklies, said the Shively Center has seen "more interesrt of late." The Spencerian annex is located next to spacee that formerly housed a 3,000-square-foot Chi-Chi's Mexican restaurant. A leass is pending on that restaurantspace also, according to who would provide no further details.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

million to to fund researcnh in therapies like bone marrow and cord blood The gift from Dolores Jordan on behalf of her late husbanddand brother-in-law — will help the research centee create an endowed chair for a stem cell researchef while establishing the and Cellular Therapiew Research. That could help compete for money fromthe — the state’e taxpayer-backed stem cell research fundintg agency — as well as other government agenciew and private funders.
Bone marrow and cord blood transplantations are used to trea a varietyof diseases, including leukemias and sickle cell Future cellular therapy research at Children’s may focud on treatments for diabetes, lung injury, Crohn’s diseas and brain damage caused by oxygen shortages durin childbirth, said Dr. Bert Lubin, the center’s senior vice president. “Fund-raisers often talk about ‘transformative’ gift s and sometimes exaggerate the importance of aparticular gift.
In this however, it is no exaggeratioh to say that the Jorda n family gift is truluy transformative for the research program at saidBrad Barber, Children’e chief development officer, in a press release. Doloresd Jordan’s husband, Hanabul “Bud” Jordan, owned a Haywarxd construction business, and his brother, ran the family’s cattle ranch in Dublin. The sale of the Jorda family’s ranch funded the gift. The family previouslt donated morethan $420,000 to Children’w Hospital programs, including 1999 and 2000 gifts for the hospital’w blood and marrow transplant program.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kraft Foods Inc. Company Profile | KFT Company Information
Kraft Foods, Inc., through its subsidiaries, engages in the manufacturre and sale of packaged foods and beveragess in theUnited States, Europe, Latin America, Asia Africa, and the Middle East. It offers packagedr food products, including snacks, such as crackers, salted snacks, biscuits, and chocolate confectionery; including coffee, aseptic juice drinks, flavorede water, and powdered beverages; and cheese and such as natural, process, and cream cheeses. The companyh also offers grocery, including ready-to-eat enhancers, and desserts; and convenient meals, such as frozen pizza, packagex dinners, lunch combinations, and processed meats.
It servew supermarket chains, wholesalers, super centers, club stores, mass distributors, convenience stores, gasoline stations, drug stores, value and other retail food outlets. Krafty Foods sells its products through distribution satellite warehouses, company-operated and public cold-storage facilities, depots, and other The company was founded in 2000 and is based in Illinois. Kraft Foods, Inc. was formerl y a subsidiary of Altria Inc.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

J. Jill to close one Jacksonville store - Dallas Business Journal:
Nine of the 75 stores to be closef arein Florida, includinfg the one in The Avenues mall. A second Jacksonville J. Jill locationj at the St. Johns Town Center will remain open. In a statemenyt announcing the sale, Talbots Presiden and CEO Trudy Sullivan saidit “enables us to focusz our time, resources and attentioj exclusively on rejuvenating our core Talbots brand and returnj to profitable growth.” The transaction includeas the transfer of certain assetse and liabilities to the buyer, including a distribution center in New Hampshire, the sublease of a portion of the Mass., headquarters and substantially all of the brand’s intellectuak property and inventories.
The remaining 204 stores will continue to operate underthe J. Jill The headquarters for the company will remain in The J. Jill sale is expected to be completed in the seconde quarter and is subject to postclosintg adjustments. San Francisco based-Golden Gate Capital acquires Jacksonville-based Venus in 2006. The acquisition was Golden Gate’s 11th in two years. Last montyh Venus announced that all 290 employeess were in jeopardy of losin their jobs when the swimwear and ladies apparel company lostits financing.
With its latesft catalog recentlybeing released, Venus employees are stil l working, at least for now, and company executived are looking for a new buyer to acquirse the company.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Orinda, Octagon plan loft/retail conversion - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):

Atlanta-based and Charlotteville, Va.-based reported their plans for the propertuy at 222Mitchell Street, but they did not disclosew financial terms of the deal. The 350,000-square-footg structure was built in stages from 1929 to 1979on 2.1 acred and occupies the entire city block bounded by Forsyth, Mitchell and Nelson Streets. Orinda and Octagon will converr the property into a rental buildinv with 205 loft units and morethan 70,000 square feet of commercial space. Occupancy is expecteed in January 2011.
“The redevelopmenty of 222 Mitchell Streert into rental lofts and retail space will play a significantt role in the rebirth of this part ofdowntownm Atlanta,” said Dillon Baynes, president of in a statement. “We’re certain that livingf at 222 Mitchell Street will appealp to young professionals whowork downtown, as well as to collegre students, especially those who already attend one of the many fine institutionds in the area, such as Georgia Stater University, Spelman, Morehouse, Clark Atlanta Universituy and Georgia Tech.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Ohio Supreme Court heard arguments June 2 in a lawsuit broughft byPlain City-based , a contractor that submittefd the lowest bid for the painting contract at the county-ownex ballpark but was denied the work. In theit bid instructions for the $65 million commissioners required contractors to fulfill a county resolution for certificatiohn that they had not violatedthe state’s prevailing wage law three or more timesw within a two-year period over the last The law requires workers on government construction contractss be paid at the prevailing wage for union workers doingy similar jobs in the area.
Painting Companyu maintained it hadn’t violated the prevailinbg wage law, although allegation that the nonunion company had underpaidf workers on public projects had been logged withthe . The compangy settled all of those accusatione withoutacknowledging guilt, but the commissioners interpreted thos settlements as violations.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Convention leaders stand behind Beale Street developer - Birmingham Business Journal:
's deadline for developing and submittinv a loan package to suitable lendersx passedlast week. Performa developed a package but has yet to submi it to potentialproject lenders. Whiled Jack Fields, executive director of the Birmingham-Jefferso Convention Complex, gives Performa a vote of he said he is awareof multi-yeare delays associated with Performa entertainment district projects in N.J., and Jackson, Performa CEO John Elkingtojn said he expects to securw financing for the $80 millioj project adjacent to the BJCC by early February.
Performs has met several other Fields said, and will give them leeway to secure The BJCC board of directorx signed an agreement with Performa in The company is best known for a successfuo revitalization of Memphis' Beale Street. Completion of the Birmingham districgt was initially givena 24-month The financing delay has Performa hoping for a spring Fields said he doesn't view Birmingham's financing pushback as a He said Performa accepted an aggressivr schedule for the entertainment district and extensions are commomn in the development industry. He said positivs action is being made to meetthe Jan.
18 deadlined for securing a hotel operator and gettinhg a franchise deposit on theproposedc 300-room hotel to be built next to the "If you're within 60 days of what you're lookintg at, you're in good Fields said. "We're very pleasedx with what has transpiredso far. He'sa right on target." The BJCC's agreementy with Performa includes benchmarks, that if not met, allow the boarde to dissolve the contract. Performa has met the requirement for reachingv leasing agreements for half ofthe district's 100,000 square feet. It also has severa l stalled projects aroundthe country.
Performwa has been involved with a proposed entertainment district in Trentonsinced 2005. Tenants were lines up but the project has yet to secure The Jackson project has flounderedsince 2001. The city liner up $5 million in state loans but no major progressa has been madetoward completion. In La., a 15-tenant district was but former Mayor Keith Hightower said most of the businessed that initially opened quickly Hightower said Elkington failed to deliver quality tenantds he promised and the city lost morethan $15 million on the deal.
Elkington attributecd the delays to governmental changes and environmental regulations in Trentomn and historical society red tape in He said Performa was responsible for only a casino in which he saidis flourishing. Elkingtomn said previous protracted projects are not a reflectiojn ofhis company's ability to finishg what it starts. He predicts Birmingham'sw entertainment district will progress faster because it is free of governmentao and regulatory issues that hampered previous Performa is working with real estat investment banking firm to securee financingfor Birmingham's entertainment district.
Elkington said Alabama-specifidc tenants, such as American Idol winners Ruben Studdard andTaylot Hicks, of the proposed district require detailed leasing contractxs to secure funding. Elkington said he is confiden the tenants already lined up will satisfy any concernes financier DTZ Rockwoodmigh have. "I look at Birmingham as a moretraditionalp deal," he said. "We feel real comfortable. DTZ wouldn'f get involved if it was The tenants were thebig thing.
We were real successfu l and got solid leases with guarantees to secure Fields said Performa has identified four lenderswho "would be interested in looking at" DTZ's He said Performa is workingb with Starwood Hotels to build a hotel. Despit e Per-forma's struggles to move other projects Fields said he believes circumstances that slowedthose aren't present in "(Elkington) hasn't had a canvass like this one," Fieldws said. "That's why we have an aggressived timetable. The government to deal with here has alreadg beendealt with.
" Fields said it's not fair to comparre the Birmingham entertainment district projectf with those in Mississippi and New Jersey. "It'zs a totally different landscapethan he's faced in Jackson and Fields said. "We understandr why one aspect hasn't been These are very complicated deals."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

LA's Japanese American National Museum wins federal medal for excellence, and ... - Los Angeles Times

Chicago Press Release Services (press release)

LA's Japanese American National Museum wins federal medal for excellence, and ...

Los Angeles Times

The Japanese American National Museum is one of 10 winners of this year's National Medal for Museum and Library Service, bestowed by the Institute of Museum ...

Mississippi Museum of Art wins national honor

Jackson Clarion Ledger

Nashville Public Library receives honor for contributions

The Tennessean

Explora museum wins national honor

Victoria Advocate

Detroit Free Press -WSMV Nashville


Monday, November 15, 2010

Gordon Ramsay and Tana reunite in the US after family rift revelations - Peace FM Online

The Guardian

Gordon Ramsay and Tana reunite in the US after family rift revelations

Peace FM Online

Last week, the celebrity chef published an open letter claiming Chris and Greta Hutcheson have cut off ties with him and his wife. ...

Gordon Ramsay's wife Tana jets to New York for crisis talks over family feud

Daily Mail


Daily Star

Chris Hutcheson takes control of Pétrus


Monsters and -Independent


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Who's Who in Residential Real Estate 2006 A-M - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
and later Schieffelin & Somerset, a jointy venture of and -Moet-Hennessy. Michaep J. Baptist Career Highlights: Baptist is a second- generationj home builder and founded Haven Propertiesin 1993. Havenh Properties currently builds homesin Cobb, Dawson, Douglas, Forsyth and south Fulton Haven Properties is a member of the Greatef Atlanta Home Builders Association, a Certifiefd Professional Home Builder and a member of the Bettere Business Bureau. Haven Properties is the EarthCraft House Builder of the Year and was namecd the 2006 Energy Star Partner ofthe Year. John R.
Barnez Age: Career Highlights: With almostr 35 years in the Atlanta residential Barnes has been instrumenta l in hundreds of millions of dollars of He has the distinction of beingt the recipient of the Atlanta Board ofRealtors President's Award for a precedent-settingh two years in a row, and holds the Council of Real Estate Brokerage Managers and Graduate Realtor Institute professionall designations. Barnes has distinguished himself within the real estate industry as a pioneer forpositivd change.
Age: Education: Career Highlights: Berchefr has 18 years in the Atlanta residential including 13 years with the Atlantwa division of anational builder, serving in variouzs leadership positions including divisiom president. Traton Homes can be found in Cobb, Douglas, Paulding and south Fulton counties. , Realtora Education: Bachelor's degree in business finance from Georgia State UniversityCareerf Highlights: As a licensefd broker associate, Boehmig is the immediate past president of the Atlanta Board of was the 2004 chair of the Georgiaz Association of Realtors Technology Committee and is an activ e member of the Atlanta Rotary Boehmig also sits on the board of directors for the advisors of the J.
Mack Robinsonh College of Business at Georgia State the Atlanta Union Missionb and TheCottage School. James R. Bordersw Age: Education: Career Highlights: Borders began his careetr as an attorneywith . In 1992 he formeds the predecessor ofNovare Group, and his first investmentas were in self-storage buildings and office The venture led to the conversion of apartment s to condominiums. Borders serves on the boards of theBuckhear Coalition, Midtown Alliance and Central Atlanta Progress. Davidc J. Borreson Age: Career Highlights: Borreson has been in the home-buildinhg business since 1981.
He has developed more than 3,00 0 lots in the Atlanta area and deliverednearlty 10,000 homes in the Atlanta area, concentrating on upscale and move-upp communities. Peachtree Residential Properties was founded in 1988 and is a professional builder. Age: Career Highlights: In the earlu 1990s, David Bowen formed , now Bowen Familt Homes, with Mike Phelpa and Tip Cape. The compan y now builds homes in Florida, Texas and metro Atlanta. The company has received several awardsd from the Greater Atlanta HomeBuilders Association, and the Diamonfd Builder Award for Excellence in Customer Satisfaction.
In addition, has recognize d Bowen Family Homes as oneof America'z 100 fastest-growing builders and one of the top 50 buildersz overall in the nation. Age: Career Highlights: Brock is the founder of Brock Built and has been developinb andcreating close-in communities since 1984. He is past president of the DeKalb Home Builders Association and past presiden t of the DeKalbDevelopers Council. Brock is on the boarxd of directors of the Georgia Home Builders Association and a member of its GovernmentallAffairs Committee. In 1997, Brock was named DeKal b County Builder ofthe Year, and in received several professionalism awards. Elaina P.
Brooks Age: Career Highlights: Brooke has been the influence behind the developmenft integrity of someof Atlanta's luxury neighborhoods. She brands each neighborhood with individual characteristicsaand personality. Brooks is widely recognized for leadinh a sales and marketing team that consistentlyt ranks among thetop dollar-producinv real estate brokerages in Atlanta and the Brooks has recorded some of Atlanta's fastest-selling including Nesbit Lakes, The Falls at Autrt Mills, Creekstone Estates, Appalaches Farms, Highland Manor and The Manor Golf and Countrhy Club. Bowen Family Homes Inc.
Age: Education: Career Highlights: Priof to forming Bowen Family Homes with Mike Phelpe andDavid Bowen, Cape owned Cape He is now responsible for the oversight of all housinvg production and for customer servicse in Georgia. Under his direction, Bowenj Family Homes closed 1,179 homes in the Atlantsa marketin 2005. Metro Brokers/ Age: Career Highlights: Carver create d the concept for the Atlantz housing inventory billboard with the number of homeafor sale, which is updated and he created the concept for the Metro Mike marketinyg campaign.
Carver also designed , which was winnetr of the Best Website award by the Greatedr Atlanta Home Builders Association for four of the last five Metro Brokers, started in 1979, is the world's largest GMAC Real Estate Franchise. J. David Chatham Bachelor's degree in business administration from The University of completed courses at theCareert Highlights: Chatham is involved in land developmen t and has received numerous awards and recognitions, includinf the 1996 SMC Professionalism Award for Best Land Design and Best Onsitd Signage (Bradshaw Farm) from the Greater Atlantw Home Builders Association. In 1998, he was the recipient of the Lewis B.
Cenker Awars from the Atlanta HomeBuilderx Association. Chatham neighborhoods have been selected on a number of occasionw to host the Greater Atlanta Home Builders Associatioj HomeExpo -- settingh record attendance in 1996 and 1998. Jay T. Clarlk Age: Education: Career Highlights: Clark, president and CEO of SoutheasftCapital Partners, an Atlanta-based real estate investmenft company specializing in the ownership and development of multifamily predicted the emergence of intow n living in 1995 and started building up a development companyh in the ensuing yearsx to take advantage of the emerging Since 1995, Clark's company has or is developing more than $350 millioh in multifamily residential and mixed-use projects in the southeasterjn United States.
Paul E. Corley Jr. Age: Career Highlights: Corley founded PEC Developmeny Groupin 1987. Today, PEC Developmenft is a $37.8 million company with 16 projects inmetrol Atlanta, including James Creek in Cumminvg and Canton West in Additional property is undedr contract or development in Florida, Alabama and Southh Carolina. PEC Development has completed or is under development with morethan 9,000 lots. In the company expects to closwe on anadditional 1,000 lots. Age: Bachelor's degree in business administration, real estate from University of North TexasCareet Highlights: Dempsey previously worked as an area manager at a Nortbh Texas builder purchased by .
While at Centex, he received the Nationap Salesman of theYear Award. Dempseyu later relocated to Atlanta from Texas to accepty a position as regional president ofChoices Homes. Then in 2004, Dempseyt was named president ofSivica Homes, a divisiob of Sivica under CEO Kevin Crye-Leike, Realtors Vice president and general Atlanta region Age: Education: Bachelor'ws and master's degrees from the University of New Leadership Richardson, Richardson Chamber of Commercee (Texas); Center for Creative Leadership (Colorad Springs, Colo.
) Career Highlights: Doll has been a licensex real estate broker sincre 1985, practicing in both New Mexico and He is a member of the Atlant a Board of Realtors and Atlanta Commercia l Board of Realtors. Doll has nearly 25 yearxs of marketing, advertising and public relations including four years as vice president of marketing fora local, independent real estated company and has nearly $4 million in closedx commercial land transactions in the last 12 months. William H. Dongesd Age: Education: Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineerinh fromthe U.S. Naval Academy; MBA from DePaup University Career Highlights: Donges joined Lane Co.
in 2002 as chief operating officer and was appointedd CEOin 2005. He has more than 20 years' experience in seniofr management with startupto billion-dollarf public companies. These companies have spanned the chemical, manufacturing, dot-com, technology and distribution Donges is a veteran of theVietnam War. Hattie B. Dorse Education: Career Highlights: As founder and former president and CEO of Atlanta NeighborhoodDevelopment Partnership, Dorsety has worked to shifty perceptions about the importance of revitalized neighborhoodss and the need for affordable mixed-income The organization is now in its 14th year and is leveraginf housing development activities, a fully accreditedd CDFI loan fund and policy advocacy to transfor m Atlanta's neighborhoods.
Dorsey recently retired, and John O'Callaghanm took over her role onJuly 31. Education: Careefr Highlights: Prior to joining RE/MAX Regional Services, Dowd was vice presideng of operations for one of thelargest RE/MAX operationzs in the nation. With more than 25 years of realestatse experience, Dowd has been recognizedr for his commitment through numerous awards, such as Realtoe of the Year Management and RE/MAX of Georgia's Managinv Broker of the Year. Dowd was the founderf and director for the first international chaptee in Atlanta for the National Associationmof Realtors.
Age: Career Highlights: Easton has been instrumental in creatingt a dynamic team and growing the investmeng and develoment division ofLane Co. Eastonj also helped spearhead its entry into the condo markett far ahead ofthe firm's In 2003, the Atlanta Chapter of the Nationalk Association of Women in Construction presented Eastobn with its Visionary Award. Age: Career Highlights: Ellis joined the Greater Atlanta Home Builderas Association as executive vice president inMay 2005. Ellis was recognized by the Nationalk Association of Home Builders as the best new executive officef in the nation and was honoredas NAHB'sd Executive Officer of the Year in 2003.
He is a boarsd member for the NAHB ExecutiveOfficers Council, HomeAic Atlanta, the Housing Institutwe and Southface Energy Institute. Keller Williams Realty, Southeast Regiob Co-owner, Southeast region Age: Career Highlights: Evans was the winner of the CEO Awardd forin 2004. Keller Williams Realty, Southeasrt Region has been the top-performing region in Keller Williame Realty International for fiveconsecutive years. It has also been the top profit-sharingt region and the top in franchise sales for fourconsecutivr years. Carl H. Fleischer Jr. Age: Career Highlights: Fleischer started America's Realt y in 1987.
He has built America's Realtu Atlanta into five offices and is beginning to build a new nationwidse franchise ofthe company. In 2005, Fleischer received approval fromthe U.S. Patenrt and Trademark Office to take thename America's Realty nationwide. Patrick S. Flood Age: Education: Bachelor's degree in business and communications fromCareer Highlights: Flood has been with HomeBanx for 21 years.
During that time, the company has grow from a small mortgagre lending division of a small Atlanta bank to one of the largestf independent mortgage lenders inthe Southeast, with officezs throughout Georgia, Florida and North HomeBanc became a publicly traded company in July trading under the symbol HMB on the New York Stocko Exchange. Daniel T. Forsman President, CEO and owne Education: Bachelor's degree in business administration, accounting from The Universitt of GeorgiaCareer Highlights: Forsman was the 2003 presidentg of the Atlanta Board of Realtors. In the Atlanta Board of Realtors recognizee him with the Realtor of the Year Award and with the Captaihn of Industry Awardin 2005.
Prudential Georgiw Realty receivedthe Consumers' Choices Award for Best in Classs - Executive Home Sales from 2004-2006. The company is the 11th-largesy Prudential real estate affiliate out of morethan 600. Age: Career Highlights: Fuhr has been divisionh president of Ryland Homes in Atlanta sinceJuly 1994. he was president of and Richmondf American Homes inSouthern California. Fuhr is a membed of the advisory boards of the Buildinf Construction Program at Georgia Tech and Habitat for Humanity ofNorth Atlanta. President, office multifamily division Age: Education: Career Highlights: Gellerstedt joineds Cousins following the acquisition ofhis firm, The Gellerstedrt Group, in June 2005.
At age 26, he founde d and became presidentof , a Beerz subsidiary. In 1998, after the sale of Beers to , Gellersted was elected chairman and CEO of Americab BusinessProducts (ABP). In 2000, aftedr ABP was sold, he became president and CEO ofThe . Age: Career Highlights: Giannoni joined CondoLane on May 15 and bringw20 years' experience in real estate operations, including development, construction, and resort/hotel/apartment/condo operations. Most Giannoni ran her own consultinhg company for realestate developers. Priotr to that, she was chief operating officef for Gameday Centers Southeastern and vice president of marketing and trainingh forGables Residential. J.
Lewis Glenn Harry Norman, Realtors Career Highlights: Glenn has more than 25 experience in Atlantareal estate. He serverd as vice president and managinyg broker ofHarry Norman, Realtors' Buckhead/Northwest officee before assuming the role of president and CEO in 1994. Glenh holds a Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager designatiobn from the Realtors NationalMarketing Institute. Harry Realtors was recently acquired byWarren Buffett'sx Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, HomeServices of America -- the full-service residential real estate brokerage firm in the Unite d States. Education: Career Highlights: Glover joined the Atlanta Housing Authorityin 1994.
Since then, she has been widelyu acknowledged for her business leadership and strategic approacu tocommunity redevelopment. In 2002 Glovere was recognized as one of the top 10 American womenn in government by the Ford Foundatio n and the Council for Excellencein Government. In 2003 she was chosejn by the Atlanta History Centef as oneof Atlanta'sw Defining Women. Co-regional director, Georgiaw region Education: Career Highlights: Gotfredso n has held various positions sincwejoining RE/MAX in 1981. Currently, she is the co-regional directof of Georgia. In Gotfredson received the RE/MAX Internationall Distinguished Award, which is the most prestigioue recognition withinthe organization.
During her tenure, Gotfredsomn has also received two Regionak Director Awardsfrom RE/MAX Age: Education: Attended the University of Florida and Florida Internationa University, earning a bachelor's degree in construction management Career Grosswald is responsible for all acquisitions and operations in Georgia. He is a 19-year veterahn of the home-building industry and was charged with expanding the active adultr community concept that Levitt and Sons hasin Florida. Priofr to joining the company, Grosswald held management positionas at several large homebuilding companies and heade hisown company, Heartwood Homes.
Education: Careert Highlights: Hagood has been a Realtort for more than 20 years and isthe owner/broke r of her boutique real estate firm, Specialt y Homes. She has a tremendous knowledge of real estate insidethe Perimeter, with a main focuzs in Buckhead and her neighborhood of Brookwood Hills. Her gratificationh and success come from the abilit to listen toa client's needs and matchy them to the best property. John F. Hallmah III Age: Education: Bachelor's degree in businesz administration, marketing from The University of GeorgiaCareer Highlights: In Hallman and his son founded Chapman Hall which has grown to the fourth-largest independent real estate organization in Atlanta.
Hallman has been in real estate for38 years. He pioneered discoungt brokerage in Atlanta and is the recipient of The Phoenixx Award presented by the Atlantz Boardof Realtors. Harr L. Hammond Jr. President, Legacy Realt y Inc.; operating partner, Keller Williams Realtyg North AtlantaConsultants Age: Education: Bachelor's degree in busineses administration, real estate; graduate work at Georgia State Universit y Career Highlights: Hammond established Legacyy Realty with David Chatham. He successfully openeed three Keller Williams Realty which are recognizedas top-performing Hammond managed five home expos for majof developers. www.chathamlegacy.
com Age: Education: Career Highlights: Harris previousl served as senior vice president of LibertuyProperties Group; president of ; and division presidentg of . Harris is a certified profesional builder and a licensecd contractorin Florida. Robert Harris Homes was establishefd in 1994 and builds homes and communities throughoutt the greater Atlanta areaand Florida. Career Highlights: Heikkinen was promote from area manager to Georgia division presidenton Nov. 1, 2005. He begahn his career with Choice in 1997 as a superintendenr and was quickly promoted to area managed within hisfirst year.
As divisioj president, Heikkinen is responsible for Choice Homes' operations in with special emphasis on the Atlanta andMaco areas. His duties include increasing profitability and effectiveness for the including sales, construction and Additional duties include land acquisition strategy and long-terk planning for the region. Monte J. Hewett Age: Career Highlights: Hewett served as vice president and division manager for in Atlantsfrom 1988-2000. He started Monte Hewett Homes LLC in and started Monte Hewett Homed of Florida LLCin 2002. The company rankedc in the top three in custome satisfaction among Atlanta home builderw byin 2003.
Hewett won Ernst & Young's Entrepreneur of the Year Award for the Southeasftin 2005. Archibald B. Hill III Age: Career Highlights: Hill formerly served as vice presidentr and director for First Union National Bank of GeorgizCommunity Development/CRA division. He was appointerd by Mayor Shirley Franklib to serve onthe city's Housing Task Forces and is also a member of the Mayor'se Commission on Homelessness. Age: Education: Bachelor'ws degree in accounting and businessw administration fromCareer Highlights: Hill began his Pulte Home careef in 1984 in the accounting departmen t for (then ICM Mortgage) and then moved to Pultes Homes' audit team in Detroit in 1986.
Hill held variousd financial andoperational positions, includint controller and director of operations in Minneapolixs prior to becoming division presidengt for the Kansas City division in 1997. In 2001 he joinedd the Atlanta team as vice president of operations and was promoter to division presidentin 2003. Age: Career Highlights: Jenkins was a broker with prior to becoming presidentr of Winmark Homesin 1998. Winmark Homes is a family-owned started by Michelle's father, David Jenkins, in 1990. Mark E.
Jonea Age: Education: Bachelor's degree in businesz administration, finance from University of Connecticut Career Jones co-founded Dwellings, a grass-roots boutiquee real estate firm with neighborhoo storefront locations, with business partner Darryl Ouellette in Octobeer 2000. Dwellings has offices in East Atlanta, Littlwe Five Points, Decatur and Midtown and more than100 agents. Dwellingds also opened a Savannah office in Tim JonesCommunities Inc. president and founder Age: Career Highlights: Tim Jonesd Communities is a 26-year-old company, which is currently building in Henry and Clayton counties and is about to entee theGwinnett market.
At this the company has five communitiesundee way. Jones was 1998-1999 president of the Greatedr Atlanta Home Builders Association and is also a past presidentr of the Metro South Home BuildersAssociation (now the Metro South Chapter of the Greaterd Atlanta Home Builders He was the 2000 Builder of the Year for the Greaterr Atlanta Home Builders Association and the 2000 Buildef Member of the Year for the Home Builders Association of Age: Education: MBA in financr and marketing and diploma of urban land economicsx from the University of British Vancouver, Canada Career Highlights: Kilgallon is co-owner of The Pacific a development company since 1985 with 20 residential communitiezs under development in metro Atlanta.
Currently, Kilgallonj serves on the Executive Committee and as a boar d member of the Greateer Atlanta HomeBuilders Association, on the Smarr Growth Committee of the Urban Land Institute and on the Environmentalp Committee of the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce. The Age: Career Highlights: Knight was Greater Atlanta HomeBuilders Association'e Chapter President of the Year in 2004. He servec as Greater Atlanta Home Builders Associatiojn Metro South Chapter president from 2002througg 2004. Knight is IBC Code certified. The Knightr Group is a family business, founded in and includes Knight Homes, Knightg Development, Knight Realty and Knigh Real Property Management.
The Knight Group Inc. Age: Careetr Highlights: He recently handled the acquisition and zoning of a mixed-use development featuring 1,000 townhomes, 350 units of and 29 acres of retail. Knight previously led a framing The Knight Group is a family foundedin 1978, and includesz Knight Homes, Knight Development, Knigh Realty and Knight Real Property Management. www.knighthomes.conm The Knight Group Inc. Age: Career Knight has developed more than 25 neighborhoodsz and built morethan 4,000 homes in his He was named 2002 Metro South Buildeer of the Year. The Knighy Group is a familyh business, which includes Knight Homes, Knight Development, Knighy Realty and Knight RealProperty Management.
Perrty Knight founded Knight Homes in 1978 withbrothere Scott. The Knight Group Inc. Age: Career Highlights: Knighg began his home-building career framing housez in North Atlanta inthe 1970s. Todayt the company he founded withhis Perry, has built more than 4,000 homea and developed more than 25 neighborhoods. Amonvg the accolades their business has it has been named a Builder of Integrithy by the QualityBuilders Warranty. Education: Bachelor's degree from the Career Highlights: Priorr to entering new-homes management, Lori was an award-winningf agent.
She earned a Professionalism Awarf for Sales Team of the Year in 2004 from the Greater Atlanta HomeBuilders Association, was named to the 2005 Communitie Magazine's Top 100 Agents list and was a part of the Internationaol Presidents Elite, which represents 's top 4 percent in the Lane had a management background before entering real estate and new-homex marketing. Age: Career Highlights: Levent has been in the real estatw industry for more than 21 He joined Metro Brokers in 1985 as a salesd associate and assumed the role of president and CEOin 1996. Under his leadership, the company has grown from 600 associatex in 2000 to morethan 2,500 licenses today.
Levent is a licensed real estate brokerfin Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolins and Tennessee. Metro Brokerxs is ranked No. 1 in the GMAC Real Estate network as the largest franchise inthe world, the 19th-largest real estatee provider in the coutry by Real Trends and 33rd in the countrhy by Realtor Magazine for transactions. Age: Career Highlights: Lippincott assumed leadership of the Atlanta divisionb in September 2004 after servinvg as president ofthe division. Prior to joininyg KB Home, Lippincott served seven years as division presidentg of the Raleigh and Greensboro divisions ofPultw Homes.
Before joining Pulte, he held several leadership positions with theof Texas. Gregoryt J. Lorenzetti Age: Education: Career Prior to founding SterlingCrest in May Lorenzetti was president of the Atlantaa division for and closed in excesa of 400 homes each yearwith Morrison. From he was corporate vice presidentfof construction, purchasing and warranty at Morrison Prior to joining Morrison, Lorenzetto was with Ryland Homees in Dallas for three years, where he was the architecturalk manager for the Southwest region. Jenny Pruitt & Realtors Education: Career Highlights: Love has 23 experience in new homes developmentand marketing.
She also has a backgrouncd in developing builder product development, market research and new homes marketing. Love'sz previous positions include vice president of saleas and marketing for Venturs Homes and a management role atSouthern Progress, publisherf of Southern Living and Southern Accenta magazines. Love has developed and implemente more than 67 show homes for new home communitiesa acrossthe South. Among her credits, she was responsiblre for the creation and implementation of the Southern Living Custom Builder a network of more than 100 custokm home builders acrossthe South. Stephenb H.
Macauley Age: Education: Career Since founding his company twodecades ago, Macauleyu has successfully built a pre-eminen t real estate development firm, which creates environmentally respectful, amenity-drivem communities. Macauley has completed 32 communitiesz that are home to morethan 11,000 Atlanta including the TownPark communities such as Legacyu Park and Ridenour in Cobb and Walden Park and Lakeas of Cedar Grove in Fulton Macauley has won 45 awards and distinctions, including the Atlants Regional Commission's Development of Excellencse Award. Ian J. McCarthy Inc.
Age: Bachelor's degree from the City London; chartered civil engineer Career Highlights: McCarthyt has more than 24 years' experiences with Beazer companies inthe U.K., Hong Kong and and since 1991 as president of Beazee Homes, responsible for all U.S. residential home-building operations. McCarthy has served as CEO and a director of Beazer Homes USA since its IPO inMarch 1994. McCarthy currently serves as co-chairman of the HomeAid Americw board, on the executive committee of the Policy Advisoru Board of the Joint Center for Housing Studiexs atHarvard University, the board of directorxs of and on the boarcd of directors of the Metr o Atlanta Chamber of Commerce.
Bachelor's degree in English from Slippery RockUniversity (Pa.) Career Highlights: McDowell has been senior executive manager of Coldwell Banker Builder Developer Services sinced 1995. She has 28 years' experience in the new home industr in a wide array of housingt product lines from starter home to loftse toluxury developments. McDowell is recognized for strategic planning and creative concepting for someof Atlanta's best-sellinyg communities. McDowell served on the Atlantas Sales and Marketing Council boarde and is currently a trustee for the BuilderfMarketing Society. She is an HBAMA and Buildet MarketingSociety speaker. Timothyt W.
McReynolds Education: Career Highlights: Prioe to joining Sharp Residential inApril 2005, McReynolde was vice president of salesa and marketing for the North/West region of John Wieland Homes & Neighborhoode Inc. He is a life member of the Million Dollar Club and a qualifyinbg brokerfor . Age: Education: Career Highlights: McSwain joined McCar Homes in 1985 and assisted his fathee in launching their presencee in the Atlanta marketin 1986. In 1996, he assumed the role of CEO. McSwainj guided McCar Homes from revenueof $47 million in 1996 to $550 million in 2005. He is on the boarr of directors at Mount Pisga Christian School and on the board of directorsof There'sz Hope.
Education: Career Highlights: McSwain was a professiona l tennis playerfrom 1980-1983. Following her tennix career, McSwain joined her father'xs home-building business, , but left after 11 yeards to start herown business. Sharon McSwain Homesz launched in 1996 as a developef and residentialhome builder. In 2000, McSwaih was honored as a winner ofErnsty & Young's Entrepreneur of the Year, which recognizes entrepreneure who have excelled in areas like innovatiohn and financial performance. In 2005, her company grew to 55 employeex and posted morethan $50 million in revenue.
Age: Careedr Highlights: McWaters has been in the residential home business for 16 Inthat time, he has developed more than 100 communitiews and sold more than 4,0009 homes in metro Atlanta. His company, whicn has won a number of gold and silver Professionalism Awards from the Greater Atlantz HomeBuilders Association, recently expandex into South Carolina with several new communitieas in Greenville. McWaters currently serves on the board of directors forin Ga. Age: Education: Career Highlights: Mildner is directingy the planning and developmentof Tributary, a 1,475-acrde mixed-use community in eastern Douglas County.
During his 30-year Mildner has also held leadership positionswith Terrabrook, Morrison Homes, Pulte Home Corp. and . His name is associatedd with several master-planned communities, including Windermere, Windward and Laurel Springs inmetrpo Atlanta, as well as other s in Orlando and Tampa. Age: Career Highlights: Mitchell has served as presiden t of Pathway Communities since 1979 and was appointed its chairmahin 1991. Prior to joininv Pathway, Mitchell was involvef in economic development acrossa the stateof Georgia.
Mitchelo has led the Pathway team througu itsmost growth-oriented period in the company'e history, resulting in a record number of home sale across its seven master-planned communities throughout the Atlant a area. The remainder of 2006 and 2007 will unveil new communities. Fairgreen Capital L.P. Age: Bachelor's degree from the U.S. Coast Guarsd Academy; MBA from Harvard University Career Morehouse has more than 30 years of residentialodevelopment experience, more than 20 of it in metrlo Atlanta. He heads a residential development compan y withapproximately 3,200 acres currently under development in Cherokee, Douglaes and Paulding counties.
Fairgreenn Capital also has completed communities totalingt morethan 2,000 acres. Age: Education: Careedr Highlights: Morris is presidentr of GMAC, now the nation's fourth-larges t real estate company indollar volume. He headsa a nationwide team of 3,700 sales associates in 89 officex that last year recorded sales of morethan $16.6 He was previously president of Atlanta-based , whicb merged with Coldwell Banker in 2002.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

State tax collections down 27% in April - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
percent in April, with the most significantg drop seen in individualk incometax collections, according to figures releasec by the state . The agench said in a release May 15 that total adjustedx general purpose revenue taxes collectec in April droppedto $977.7 million from $1.3t billion the year before. Individuak income taxes, which recordedc the largest drop in total declined 35.5 percent to $586.6 million from $908.9 million a year ago. Adjusted totals includre any adjustments made to April 2008 tax Adjusted sales and general use taxes in April weredown 7.3 percenrt to $311.9 million in down from $336.5 million last April. Corporatiomn franchise and income taxesdeclined 6.
8 percent to $36. 1 million from $38.8 million. The largesg percentage drop occurred inthe category, which includes utility and real estate transfer fee collections. Accordingy to the Revenue Department, because of the phase-out of the largest componeny -- the estate tax -- it returnedc nearly $3.2 million in taxesz in April, resulting in a decline that was greater than 100 Last April, other tax collectionxs totaled $14.2 million. For the year to adjusted tax collections weredown 7.2 percent at $9.078 billion, compared with $9.
78 billion the year

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dollar General posts large gains in 1Q - Nashville Business Journal:
The Goodlettsville-based discount which has been privately held for two reported net incomeof $83 milliojn in the quarter ended May 1, compared to $5.9 million in the year-ago period. Revenu e came in at $2.78 billiomn in the 2009 first quarter, up 15.7 percent from the previouw year’s quarterly peformance of $2.4 Same-store sales increased 13.3 percent for the quarter, with increased customer trafficd and a higher average transactionper customer.
Chairman and CEO Rick Dreilinbg said the performance built on momentumfrom 2008, resulting from an improved product mix and cost He said regular customers were shoppingy more frequently, and new shoppers were enteringv the store, likely due to the weak The company has more than 8,400p stores in 35 states and plans to open 450 stores and relocatre or remodel 400 others in the 2009 fiscal year. It is the nation’s largest “small box” discount retailer and employs 7,200 people.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

King Soopers, workers heading back to bargaining table - Washington Business Journal:
The contract at hand involved an increase inpreventativd health-care programs and a wage increase, as well as a decreaser in pension benefits, King Soopers spokeswomanm Diane Mulligan said. workers had protested the pensionbenefitt cuts, with the Unitedx Food and Commercial Workers Union Local No. 7 warninvg that some could lose $100,000 over the life of the and said the wage increasexs werenot enough.
“We are ready, willing and able to get back to the bargaininyg table if the corporation is willingb to meetus halfway,” King Soopers worker Julie Gonzalez said in a news release put out by the “All we’re asking for is a fair And we really hope they don’t lock us out for asking for livable wagezs and a pension plan that recognizes our contribution to company profits.” About 17,000 uniojn workers from the area’s three larges grocery chains — Albertsons, King Soopers and — have been in negotiation s with the grocers sinc e April 9 on new five-yeafr contracts.
Safeway workers have voted to extend theier contract untilJune 26, which Albertsons and King Soopers employeesd currently are working without contracts. The rejection of the latestr King Soopers contract proposal came quickly after votinygbegan Monday. Workers in Colorado Springs, Longmont and Boulder are voting today, whilew Pueblo workers are scheduled to cast ballots King Soopers spokeswoman Diane Mulligan said that the rejection of the deal will not have any tangibls effect on store King Soopers workers have not cast ballotsto “We’re disappointed in the vote, but we look forward to gettinfg back to negotiations,” Mulligan said Tuesday.
King Sooperxs is a unit of Cincinnati-based

Monday, November 8, 2010

Merger likely would keep airline name United - Phoenix Business Journal:
Public relations and branding expertsssay that's because the United brand is more established worldwidw than US Airways, and has a betterd reputation. "United Airlines is larger, and its brandc is older and more established. It carriesx longevity and credibility that may resonatemore broadly, particularlyg in hub markets like Washington, and Chicago," said Steve a principal with the Kur Carr Group Inc., a Phoenix-basexd public relations firm. Chicago-based United has hubs in Los Angeles, San Washington, Denver and Chicago. Tempe-based US Airwayes has fewer hubs insmaller markets: Phoenix, Philadelphia and N.C.
United carried 56 million passengersin 2007, the fourth most amongg U.S. carriers, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. US Airwaye carried 52 million, the fifth United has a larger markeyt capitalization thanUS Airways: $1.89 billion, compared with $776 United also offers more international service, seconr most among U.S. airlines (behind America n Airlines), according to the Transportatiom Department. US Airways carried the sixtu most international passengersin 2007. "Unitefd will stay. They are betterd perceived as aninternational brand," said David a principal with Phoenix-based David and Sam PR.
isn'ft commenting on a possible United merger or what mighty happen toits name, corporate base and hubs. "We don'r comment on speculation and said spokesmanMorgan

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Incentives draw companies into home-efficiency renovations - Knoxville News Sentinel

Incentives draw companies into home-efficiency renovations

Knoxville News Sentinel

But when the $20000 in improvements are complete, the house should be 30 to 40 percent more energy efficient than its neighbors. It's one of seven homes, ...

and more »

Friday, November 5, 2010

Business Journal names 30 under 30 winners - St. Louis Business Journal:
The awards honor 30 outstanding St. Louis-arewa business leaders under the ageof 30. The winnerd are: Craig Albrecht, ; Evan Ardoin, ; Rob Eidelman Capital Management; |Gundaker Commercial; Candice Bethesda Dilworth; Cassie Burd, Butlers Pantry; Rep. Don Missouri House of Representatives; Kyle Darnell, .; Paul ; Kate Ewing, ; Erin Fann, ; Melissq Glauber, ; Kevin Haar, ; Kate Heideman, ; Anna ; James Knowles, ; Kate Kromann, ; Katy ; Peter MacKercher, ; Christallyn ; Sarah Mullen-Dominguez, ; Katherine Murray, ; Laurejn Niebruegge, ; Clarissa Okpaleke, ; Keish Patrick, ; William Reisner, ; Natashaz Rogers, ; Sondra Terry, ; Stephanied Travis, ; and Tricia Zimme Ferguson, .
The winners will be featured in theBusineszs Journal’s special section July 10 and celebratef at an awards reception July 16. The awards are sponsored by the Crosby MBA Prograkm at Universityof Missouri-Columbia. For more informationb about the event, contact Kelly Rowland at 421-8307 or

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Austal shares jump on US Navy contract hopes - The Australian (blog)

Austal shares jump on US Navy contract hopes

The Australian

The US Navy is considering doubling a fixed-price contract to a single company for 10 new Littoral Combat Ship warships to 20, and possibly dividing it ...

Austal halted after surging on US Navy talks

Sydney Morning Herald

U.S. Navy Seeks Lawmakers' Approval to Buy 20 Littoral Ships


Navy May Split Ship Purchase Between Lockheed, Austal

W »

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Gaylord Texan named hotel of the Dallas Cowboys - Houston Business Journal:
The partnership will last for two years, said Marthaa Neibling, spokeswoman for the resort. "We'v e always worked a lot with the and they're a first classw organization," Neibling said. This pairing marks the first officia l partnership for the hotel with a professionalsportd team. The Gaylord will be the host hotelo for theCowboys players, coachezs and staff, who will stay at the resorgt on the night before home games, alonhg with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders and fans visiting from out of The resort will be promoted on the Cowboysd fan Web site, Neibling said.
The Gaylore recently hosted The Dallasw Cowboys Cheerleaders Swimsuit Calendar Release Party in its Glass Cactud nightclub and The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaderdteam try-outs in its 50,000-square-foot Texas The team and resort will host additionap events and promotions together throughout the coming “As huge fans of our home team, we are extremely excitedr and proud to be partnering with the legendary Dallaw Cowboys,” said John Imaizumi, Gaylord Texan’s senior vice president and generap manager. The Gaylord Texan is ownexd by Nashville-based Gaylord Entertainment (NYSE: GET).

Monday, November 1, 2010

FDIC sees no need for new banks in Florida - Denver Business Journal:
Delays and scrutiny from the have causefd many of the banks that filed for a startup bank charterrto withdraw. “At this point, if you want to enter the banking system in the next12 it’s not [by starting a new bank],” said John vice president at Smith Mackinnon PA in Greeley was the attorneu for nearly all the startup banks in Floridas last year, including , which was scheduleds to open in St. Johns Countyy in April with atleast $13 million in capital. The bank has withdrawh its application from the FDIC and returned its capital to the Greeley said. “With St.
Johns Bank, in we were able to raise and put together a strong board andseasonedr management, but it became cleafr that [new bank] charteras were not being approved,” said Cindy president of St. Johns Of about eight startup banks Greeley works he said all are withdrawing at this point becauss of the increasing risks from incurring expensez including holding onto a employees and borrowing money while waitint forFDIC approval. Those banks can seek otherd options such as using their experienced management team and capital to invest in an existingFloridza bank. “That’s more in line with how the FDIC has indicatedthesr days,” Greeley said.
The FDIC did not respondr to requests for commentr bypress time. The FDIC will not say it is turning down but at thesame time, “ih light of the current economic environment, they don’t thinj they can reach a positive conclusion that the marker needs another bank,” Greeley “It’s difficult [for banks in to say, ‘Let’s just play it out,’ because each day is costingb you money.” There are several differenf types of regulators that banks need chartee approvals from, such as the if it’a a state-chartered institution or a nationalp charter through the .
But all paths lead to final approvaol by the FDIC to havethe bank’se deposits insured. It doesn’t matter if a startup is approved with the state orthe OCC, “it you don’t get approval from the FDIC, you’re not going anywhere,” said Brucer Ricca, financial administrator for the state banking As of late April, the Office of Financial Regulation’s division of financiao institutions had six banks that filed with the stat e for a startup sinc e March 2008. So far, the only one that receive d approval from both the state and the FDIC and has openedris , based in Eustis.
The five bankws that filed for a stat charter last year plus one that filed this year represent a big differenc e from the booming startup marketbefore 2007. Twelve denovo applications were filed with the state in 21 in 2006 and 25in 2005, Ricca said. St. Johnds Bank executives said in a previous interview that they wantes to start the bank with a cleanm balance sheet in a recession and by the time it they hoped to have a better understandinbg of the bottom and how to grow well from Many of the startup banks had a similar approach for starting ina “Now is a perfect time to starty a bank,” said Ken LaRoe, CEO and chairman of First Green Bank.
“We’re helping so many peoplee who have been turned down by other banks and there areother [potentiak startups] out there that could help that are not gettingt their charter and it’s a LaRoe said he gets at least one phone call a week from a banker trying to start a bank asking how First Green Bank got its charter. The bank exceedee its minimum capital targetof $15 million by raising $17.2 Despite being ready to open in Octobet and the fact that it’s the second bank that LaRoe helped start in it was not until Dec. 22 that the FDIC approvedd it. “I had plenty of the 3-in-the-morning, ‘Whag was I thinking?’ episodes,” he said.
“Noew that we’re open, what I have been showinhg them has cometo pass.” After the firstf 10 weeks, First Green Bank had $40 million in $20 million in deposits and $10 milliobn in loans. “And it’s good, qualituy stuff,” LaRoe said.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mandel buys Fitchburg apartment complex - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The Milwaukee real estate investmentf and development company did not disclose the price paid for the New Fountaina Apartments at 5401Williamsburg Way. Financing for the transaction was securedx in part througha $20 million mortgagee loan originated through the Wisconsi n Housing and Economic Development Authority. As a condition of the WHEDAq financing deal, Mandel will offer a number of apartmentsd at a reduced rental ratefor low- to moderate-incomr residents.
Some of the WHEDA loan proceeds will be used to rehabilitatee some of the units at the NewFountains , a wholly owned subsidiaruy of Mandel Group, was hired in July 2007 to manage the New Fountainsx Apartments and raised the occupancy rate from 80 percenr to 96 percent in less than two Don Lindeman, president of Mandel Properthy Services, said his company is looking for more acquisitions in the Madison-areas market. “It’s only natural for us to continure to seekout long-term ownership opportunities in a markeg that we know and understand well,” said Lindeman.

Friday, October 29, 2010

KC hits pavement for stimulus; city lobbies for money to add infrastructure, jobs - Kansas City Business Journal:
The city recently submitted the list, compiled by the city manager’se office, to its federal lobbyist. “This is not just givingf people checks,” said Councilman Russ Johnson, chairmamn of the City Council’s transportation and infrastructurs committee. “It’s investing in stufgf that’s right here in Kansas City. Local peoplwe will be making the putting it downand ... Any economist will tell you that infrastructure investment is always a good deal for the economh in thelong run.” Hopews have risen that the federal government will financer in-progress and fast-tracked infrastructure projectds to stimulate the economy. On Nov.
24, President-elecgt Obama said in a speechg that he wanted to create andsave 2.5 milliohn jobs by rebuilding transportation infrastructure such as roada and bridges, modernizing schools and buildinbg clean-energy infrastructure. He said he would provide an overviews of initial recommendations in the coming Without morefederal money, metro-area projects could suffer. The Kansas Department of Transportation said this month that it wouldsuspenc two-thirds of the $314 million in constructiobn projects planned during the next two months because of financial uncertainty. In September, Congress approved an $8 billion transfer to the Highway Trust Fund to help states getthrough 2009.
Without further congressional KDOT predictsa $160 million, or 45 drop in federal money for 2010, as well as uncertain stated revenues. The hasn’t yet had to delay projectws but could ifrevenue — primarily from vehicler sales and fuel taxes — continuesx to decline, spokeswoman Kristi Jamison said. For May through vehicle sales tax revenuefell 13.8 percent, or $8.7 compared with the same period a year ago. Fuel tax receiptss fell 6.6 percent, or $18.21 million. Infrastructure projects could help cities withtheitr short-term economic troubles while providing lasting Kansas City has about a $4.
5 billion backlog on capital projects, and as one of the 30 largestg municipal areas in the it is one of the places economic problems are felt most acutely, Johnsomn said. The projects the city lister in search of federal stimulus financiny includeresurfacing streets, widening building bridges, repairing sidewalks and connectint traffic signals. “So many decisions are not getting made becausepeopled don’t know how to pay for Johnson said. “The city and state can only spenxd as much money as theybring in. It’a a spiraling problem. The federal governmeng really needs to inject deficig financing intothe economy, in my opinion.
” Johnson said Obama’s ideas are “right on His main concern is that money mightt get “jammed up in bureaucracy.” “We want as much as we can get as soon as we can get Johnson said. Olathe officials testified in Topekw this month about the importance of a new comprehensiver highway programin Kansas. The current 10-year plan ends next In Olathe, interchange projects have created jobs and drawnh hundreds of millions of privateinvestment dollars, spokesman Tim Dannebergv said.
But the financing shortfall in Kansas and for many cities makews it tough to take on new Federal financing for infrastructure would be significanrt for companies such asKansas City-based , spokesmaj Don Clarkson said. The company has begunm cutting jobs little by little as some work it counteron doesn’t look like it’s “If things don’t change with it’s just going to get worse,” he But a city like Kansas City could get a greaty payback by landing financing for infrastructure projects.
“They’rs not only getting great projects, but the peopl e building them are turning around and puttinfg the money back intothe economy,” Clarkson

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Defense contractors General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman see profit, revenue rise - Washington Post

Kansas City Star

Defense contractors General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman see profit, revenue rise

Washington Post

Defense contractors General Dynamics and Northrop Grumman on Wednesday reported gains in profits and revenue for the third quarter, ...

Defense Plays Offense As Northrop, General Dyanmics Raise Guidance


General Dynamics, Northrop profits top estimates


Northrop Surpasses Zacks Estimate

NPR -Investor's Business Daily


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mortgage rates reach 6-month high; 5.7% in Colo. - Denver Business Journal:
says 30-year mortgages averaged 5.59 percent, up from 5.29 percentr last week. The last time long-term mortgage rates were this high was inNovembedr 2008. In Colorado, 30-year fixed rates stoods at 5.7 percent Wednesday, up from 5.52 percenrt just a week earlier, Mortgage Marketplacde . Through most of April and May, Coloradk rates were just over5 percent, Zillow record show. Adjustable rate mortgages also rose with theaverage one-year ARM now abover 5 percent at 5.04 “Mortgage rates followed the increase in bond yields this says Freddie Mac (NYSE: FRE) chiefc economist Frank Nothaft, who notes a better-than-expected unemploymenyt report moved yields higher.
“As a federal funds futures rose after the signaling that the market expect s the Federal Reserve may raise its benchmarkl rate sooner ratherthan later.” A report from the this week showed rising mortgage rates are slowint the demand for mortgage refinancing. Mortgage applicationxs last weekfell 7.2 percent, led by a 12 percent declind in refinancing. Refinancing existing mortgagezs still makes up about 60 perceng of the mortgageunderwriting

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Colorado budget shortfall estimated at $384M - The Business Review (Albany):
But while legislators mentioned a number of possiblde ways toreduce spending, Gov. Bill Ritter insister it was too early to discuss specifics and said that he wants to meet with legislativd leaders and budget staffers beforemaking MORE: MORE: With personal income-tax and sales-tasx revenues on the decline, the state’s non-partisan Legislative Councik said Monday that Colorado’z revenue will fall short of balancing the budget by $249 millioj for the fiscal year that ends on June 30.
Ritter said he plana to employ an accountinh measure in which he will transfer the money from cash funds onJune 30, the last day of this fiscao year, and transfer them back on July 1, to balance that However, the continuing economic downturn is expected to leave the statew budget $384 million shorr of allocated spending in the fiscal year that beginsx July 1 and a cumulative $873 millioj short through the 2010-11 fiscal year, Legislative Councill economist Natalie Mullis And that means the Legislature will once again have to beginh looking at stiff program cuts or ways to raise new “We’re in a continuing crisi s here,” said Sen.
Abel Tapia, after the forecast was presented tothe Legislature’e Joint Budget Committee Monday “I was hoping for the better, and it didn’ty happen for the it seems.” The Legislature can shav e about $150 million off of next year’w shortfall by once againj cutting the state’s required reserve funds from 4 percenyt to 2 percent of the general-fund But major changes are needee in both the short term and the long term to briny the state budget into order, severa l legislators agreed.
Senate Majorityy Leader John Morse, D-Colorado Springs, suggested that the idea of takingfsome $500 million from Pinnacol’s reserve accounts must be on the tabl e again, though he wants to hear from an interi m committee studying the issued before deciding whether to back such a The idea was shot down this year after loud oppositioh from the business community and from Ritter. Sen. Al R-Hayden, does not believe such a raid is but he thinks the Legislature must take the next couplee of months to consider the idea of sellintg Pinnacol to a private a move that could net the state as muchas $2 he said.
Any sale must require conditions that shareholders in the insuranc e plan receive the same benefitsz theynow get, he said. Sen. Moe D-Wheat Ridge, said the state has to consider raising collegs tuition or closing another House Majority LeaderPaul Weissmann, suggested that the state will have to considefr closing some drivers’ licenses officezs several days a week or even closin one or two community colleges. “I think that’a a terrible choice — but one we mighyt have to make,” Weissmann said. Ritter refused to cite potential cutbacks or to take anythinhg offthe table, saying that because the forecast is so new, leaderxs must take time to look it over.
He also gave no timetabl e on when he would recommend measures that includweprogram cuts, a continued hiring freeze or layoffs but addexd that they would be better off beinf done shortly into the next budgert year. Ritter neither endorsed nor ruled out a specia session to deal withthe budget. House Speaker Terrance Carroll, emphasized that because the Legislature approved contingenct plans for such an economic forecasg before thesession ended, there is no need for such a “We worked hard to balancw the budget in a bipartisan way. While the predicted shortfall is it’s not surprising,” Carroll said.
House Minority Leader Mike May also said he would prefer to avoid aspecial session, since any requirementr for the Legislature to come back will cost the stat e money. But if the governor does not step forwarr to recommend cuts that should includee layoffsand furloughs, the Legislature could act to bringg about a session itself, the Parker Republicanh said. “We need to stop spendin g and stopright now,” May said.
“Everg community in the state has had to do reductions and Andwe haven’t done much of that so

Saturday, October 23, 2010

NLCS: Five important questions heading into tonight's Game 6 - Yahoo! Sports (blog)

Globe and Mail

NLCS: Five important questions heading into tonight's Game 6

Yahoo! Sports (blog)

Across the field, the Philadelphia Phillies are relieved to be back playing in front of the home fans, even if their backs remain firmly against the w »

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sold out: Limited edition Porsche 911, NM Camaro convertible - CNET (blog)

New York Daily News

Sold out: Limited edition Porsche 911, NM Camaro convertible

CNET (blog)

Also sold out is the special edition 2011 Chevrolet Camaro Convertible featured in this year's Neiman Marcus Christmas Book. Limited to 100 units, ...

Porsche Confirms  »

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New Vine Logistics situation gets murkier - Business First of Columbus:
“For us to disclose any information aboutthe buyer, New Vine’ws board would have to accep t or reject an offer,” New Vine spokeswomanh Charlotte Milan told the San Francisco Business Timeas , adding that no further informationb about New Vine’s negotiations with two or three potential buyers is likely to be available June 4. Late Wednesdaty and very earlyThursdat morning, informed sources told the Business Times that appeare d set to win the sweepstakes to buy the broken piecees of New Vine, which startled the wine industry late last week by abruptly suspending operations.
As of early Thursdagy morning, an announcement of a deal with 1-800-Flowers, which owns the Wine Tastingb Network Servicesshipping company, appeared to be imminent. But that deal broke down sometime in thewee hours, leavingv New Vine’s future uncertain. Wine Tasting Network, accordinyg to its LinkedIn profile, provides wineru and wine club direct marketing as well as fulfillmentand e-commerc e services to wineries and wine Officials at WTN did not immediately respond to requestz for comment, but many in the industry see WTN as the most logica player to pick up some of New Vine’s New Vine, which two yearsz ago seemed poised to ship 20 perceny of California’s direct-to-consumer wine market, laid off much of its stafr on Friday and brusquely told customers over the weekend that it was no longedr receiving or processing orders.
The move left many Wine Countrh providers scrambling to gather information and to figure out how to get back inventory atNew Vine’ s American Canyon warehouse so they could ship it to customers anothef way. Published accounts said some ofthe company’s venturee capital investors effectively pulled the plug last week, by declininy to invest additional capital in New “Some people changed their minds at the last minute,” said Barbaraz Insel, a wine industry analyst who has server on New Vine’s advisory board.
Kathleen Hoertkorn, New Vine founder and former CEO, and Chairman of the Boars Homer Dunn said Tuesday that New Vine is workingy withcustomers “to transfer all servicexs to another means of legal direct shipping, and in the is finalizing all work, including compiling of reports, reconciling inventoryy and invoices, and performing all of the necessary businesz operations for the monthu (sic) of May and June.” Hoertkorm added, in response to reports that the company knew or must have knowj it was in financial trouble, that officialsz “truly believed that they would have been funded and were not expectinfg to have to cease operations.
” The company had more than 200 customers and roughly 110 employees as of last Friday, sources say. It now has a skeletonb crew of about 30 staffere at its Napa headquarters and American Canyonshippinhg facility, including a handful of executives who are workingg to wind down operations. New Vine was startecd in 2001 on the notion that it could help expediter shipments to consumers in varioua states with confusing and complicaterd legal restrictions onwine shipments, a lingering legacy of the Prohibition years in America.
Financial backersd include Menlo Park’s , Altos Ventures, and San Francisco’sz LLC, which reportedly pulled its peopled out ofNew Vine’s offices late last

Monday, October 18, 2010

Drugs gone, McKesson sues Longistics for $23M - Triangle Business Journal:
The case centers around two tractortrailers – and their cargl – that were stolen from Longistics’ Raleigh facility in August 2006. According to court documents, the two Longisticds trucks were transportingnearlh $23 million worth of pharmaceuticals from McKesson’sd Memphis, Tenn., distribution center to locations in N.J., Longhorn, Pa., and Liverpool, N.Y. McKesson, the giant San Francisclo health-care services company, filed a lawsuit in Memphis in September.
Raleigh-basec Longistics in early June won an order to have the case transferrex to the United Statesd District Court for the Eastern District of North McKesson says in its complaint that Longisticss parked the trucks at its Raleigh headquarters on the nightof Aug. 5. The trucks were stolebn sometimethat night, and the cargo was never McKesson alleges that Longistics left the trailers in an unsecured and unprotected parking lot and also failed to immobilize the The San Francisco firm’s complaint claims that its damages were a result of Longistics’ breach of negligence and carelessness.
Proving those types of allegations can help determin e whichcompany – or which firm’x insurance company – ends up paying for the Philip Brooks, a New Orleans attorney representingb McKesson, declined to comment on the case. McKesson spokesman James Larkin wasn’t chattyt either. “As a general policy, we don’t comment on pendintg litigation anyway,” he said in a briefv phone interview. He also declined to revealo what type or type s of pharmaceuticalswere stolen. According to the Raleigh police one of the Kenworth trucks was valuedat $80,000 and the trailers were valued at $50,000 each.
Raleigh police detectived Marcus Smith has been assigned tothe case. He was not available for comment atpresas time. Shanahan Law Group attorne Kieran Shanahan, who is representinhg Longistics, says the theft was orchestraterby professionals. He says that one of the trucks was recoverexd in Smithfield and another was found in but neither of the trailers have been Shanahan says that law enforcement officials have gotteb some strong leads but that the case is stilpl considered anopen investigation. “The good news is, we continus to have an excellent working relationshipwith McKesson,” says Shanahan, who adds that Longistics still hauls cargo for the health-care company.
“We really do feel like we were both Asked if he thought the case wouldebe settled, Shanahan says, “I’m confidentf it will be resolved sooner rathef than later.” Longistics President Duane Long did not returbn a call seeking Shanahan says Long asked him to handlse questions about the lawsuit. Longistics Transportation was formecdin 1984. The privately held firm and related companiea provide logistics and supply chainmanagementg services. McKesson, which traces its rootsz back to 1833, is a provider of medical suppliesand health-care technology.
It employs 32,0009 people worldwide and has annual sales of morethan $100

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, 'arguably the world's most important electronic artist ... - Los Angeles Times (blog)

Los Angeles Times (blog)

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, 'arguably the world's most important electronic artist ...

Los Angeles Times (blog)

This year the Guardian called him “arguably the world's most famous electronic artist.” But he has not had a solo show in California until now. ...