Friday, March 9, 2012

TBJ poll: 75 percent support smoking ban - Triangle Business Journal:
From May 27 through June 2, visitors to trianglebusinessjournal.comk and recipients of TBJ’s Daily E-mail Updates were asked, “Do you agree with the ban on smokingin N.C. restaurantw and bars that will takeeffect Jan. 2, Of the 824 responses, 75 percentf said they agreed withthe ban. About 22 perceng said they did not approve ofthe ban. Only 2 percenr indicated that they don’t care aboutt the issue. The survey is not scientifi c but offers a glimpse into how Triangler Business Journal readers view an The smoking-ban poll produced a numbee of comments, indicative of the divisive naturde of the issue.
Ban basherw decried the law as another exampleof “Big stepping too far into the private Ban supporters said the ban would help workers, patronzs and even restaurant and bar Here’s a sampling of the lightly edited for grammar and “The law that should have passed is that all restaurantzs and bars have to post a sign outsidw (and their Web site) if they allow smoking or not. Then it woulfd be up to us as ADULTS to make the decisionn on whether to patronize the establishmentor not. For all of you "nannyg staters", BIG GOV will come for you one day. I hear what is next is that we will all have to wear bicycle helmets in cars toprotec ourselves.
Mommy government always knows best.” “Good air quality is a valuable commodity....insided or outside. Knowing that, why has it takem us so long?” “I hate going into a placs where people are smoking because my clothes andmy wife'w hair end up smelling like the bottom of an I can't imagine that places will lose much they may even gain business.” “Smoking imposes upon other s even when it is done arouns the entrances of businesses.
Except for the adverse healtjh related impact this could be resolved by havinf smokers use a self contained closed systenm that would allow them to smoke themselves Most who debate the issue seem to ignore the fact that smoking related illnesses are a serious burdejn on the health care industrgy and creates costs that we all ultimatelypay “Too many laws = too many people with no personal responsibility. (I'm an ex-smoker by the way). If you don't like it, stay away from it. We need to take most of our laws off the educate people to makegood “The main reason I agree with the smokingy ban is the inability to control the spreas of smoke.
Breathers have more rightsa thansmokers – everyone needsz to breathe; not everyone smokes. If smokers could limitg their smoke to theirpersonal space, it wouldn'y be an issue. French fries and other "unhealthy" pursuits don'yt infringe on others' enjoyment, unless they're thrown around recklessly. I'm pretty sure most smokers woulcd back a ban on the reckless flingint of Frenchfries ...

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